Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 585 Are you serious?

"Are you leaving?" Even though he knew that this day would come soon, Kobra was still a little reluctant to let go of his daughter.

Weiwei hugged Kobra: "I will be back soon!"

Binz asked with some confusion: "Mr. Tatsuya, are you sure that I really have a friend named 'Ain'? I have lost a memory?"

"Maybe I remembered it wrong?" Zhang Daye said, "Didn't you contact Mr. Zefa?"

"Yes, but Teacher Zefa doesn't remember this person at all." Binz said, "Even if I was possessed by some ability user, Teacher Zefa should not..."

"Maybe, it's also possible that I was tricked and a memory was implanted." Zhang Da didn't want Binz to get involved in this matter. He just wanted to stay in this tree. "Anyway, we will find out. It’s something.”

Jinbei was also giving lectures to his group of temporary students: "Any taijutsu requires long-term practice in order to exert its maximum power. Everyone, I have taught you the most important things in fish-man karate. Please continue to work hard!"

"Thank you Mr. Jinbei!"

The other fishmen had already greeted their human friends, and Otohime also said goodbye to Kobra as a messenger.

"I hope we can continue to cooperate."

"Me too." Cobra paused and said, "Then, as a father, Weiwei will take care of you."

The voyage was rapid because the Amber was pulled along.

The giant eel of Ryugu Kingdom carried their boat, and the stern of the boat was connected to the Amber with a rope.

Compared with the big ships of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, the power pulling the Amber seems insignificant.

Princess Otohime invited everyone to play on their big ship several times, but everyone basically refused because Wendy couldn't get on.

If she wanted to go, she would need Zhang Daye to add a magic Troia to assist her in balancing, and it might become ineffective if she wasn't careful.

With that kind of uneasy feeling, Wendy felt that even if she went, she couldn't let go, so she chose to stay, only encouraging others to go and staying behind.

Overall, it was very comfortable to travel with Princess Otohime and the others, because there was almost no need to worry about the sails during the whole journey, and since everyone was following the permanent pointer of Fishman Island, there was no need to worry about the rudder.

In addition, there are many things to do when there are many people. When you are bored during the voyage, you can go to the fish people to play games or fight.

The most powerful one is of course Tom, who competes with the fishman in a swimming competition, and the bet for each round is a fish.

As the fastest swimming race in the world, fish people and mermaids have their own arrogance. They competed with a cat: "Isn't this bullying?"

Zhang Da also spoke for Tom: "It doesn't matter, just compete. I'll pay for Tom's bet. If you don't want the fish, you can change it to something else."

The fish people agreed, just for fun.

Then Tom didn't need to catch fish himself if he wanted to eat fish along the way.

"Isn't this bullying?" After the game, the fish people's feelings seemed to be the same as before the game, but they seemed to be different.

The journey back to Shampoo Land went smoothly. On a sunny afternoon, everyone saw the Yarchman mangroves in the distance.

The fish people have mixed emotions. They love and hate this island. It is a place they have longed for since childhood, and a place they have been afraid of since childhood.

It is said that the illegal zone here and the human traffickers they hate have been dealt with, but I don't know whether it is true or not.

When I went to Alabasta, I used bubble wrap and didn't surface at all. But when I returned, I had to come to this island to re-coat it.

According to the original plan, they should stay in an inconspicuous place, have the boatmen who came with the ship complete the coating, and then go back in a low-key manner.

But Zhang Da also said that he could take them to the shipyard for coating, which would make the work more convenient. With the help of other shipwrights, the progress would be faster.

Jinbei nodded to Princess Otohime and said that he could go. If any human trafficker could kidnap a fishman under his nose, then Jinbei felt that he, the Shichibukai, might as well not do it.

"Uncle Goodman, we are back!"

The Amber entered the 59GR dock first, and Zhang Da also stood on the bow of the ship to greet acquaintances on the shore.

However, many people's eyes were directly attracted to the large ship of the Dragon Palace Kingdom behind, causing a little confusion.

"Hey, does that ship have Dragon Palace Kingdom written on it?"

"I thought it was my eyesight. Isn't that person Jinbei of the Shichibukai?"

"This is really a ship from Fish-Man Island!"

"Why is Jinbei here?!"

I was the one who brought Jinbe here. Zhang Daye originally wanted to say this, but it felt a bit strange.

And he doesn't seem to have enough presence right now, so let's just leave it to Jinbe and the others.

"Excuse me for disturbing you all, I am Princess Otohime of Ryugu Kingdom. I took the liberty of coming here just to coat the ship." Compared to the nervous murlocs, Princess Otohime didn't show any stage fright at all and introduced her openly. His purpose of coming, "This Mr. Jinbei is here to escort us. There is absolutely no malicious intention. Please rest assured!"

"She is the princess of the Ryugu Kingdom!" There was a sensation among the boatmen, but they didn't know if they were infected by Princess Otohime's sincerity. The fear they had towards Jinbe just now disappeared.

Otohime continued: "In addition, Mr. Tatsuya thinks that you are excellent boatmen who are trustworthy, so he brought us here specially. If possible, please leave the coating matter."

Only then did everyone, like Goodman, realize the existence of the Amber Tour Group.

Brother Tatsuya, ah no, Mr. Tatsuya, does he actually recognize our technology so much?

I coated the ship of the Ryugu Kingdom on Fishman Island, and met the princess of the Ryugu Kingdom and Jinbe of the Shichibukai at the same time. I feel like this can last for many years!

The boatmen had similar ideas, and they accepted the order!

But Goodman was different. At first he was happy to see Jang Tatsuya and the others again, but then he was shocked by the identity of Princess Otohime.

Goodman vaguely remembered that Brother Tatsuya had said that he had the opportunity to introduce fish-men friends to him, but...

That was what was said at the wine table! What I said at the time was all bragging, so I thought what you said was also bragging, but you turned out to be serious!

Then there are big figures like the princess, prince, and Shichibukai!

Goodman was in a complicated mood. How could he happily drink and brag from now on?

Eh, no, today’s matter seems to be material in itself, right?

Zhang Da also didn't expect that a middle-aged uncle with a somewhat rugged figure and appearance would have such endless thoughts in his heart.

But no matter how many thoughts Goodman had, he only said the briefest sentence in the end: "Welcome back!"

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