Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 808 The chess game is over

Tom was in trouble.

When the opponent's queen brings a knight in shining armor who is good at swordsmanship and can serve as a guard, it will be difficult for Tom to handle.

His only remaining chess pieces are the chariot, the queen, the knight and the king.

Tom wanted to try to storm the king, but Carew adopted a turtle formation.

The king, queen, and chariot came together and slowly approached the king on Tom's side.

Although they had the upper hand, Tom remembered that the morale of the team led by Artoria would be very high and it would become very difficult to fight.

Then you can only consider getting new chess pieces.

First, he took the initiative to put the queen into crisis and summoned the knight. Tom's eyes swept to the sidelines.

Rui Mengmeng was found in full armor. The counterpart to the knight in silver armor should be the knight in black armor.

So can Rui Mengmeng quickly come on the scene to help the queen resolve the crisis, defeat Artoria or assassinate the king?

Tom only knew that Rui Mengmeng was very tough, but in this game, as long as he was stabbed in the vital part, he would lose. No matter how strong his defense was, it was useless.

It seems not very certain to rely on Rui Mengmeng's dexterity and agility to win.

So sacrifice the knight to summon the princess?

Tom looked at Perona. Perona's eyes were wandering, and her feet were moving away in small steps, as if the person who had just actively challenged her was not her.

In this case, the only thing left is to try the chariot. If Ye Yan can win, there may be some good ideas.

Tom had a brainstorm and everyone saw what he was thinking.

Perona looked at the red cross drawn on her head in Tom's imagination, and wanted to refute but did not dare to speak out.

Ye Yan was already lost in thought, what should he do in this situation.

Having made up his mind, Tom waved his hand and the chariot soldiers charged forward - General!

The general itself is of little use, since there are people around it anyway, but Carew has to let the king move, because if a double general is formed and not removed, the opponent can let two chess pieces enter the king's grid at the same time in the next round.

Carew doesn't want to take risks in a game that can be won by playing steadily.

After a battle of wits between Carew and Tom, the Knight in Shining Armor eliminated Tom's chariot.

Tom entered the lottery that he loved to see, and was lucky enough to win... Zhang Daye, who was stronger than Ye Yan.

"The chariot overturned, and the survivors in the vehicle turned to fighting on foot. However, the survivors on Tom's side have been sent off, and it is judged that there are no survivors. Du~ Misaka made the verdict."

Tom tilted his head, "What does it mean to have no life? Where is my new chess piece?"

"No survivors means there are no survivors, so there are no survivors. Du~ Misaka explained this."

Tom looked at Zhang Daye aggrievedly.

Zhang Da could only spread his hands and said that there was nothing he could do. Accept your fate, Tom. The luckiest among us was assigned to the opposite side.

Tom had no choice but to continue the game, and finally survived until the black-armored knight Rui Mengmeng appeared.

The knight and queen in black armor fight against the knight and queen in silver armor, and a fierce battle is about to break out.

After two years of hard training and many battles, Rui Mengmeng finally gained the confidence to fight Artoria.

Arturia deliberately stopped the wind barrier, letting the long sword reveal its true colors, and started fighting Rui Mengmeng with open swords and guns.

Although the strength of both sides was limited and the fighting space was very small, the two men still contributed to a very exciting swordsmanship duel.

The small square on the chessboard was under pressure that it should not bear, and the two queens on the same square as them were so panicked that they didn't know where to hide.

When Misaka announced the timeout, the silver blade and the jet black blade collided in the final move.

Strong winds blew, sand and soil flew, the square grid turned into a circular pit, and the two queens flew out of the grid.

"Ah, it's a foul!" Rui Mengmeng was a little panicked, "You won't get a black whistle, right?"

Fortunately, Artoria's nationality was inconsistent and no strange rules were triggered.

The two of them only had to leave the game because of fouls and their protection goals were eliminated at the same time.

Tom counted on his fingers and found that he only had the knights and the 'Princess Mononoke' in the preparation area, while Karu also had the chariot and the 'survivors' in the preparation area.

After looking at Perona who suddenly felt like she was okay again, Tom raised the white flag.


Tom smacked his lips and shook his head. Even cats know that Ye Yan is your nemesis.

"At the end of the game, since player Tom abstained, player Carew won the first Amber Cup Chess Competition."

"Qua~" Karu raised his wings proudly.


Cheers and applause rang out in time - Zhang Daye and Ye Yan had already prepared the atmosphere group, and more than two hundred flag demons cheered for Kalu.

Zeus and Hera even struck a few thunders in coordination, and Prometheus set off a few firework fireworks.

Napoleon felt very uncomfortable. Everyone is at the same level. Am I the only one who has no talent? Why don't you peel an apple for Karu later?

Misaka is a qualified referee and has not forgotten to take care of the emotions of other participants: "At the same time, we also want to thank player Tom and the 'chess pieces' for their heroic battle. Please give them applause. So~ Misaka appeals."


The competition ended with a round of applause, and Zhang Daye, the organizer and sponsor, stepped forward to present the prize to the winner.

The reward for Karu was a gold medal, a real gold medal.

The rewards given to the flag monsters are bonuses calculated according to pre-agreed standards, and the flag monsters on the losing side also receive participation prizes.

They can go out and spend money at any time during their vacation.

He even held a lottery session and selected ten lucky people in the atmosphere group to give out bonuses.

The response from the flag demons was very enthusiastic, and they strongly recommended that more activities like this be held, and some people wanted to sign up to become special chess pieces.

As for the rewards and punishments for the non-flag demon group, it is not just a simple Bailey.

Misaka announced that in addition to having their pocket money in Nanshan Town controlled by the opponent this time, the losing party would also have to carry the opponent on their back the last few kilometers to Nanshan Town.

Perona, Wendy, and Rui Mengmeng all breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not a severe punishment, and the people they had to carry were easy to carry.

Especially Wendy, if Xia Lulu turns into a cat, it will be no different from usual.

The Shark Chili is okay. Carrying Uncle Long is easy for him. At most, the posture is a little uncomfortable.

The most uncomfortable person was Zhang Daye. He pointed at Ye Yan with a mean smile on his face: "You want me to carry this thing on my back?"

Misaka nodded.

Zhang Da also had a look of disgust on his face. It was not difficult to carry someone on his back. The problem was who to carry. If he had known that Misaka would impose such a punishment, he would have made up a different identity.

At first, he chose the opponent just to defeat Ye Yan in a reasonable way, but now he got into trouble.

"By the way, can we exchange it with each other? I'll apply with..."

"No. Du~ Misaka pretends to be selfless in order to get revenge for being knocked on the head for a trivial matter."

How could this kid hold a grudge...

Zhang Da also looked at Misaka helplessly: "Let's learn something good..."

I'm accompanying you in the hospital today, so I took the time to write some. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be. I'm sorry.

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