Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 559 Orangutan? monkey? (2-in-1)

The octopus hot air balloon is still shrinking, but it is not a big problem if it falls from this height. Just in case, Zhang Daye and Wendy teamed up to add a strengthening magic to the Amber.

Tuk~ swoosh...

The Amber landed safely on the sea, stirring up waves and everyone swaying on the deck for a while before regaining their balance.

"Finally back!" Jackie Chan cheered a little, "I feel more at ease here. I am always worried about falling off on an empty island."

Shark Chili agreed: "I miss the real ocean a little bit too."

Although floating islands in the sky sound impressive, once you actually live there, you realize that there are many things you are not used to.

"The change in the air is so obvious..." Wendy closed her eyes and raised her head. The subtle sea breeze made her feel very comfortable.

"If you drop rapidly from an island at an altitude of 10,000 meters to sea level, you may experience an oxygen-induced reaction. Please pay attention to prevent dizziness, fatigue, chest tightness and other symptoms. Misaka will give you a timely reminder."

But she was obviously over-worrying, as everyone was very lively and had no bad symptoms at all - except for Ye Yan who tried to pretend to be sick to get subsidies.

Ye Yan, who failed to cheat on subsidies, is busy again. He got a Sandia-style dress from someone before and is now designing wings.

His latest performance art, ‘The Fighting Sandians’, is scheduled to be unveiled at the end of this month.

Even busier than him was Tom. The originally huge octopus hot air balloon had now shrunk to the size of a basketball. It fell from the air and landed on Tom's head with a clatter.

Tom tried pulling with one hand, pulling with both hands, and shaking his head hard, but he couldn't pick off the octopus.

"It is indeed an evil sea demon. Do you want to help?" Artoria took out the sword again.

Tom shook his head like a rattle. He was afraid of being accidentally hurt.

The little octopus also shook his head. He just arrived in Qinghai and couldn't adapt to the environment, so he subconsciously held on to something without any intention of seeking death.

After understanding the situation, the little octopus quickly jumped off Tom's head, ran to the side of the ship and jumped into the sea, making a whining sound like a little milk dog on the way.

Zhang Da also smiled, opened the cages of the two Nannan birds, and prepared a small package for each of them to hang around their necks: "As promised, you will point us in the direction, and we will bring you back. What's inside is Some snacks and dried fruits are left for you to eat on the way. The Grand Line is very dangerous, so be careful on the way."

"Chirp" the two Nannan birds flapped their wings and flew away, still making strange calls when they said goodbye.

In fact, the two of them like this ship quite a lot, but it's a pity that it's too easy to fall to the bottom of the food chain if they stay on the ship. When they return to the original forest, they can at least command many insects and feel comfortable being the boss.

Zhang Da also clapped his hands: "Okay, let's take a rest first, and then go back to Alabasta as planned."

Weiwei has been away from Alabasta for more than a year. Although she occasionally appeared in newspapers with the Amber Tour Group, Zhang Da also felt that Weiwei, as the heir of a country, might not appear in the country for a long time. Something will go wrong.

"Okay~" Weiwei responded abruptly and happily ran back to her room with Karu - the repair Zhang Daye just said was not empty talk.

Every time there was bad weather and the Amber shook violently, things in the room would become messy and take a long time to sort out.

Especially the last time I took a ride on the Soaring Current, the Amber stood straight up and drove upwards. After arriving, the cabin seemed to have been robbed.

Fortunately, the kitchen uses a special dish rack with built-in fixing and shock-absorbing functions. Otherwise, if you walk down from the empty island, you don't know how many cups, plates, and bowls will be killed.

"We have to clean up again..." Perona frowned. Her room was filled with all kinds of stuffed bears. Even if she didn't go back, she could still imagine what a mess her room would be like.

Sister Misaka turned her face to one side and whispered:

"Misaka's room is very simple and there won't be any big problems. If someone asks for help, there is a 99.511% chance that they will agree to help. Du~ Misaka is too shy to speak directly, so she expresses her wishes tactfully."

"Really?" Perona grabbed Misaka's sister's hand, "Please help me, Misaka!"

"It's such a troublesome companion, but since you have said so, Misaka will help. Du~ Misaka said pretentiously and sighed helplessly, alas."

I can’t tell you are pretending at all, and this kid doesn’t even have an obvious change in tone of voice when he sighs...

Perona has become accustomed to Misaka's way of speaking: "Then go now, and I'll treat you to hot cocoa later, or I'll give you a 'gutai' next time."

Since Misaka is similar to herself, one is addicted to Kumasi and the other is addicted to Gutai, so Perona's attitude towards Misaka is somewhat special, probably because she has met the same kind of feeling.

"Misaka prefers black tea to hot cocoa. Also, in fact, Misaka has no special preference for Gutai's childish image. Du~ Misaka tries to hide her hobby with half-truths."

Perona was helpless: "Hey..."

It takes a little time to tidy up the cabin of the Amber, but it does not affect the navigation. Just leave someone outside to pay attention to the wind direction and watch the steering wheel.

As the nominal captain, Zhang Da also volunteered to take over this important task. As for his room, of course, it was left to Tom to clean up.

After all, it was Tom's room too.

Zhang Daye's choice was definitely not because he was too lazy to do housework, but for the sake of everyone's safety, without any selfish motives.

Everyone was busy with their own business, and Amber Heaving a sigh of relief, he survived today successfully.

According to Shark Pepper's estimation, although the location where they landed on the sky island cannot be directly determined, it should not be too far from Alabasta. If you sail slowly and leisurely, five to seven days will be enough.

Of course, the time on the road was not in vain. Everyone was enthusiastically paying attention to Misaka's Devil Fruit abilities, and took her to do quite scientific tests, such as swimming, electric fish and... water fights?

In short, after "scientific" testing, everyone found that Misaka was different from ordinary ability users. She was not that afraid of water.

Sister Misaka can still use her abilities even if she sinks into the sea, but she can't elementalize her. This is the same as the previous Sea Tower Stone test result.

Perona and Weiwei were almost crying with envy at this: "Why? Everyone is obviously a person with abilities, so why is Misaka the only one not afraid of the sea water?"

Zhang Da also came up with a bad idea: "If you're jealous, how about I tie you up with a rope and soak you in the sea water for a few hours every day, and you try to do some adaptive training?"



Zhang Da also felt that he had been unfairly evaluated.

In fact, Misaka is not completely afraid of the sea water. At least she still has some difficulty in swimming.

However, Misaka said that she could find a way to create an electromagnetic shield and electrolyze a small part of the seawater around her body as quickly as possible, forming a short-term waterless area, so that the restraint effect would temporarily disappear. Then use a technique similar to the moon step to step on the water below to escape from the sea and achieve self-rescue.

The disadvantage is that in addition to oxygen and explosive hydrogen, electrolysis of seawater will also produce toxic chlorine, which needs to be paid attention to during practical application.

In addition, she has not yet learned the moon step, and the method of discharge also requires her to think slowly until she can sum up a 'formula'.

Zhang Da is also familiar with the word 'formula', because Misaka told him that in addition to unconscious misuse of abilities, most of Academy City's superpowers need to apply their own abilities when using various moves. formula.

The electric shock user has an electromagnetic formula, and the space ability has a space system formula. How many moves an ability user has mastered that can be precisely controlled basically depends on how many formulas he can skillfully use...

If you want to temporarily develop an ability during battle, you have to derive a new formula while fighting, and then perform calculations.

And Misaka's current situation is different from the ability users in Academy City, because she possesses some of the characteristics that only the "original stone" has, and is even more superior than the original stone.

She can give up calculation and rely solely on instinct to use thunder and lightning as she pleases. She will not be unable to activate her abilities due to insufficient calculation ability.

In other words, compared with the espers in Academy City, Misaka can use moves that are beyond the corresponding level of her calculation ability; compared with the espers in the Pirate World, Misaka can control her abilities more precisely and better. .

At present, her biggest shortcoming is that she is not strong enough in physical strength. Although her biological age is four or five years older than Weiwei, her actual physical fitness is still worse than that of Weiwei who has been traveling with the Amber Tour Group for more than a year. Much more.

In addition to exercising more, Zhang Da also gave advice on eating more meat, especially Neptune meat.

The Neptune type said it was great.

In addition, Zhang Da also suggested to Misaka that she try to 'see' people through electromagnetic waves. The thunder fruit and the sight color are a perfect match, but even without the sight color, you can still feel and observe electromagnetic waves.

This is the third day after coming down from the sky island. This morning it was Weiwei's turn to be a lookout - observing sea conditions and providing early warning of enemy situations. Weiwei likes this kind of job that can help everyone.

"There is a heavy fog area ahead, but you can vaguely see an island." Weiwei informed everyone through the radio as soon as she discovered the abnormality.

"Roger it!" Zhang Daye didn't need to say anything, Perona had already sent her negative ghost to explore the way.

"In the foggy area, there are also small islands. Isn't this the Devil's Triangle sea area? Are the empty islands floating so far away?" Zhang Da was also a little puzzled.

They have been sailing according to the permanent pointer of Alabasta, and the empty island will not drift past the Long Ring Island, the Seven Waters Capital, and the Devil's Triangle, right? This is nearly half of the paradise.

Perona could share the view with the little ghost and quickly received feedback: "It's a very desolate island, but there is a castle on it!"

Perona was very happy, she loved the castle the most.

Zhang Da also said: "Don't just look at the castle. Have you seen anyone? Are there any other buildings?"

Perona subconsciously made a lookout gesture: "It's all a large forest and a large area of ​​ruins. No one was seen."

She was a little disappointed. Even if there was a castle on the deserted island, it would be dirty and dilapidated inside.

This is probably some unlucky little country. After being captured by pirates, it was looted and maybe even wantonly destroyed. Some bad people destroyed it simply for the sake of destruction.

Zhang Da also guessed this and said, "It doesn't matter if there is no one around. Let's go and replenish some ingredients."

The Amber sailed into the foggy area and found that the fog here was not as strong as expected, and the visibility was much stronger than in the Devil's Triangle.

The island is filled with mist, and from time to time there are roars of beasts and the sound of birds flying. It looks a bit eerie under the dim light.

Everyone found a suitable place to park the boat and go ashore. The shadow of the castle could be seen in the distance from the shore.

Zhang Da also glanced at the nervous Perona: "Don't you like this kind of dark castle the most? Why are you so afraid of it?"

"Who is scared?" Perona retorted subconsciously, "And even if you like dark castles, you can't be completely devoid of people."

Weiwei was very interested: "Brother Tatsuya, can you go exploring in the forest?"

Kalu clung to Weiwei. He refused in his heart, but he had to follow Weiwei if she wanted to go. The cute running duck showed an expression of resignation.

Zhang Da also said: "Wait a minute, let's go to that castle and have a look. Maybe there is someone inside, but Perona didn't see it."

The group walked through the forest, and Tom had already taken out his spear and was ready to hunt, but there was no wild beast to provoke.

After leaving the forest, I saw a large area of ​​ruins. It looked a bit old, and there were a lot of broken bricks and tiles, as if several streets had been demolished.

Uncle Long walked over, put on his gloves and picked up a broken brick, walked to the other side, compared it, and said:

"Maybe there are really people here. At least these ruins have been deliberately cleaned and piled together, and the time between the cleaning and the destruction of the buildings should not be short."

Wendy admired: "Uncle Long is so amazing, he can find clues so quickly!"

"Haha, it's actually very easy, as long as..." Uncle Long talked about a lot of his observation methods, and Zhang Da also thought he was watching Detective Conan.

Zhang Da also said: "Since there is someone here, let's go say hello and see if the person living here is a friend or a bounty."

Everyone walked around the ruins and continued towards the castle, and soon saw... a vegetable patch.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. The front of such a large castle was not a garden, a fountain, or a pool, but a vegetable patch?

There's something wrong with the style of painting.

Just when Zhang Daye knelt down to take a closer look, a black shadow rushed towards him and struck Zhang Daye directly on top of his head with a sword!

Zhang Da also calmly let go of the sword and kicked the intruder back.

At this time, dozens of figures holding weapons rushed out from the same direction.

After seeing the faces of these guys clearly, everyone was stunned: "Monkey? Orangutan?"

Zhang Daye corrected: "It's... a baboon."

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