Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 814 Where does the sense of superiority come from?

The other party did not mention the reason why they specially captured prisoners and transported them back to China, and Sui Feng'er naturally didn't hear them either.

However, according to Artoria's analysis, there are only a few uses.

Either to obtain a group of free labor, or to increase the bargaining chips between the two countries.

There is also a worse possibility, which is to be sold as a slave.

There are no rules about preferential treatment of prisoners here. If you are captured during a battle, you are at the mercy of the other party. It is the other party's freedom to kill or sell them.

"Nalanga's father..." Wendy had a look of unbearability on her face, "If he is sold, will he not be found?"

Uncle Long comforted him: "It's just a possibility. We have to look for it to be sure."

Weiwei asked: "What should we do?"

Ye Yan said: "Didn't Sui Feng'er say that Gambo's army will take action soon, and then the transport team following them will know where the prisoners have been transported."

"Leave this to Suifeng'er and let him pick a few flag demons to be his helpers." Zhang Daye said,

"We will find a port in Gambo to land early tomorrow morning. Just treat it as an ordinary sightseeing and see if we can find anything."

I didn’t expect that just dropping a letter to someone on the way would cause such trouble.

But everyone didn't care. Anyway, they were going to Gambo Kingdom to investigate the news about Germa.

There is also a gold card waiting for them to spend.

Early the next morning, everyone set off as planned. The Amber was driven over by the flag demons last night and could now go directly to the port.

The weather today was not very good, the sky was overcast, and Zhang Da, who got up early to exercise, didn't even see the sunrise.

"Tom, your canned fish."

Zhang Da also threw the canned fish he just picked up to Tom for breakfast.

Tom accepted happily and wanted to share it with Xia Lulu, but her taste was different from Tom's and she didn't want to eat fish so early in the morning.

On the contrary, Artoria was somewhat interested in the food from another world that Zhang Daye obtained.

After breakfast, everyone paid the entry fee according to the procedures for ordinary travelers.

Although the person in charge of the port was at a loss after recognizing them, Zhang Da was also familiar with this business.

Zhang Da also kindly reminded him that he can report it to the superior before making a decision. We are not dangerous elements such as pirates.

It took a little time to go through the formalities. After becoming so famous, it was more troublesome than ordinary people to do ordinary things.

Ye Yan said he wanted to catch up on some sleep and take Zeus to find them later, so he didn't go with him.

Others were walking around the port city of Gambo while asking about Tezzolo.

According to Ma Laowu's description, the port in De Arena is much simpler than here, and this place is almost comparable to the royal capital in De Arena.

The statement that Gambo Kingdom is richer than De Arena is indeed true.

"Brother, would you like to try some apples?" An aunt looked at them like outsiders and took the initiative to solicit business.

"This is an apple grown in the mountains of the south. Although it doesn't look good, it tastes very sweet. You can't buy it elsewhere~"

The chief ingredient taster of Amber Tours stepped forward to cut one open and taste it, showing a hint of surprise, and then immediately recommended that everyone give it a try.

Zhang Da also knew how it tasted just by looking at her. He picked up an ugly apple and looked at it in his hand, but asked about an unrelated topic:

"Have you heard anything about Gulan Tezoro recently? It's the entertainment city that's coming here."

The aunt frowned and said in a long voice: "Have you heard of it~ or haven't you heard of it?"

"I want all the apples here."

"Of course I've heard of it!"

The aunt suddenly became more eloquent and wanted to tell everything she knew clearly.

“That was a few months ago, and a bunch of weirdos suddenly showed up here.

Some of them were holding gold canes, some were wearing gold hats, and some were wearing armor made entirely of gold, with gold rings covering both hands...

It's as if they are afraid that others will not know that they are rich. "

The aunt's tone contained three parts of reminiscence, three parts of disdain, three parts of contempt, and ninety-one parts of longing.

"This is where they landed, and they immediately encountered robbers, but the robbers were defeated in just a few seconds. They were no match for them."

Zhang Da also felt that this must be Tezzolo or a few of his cadres. Ordinary thieves are definitely no match for this group of people.

"and after?"

"Then they went to the Royal Capital and heard that many bandits, robbers, and thieves were caught on the road. Some pirates attacked their ship, but it was sunk immediately."

"Since they left, even the security in the neighborhood has improved a lot."

Zhang Da also remembered that after he came back from Fish-Man Island, he carried a golden folding stool and beat people everywhere.

But he was fishing on purpose. People like Tezzolo might be so flamboyant to begin with, or they might be trying to show off their strength and establish prestige.

"Do you know what they are doing in the capital?"

"Of course they were doing business. I heard that the king personally received them, and then a luxurious casino was built in the royal capital, and then in the cities around the royal capital."

"Later I heard that they were big shots who could talk to the Celestial Dragons. It was amazing."

"That's right, Gulan Tezzolo will be stopping nearby next month, saying it will be a trial opening. There will be many big shots coming then. I really want to go up there and see the world!"

Zhang Da also asked: "Excuse me, when will you come and when will you leave?"

"Should we stay for at least a month?"

The aunt glanced at Zhang Daye and the others, but couldn't recognize who these people were. She was one of those people who didn't pay much attention to the news. She always felt that what happened to the world had nothing to do with her, and she just lived an ordinary life anyway.

"You probably came here because you wanted to go up there and broaden your horizons, right? This may be a bit difficult." The aunt said with an expression that saw everything through, "Only those who have obtained the gold card are allowed to go up, so don't think about it."

Perona was unconvinced and wanted to refute, but was controlled by Uncle Long's slap on the head, turning her face away and saying nothing.

"Even if it's not easy to get up there, it's nice to be able to see the big scene from a distance." Zhang Da also naturally brought the topic to the aspects he cared about.

"In this case, we will have to stay here for more than twenty days, but I heard that De Arena is fighting with Gambo recently. Isn't it unsafe?"

"Don't worry about D'Irena or anything." The aunt waved her hand with a look of disgust on her face.

"It's just a group of poor people who can't afford to eat and want to come here to grab something. There's nothing to be afraid of. In the past, they could be sent away by just giving them some money."

Why do you have such a sense of superiority despite being defeated year after year and even having to pay protection fees to others?

Zhang Da also expressed his incomprehension. Did they misjudge your wealth?

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