Pirates: The wages are in place and the Yonko will be kicked out.

Chapter 309 Porusalino: The man who defeated three pirate emperors!

Whether before or after Porusalino crossed over, the establishment of a country requires political evolution, economic development and cultural accumulation. This is a long process, during which there will also be political exchanges with other neighboring countries, trade circulation and cultural exchange. Therefore, even with the power of the ancient weapon "King of Heaven" Ouranos, the World Government can only destroy the huge kingdom itself, but cannot instantly erase all traces of its existence.

Therefore, in the next 800 years, the World Government will always regard erasing the traces of the existence of the huge kingdom as a long-term and important task, and will continue to arrange people to carry out it.

The survivors of the huge kingdom and the wise men within may not necessarily have foreseen the very specific situations that the world government will take in the future, but they have also taken corresponding countermeasures - such as being unable to use conventional Their deeds are recorded in the historical text that they destroyed and modified using various methods. Whether it is inspiration, encouragement or guidance, in short, these people have placed great expectations on future generations who can interpret the historical text.

However, even in peacetime, there will be "doves" and "hawks" within a country, not to mention such critical moments when a huge kingdom is about to be destroyed or has been destroyed - so, except for those who have left behind The moderates who lost the historical text, and some radicals within the huge kingdom also left behind their countermeasures.

That’s right, it’s a weapon. It’s the Nemesis “Erioneus” discovered by Porusalino and Major General Fina in the Devil’s Triangle. This terrifying weapon has a similar design to the extremely evil battleship “Pluto”. Weapons, due to different strategic objectives, are not "sister ships", nor can they be considered the same series.

After all, although "Pluto" is also known as an ancient weapon capable of destroying the world, it is itself a battleship, and the goddess of revenge "Erioneus" abandoned her firepower in order to achieve the purpose of revenge and counterattack. Everything else is an ultimate fort in the shape of a battleship.

That's why Porusalino and Rear Admiral Fina couldn't find the entrance to the battleship, and even if they entered its interior, they couldn't find any space or living facilities such as cabins.

Of course, as described on the stone tablet, due to the tight construction time and critical situation, this "Enemesis Erinyes" was not completed - it lacked the two most critical things of a fort, Dedicated energy source, or ammunition, and cooling system to ensure its destructive power.

And these two things...

After the war in the new world began, after Sakaski figured out the key to the problem, Major General Fina quickly conveyed the good news to Porusalino - the ultimate humanoid cooling system Kuzan brought as "Eri" The power rock of "Neus" ammunition has boarded the Sky Fortress "Terror Barque"!

The target for the test firing has also been selected! Powerful and generous cute multi-teacher!

Time returned to the present, and Porusalino came back from his thoughts - the Erinyes that he and Fina had moved away, or the Armstrong spin that was deployed on the Sky Fortress "Terror Barque" The accelerated jet Armstrong cannon, the attack that used power rock as ammunition, and the magma that Sakaski deliberately aroused from one of the three Endpoints in the New World. The destruction they caused together has never been seen to this day. Can calm down.

And the lovely teacher who is at the core of this destructive force...

Porusalino believed that no matter how powerful he was, no matter how immortal he was, he would probably only have one breath left.


"Shall we disband? Or do we want to play two more games? Or do we want to go collect Mr. Kaido's body together?"

Porusalino turned around and said with a smile - although he enjoyed being able to enjoy the big scene that he created from the front, a real man never looks at an explosion with a face!

Fraser and Shanks heard this and looked at Whitebeard, who raised his eyebrows:

"What? Flash kid, haven't you lost enough yet?"

"You're kidding, I'm super brave, okay?"

As the four Porusalinos reached a consensus at the card table, the frontal battlefield suddenly stopped in this new world war that shook the world. The news that Kaido, the governor of the Beast Pirates and one of the four pirate emperors, was killed by Admiral Porusalino also spread like wildfire.

Even the world government cannot block information about this war that has affected the entire New World. Therefore, whether it is the navy's defeat in the early stage, the stalemate between the two sides in the mid-term, or the sudden victory in the later stage, a lot of news has reached people's ears from various channels.

Coupled with the unremitting efforts of Morgans and other news practitioners to hype up the situation, many people all over the world felt as if they were on the front line and knew the situation and situation there very well.

But as the saying goes, once the news spreads to ten, if it spreads to a hundred, three people can become a tiger - in the process of spreading the news, the heavyweight sailor Porosalino defeated Dressrosa yesterday, and today he can become a tiger. Admiral Kizaru defeated the Yonko.

The world government is forced to have no choice but to send out CP9 to warn those media giants who condone and exacerbate the spread of rumors - guess what? Hey! The Navy has reported the latest and accurate information!

At first glance when the five old stars looked at the information, everyone was dumbfounded. Has the Navy turned into a media that makes big news? On the front of the information, it says that Porusalino faced Whitebeard and other three pirate emperors, and they tied. ; The back of the information states that while Porusalino faced the three pirate emperors, he killed the fourth pirate emperor "Hundred Beasts" Kaido.

The preface does not match the postscript! Contradictory! How could it be a draw and a kill again...

Oh, we tied with Whitebeard and the others when playing cards, and killed Kaido during the fight.

What? play cards? !

In short, after confirming that the intelligence returned by the Navy was true, the Five Old Stars immediately mobilized the World Government's public relations personnel and cooperated with the Navy's deception team to publicize the Navy's results to the world.

The world's strongest pirate group, which had been entrenched in the New World for decades, united, but were defeated by the navy in a head-on collision. Even Kaido, one of the four pirate emperors, was defeated in a head-on collision. They were all killed—rounding it up, you win!

Of course, careful people and intelligence analysts from major forces also immediately discovered the fishiness in the battle report released by the World Government.

For example, how Admiral Porusalino killed "Hundred Beasts" Kaido, and why the other three pirate emperors were invisible from the beginning to the end - they were not mentioned in the news released by the World Government.

In the past, the world government would have liked to have the media personnel under their control describe every second of the battle as if they were writing a novel - and the pirates must be blown to death to highlight it. They are powerful, because in this way, the world government as the winner will appear even more amazing.

However, the battle report released by the World Government this time is just a large and empty thing. The second of the three disasters of the Beast Pirates and the death of "Hundred Beasts" Kaido himself are all in one sentence. skip.

This is of course - it is impossible for the world government to tell the people that "Pandemic" Quinn, the leader of the Beast Pirates, was killed in the process of seizing the Power Rock, and the so-called Pirate Emperor died in the battle Kaido's survival has not been tested at all.

"Huh, I have to be lucky that these guys didn't dig up the inside story, otherwise the situation would have been much more troublesome."

In the Marine Fortress Building of Marine Headquarters, in the Marshal's Office on the top floor, Marshal Sengoku held a corner of an unknown tabloid and read an article carefully - compared to those very influential newspapers, Sengoku Marshal The marshal is more willing to read these tabloids that are serious about their content. He believes that the news and opinions published in these newspapers are more valuable to him.

Hearing the Warring States Marshal's soliloquy, Porusalino, who was tinkering with the green plants in the Marshal's office, raised his lips: "Do you want me to make the news bigger next time?"

"Do you want to make it bigger?!"

The Warring States Marshal turned his head, blowing his beard angrily and glaring: "Do you know how much effort I put into explaining to the Five Old Stars that you were playing cards with Whitebeard and the others on the battlefield? Do you know the secrets I used to hide you? Weapons, how many of your abilities have been programmed into them?!"

After finishing speaking, the Warring States Marshal rolled his eyes again: "It's already hard enough to compile these things for you, but you actually haven't won at cards yet? Where are the ultimate card skills that you promised to hone in Marineland? Co-authored You would usually be cruel to our own people, right?"

"You can't blame me for this, Marshal of the Warring States Period,"

Porusalino put on an aggrieved look, "Whitebeard's knowledge-killing blocked my knowledge-color domineering, Frazier, a young man, peeked at my cards and made secret gestures - the most abominable red Fa, he also used the excuse of not being familiar with the rules to play cards randomly!"

"Okay, okay, okay, if you continue, do you want to tell me that you overused your Shining Fruit ability and your thinking speed has slowed down, which is 3 seconds slower than them?"

Marshal Warring States curled his lips, "In short, if the situation develops like this this time, it is the best result for us. Don't jump around and remember to keep a low profile."

"You think of me as a restless guy. However, it should be said that it will be a good outcome for us."

Porusalino shrugged, "Except the Beast Pirates and the Five Old Stars."

Porusalino's words are not false at all - as the main force of the pirates in this great war, the Beast Pirates not only lost a large number of backbones, but also suffered huge losses among their senior cadres, leaving only three disasters "Disaster" Jack and even Captain Kaido's life and death are unknown. It is no exaggeration to say that after this battle, the Beast Pirates will be even worse than the White Group after the war.

And this is just the current situation. For the remaining members of the Beast Pirates, they still have to face the suppression of almost the entire new world - among the pirates, there is rarely any sympathy, and some are just An endless fight. Not to mention that the Beasts Pirates' previous behavior was domineering, and the world was full of enemies. The only remaining high-level combatant, Jack, had no leadership skills at all, and could only get beaten in battles at the same level.

Therefore, although it may not be possible to disband in the future, at the very least, the Wano Country that the Beast Pirates once swallowed must now be vomited out.

As for the Five Old Stars - let's put it this way, they now seem to be the same old Li who met everyone upstairs before Porusalino traveled through time. He praised his son for being so capable and good at studying. They had no idea that his son Xiao Li was actually It is the product of my wife and my neighbor Lao Wang, and my son’s test scores were obtained by cheating.

When Porusalino was looking forward to the decisive battle, he told them this situation - maybe there was no need to do anything at all, just a snap, and the five old men would be beaten.

Of course, Porusalino, the grandfather of Leandre Palace, thinks that he can develop and strive for it in advance - just like the regent always likes to find a prince to prove the legitimacy of his rule.

The time is three weeks after the end of the New World War, Beihai.

Here Porusalino once again met the ruler of the Germa Kingdom, Vinsmoke Gaji.

As soon as they met, the tall Gaji bowed directly to Porusalino at a 90-degree angle. His tone was full of excitement, and his voice was a little trembling and out of tune:

"Admiral Polusalino! Navy, are we going to attack Marie Gioia?!"

——The last time Porusalino met Gaji, they were still in Marigioa. At that time, the two of them jointly sold Germa’s clone soldiers to the Five Old Stars to replace the ordinary guards. them.

When leaving, Porusalino said to Gaji calmly in order to show off:

"Strong men at a higher level will eventually meet at a higher level - Your Majesty Gaji, the next time we meet, it will be the time for us to rebel against Mariejoia."

In fact, under normal circumstances, Gaji would not think that the next time Porusalino said was the real next time, which is today. After all, no matter how he thought about it, the World Government was still in full swing, and the Navy had no chance. But I think that this big boss fought three pirate emperors in the New World some time ago (rumours from the underground world) and killed another pirate emperor "Hundred Beasts" Kaido (announcement from the world government) , Gaji felt that the terrifying Porusalino must take advantage of his momentum and the five old stars' inability to react, and use a sneak attack to achieve the goal in one go!

That's why he asked like this, why he was so excited, and why he expressed his stance like this - when he bowed, he even thought about how he would take credit in the future.

Apart from anything else, at the very least, we need to get a piece of land for the Germa Kingdom. The size does not need to be too big, as long as it is land, real and fixed land. As a wandering kingdom, Germa has been the long-cherished wish of the Vinsmoke family for several generations.


"I heard that you have recently been engaged in the research and development of new food. It is all your Germa's technology and hard work. Have you lost your mind? Your Majesty Gaji?"

ps: I vomited. The sensitive system blocked a large section of my content. It has been modified. Please remember to refresh.

ps: The content of this volume is coming to an end, there are still a few chapters left, ~Thank you for your support~

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