Pirates: The wages are in place and the Yonko will be kicked out.

Chapter 311 Porusalino is about to be raped by a local snake (heavy fog!)

When Porusalino told a selected part of his thoughts to Gaji, the latter showed expressions of shock, ecstasy, etc. as expected. Whether it was from the standpoint of a country joining the world government, or as a navy soldier, a wandering country that had lost its territory, Gaji felt that Germa had no reason or reason to refuse.

Therefore, he just went ahead and discussed the specific details directly with Porusalino:

"Admiral Porusalino, combined with the power of the Navy and our Vinsmoke family, secretly establish and control such a new channel, it is theoretically and technically feasible. After clarifying this, I think The next most important issue is how to control it... After all, this new channel is going to cut through the windless zone, so whether it is an island chain or a core hub, it is essential."

As he spoke, Gaji used a special pen to draw a simple map on the projection screen in front of him.

"As for whether these islands themselves are uninhabited islands, I think that at this stage, uninhabited islands should be taken into consideration first - wait until these uninhabited islands are transformed into fortresses one by one, and then add some normal ones inhabited by ordinary people. islands."

"But when it comes to uninhabited islands, you, the admiral, should know better than me. Most of the uninhabited islands in the world are gathered in the New World, and the New World has fallen into chaos due to the big war some time ago... …These islands that were originally no one cared about have now become the focus of all major forces. So, do you have any good suggestions?”

"If not, I wouldn't be here today, Your Majesty Gaji,"

Porusalino smiled and shrugged, "The altitude is moderate, the environment is beautiful, and the nature is abundant - it is also an uninhabited island. Even if it disappears silently into thin air, no one will notice or object... The so-called restricted area of ​​​​life has no wind. Lead, are there few islands like this? I can even help arrange for local snakes to lead the way~"

At the same time that Porusalino and Gaji were discussing an important part of the big plan, the windless snake mentioned by him, the Amazon Lily with the title of "Daughter Country"——

"how could it be possible!!!"

Screams like screams echoed in Nine Snakes City. The maids thought something bad had happened and rushed to Queen Hancock's room urgently. They found Granny New looking frightened and screaming. , his lips trembled, and he collapsed on the ground.

"Look at what stupid things you said, I was so scared that I couldn't stand up straight!"

Facing the "Pirate Empress", the only one other than Porusalino who could speak like this was this short old woman.

But Hancock glared at her and replied coldly: "How do you know this is stupid!"

"But there is always a possibility of eventuality in everything."


"Why can you insist on it? Granny New, do you know something?"


Granny New seemed to realize that she had said too much and closed her mouth. Hancock suddenly approached her, his expression more serious than ever.

"What on earth is going on! Groliosa, if you know, tell me clearly here!"

"It's really troublesome! If you have time to worry about such boring things, you might as well take the time to go out and let the people see your face! It's not a waste of your beauty!"

"You actually said that the matter between father and concubine is boring. You are so rude!"

The maids watched helplessly as the two quarreled, trying to figure out why they were quarreling - the cause could be traced back to half a month ago.

Half a month ago, Jack the "Crash" of the Beast Pirates was still trying his best to refute the rumors. Their beloved Admiral of the Beast Pirates, the strongest creature in the world, and one of the four pirate emperors, "Hundred" Beast Kaido is not dead - the news announced by the Navy and the World Government are all fake news!

But even if Jack, who is not good at words, is forced to become a "literary man" who wants to contribute to the "World Economic News" every day during this period, few people in the world are still willing to believe his words - after all, they are empty words. Kaido himself has not been seen since the end of the Great War in the New World.

However, even if the whole world didn't believe him, Jack still didn't think he was speaking out of obsession - although the life card Kaido left on Onigashima was in pieces, it did prove that he himself was not dead.

"Admiral, he was just seriously injured and then disappeared! He will definitely come back!"

Jack believed so firmly.

At the same time, in different places, in the Amazon Lily Kingdom, there were also several female warriors. Because of their life cards, they firmly believed that their companions who disappeared two years ago were just missing and would definitely return.

On this day, these female warriors were watching the fortress together.

"Huh? What is that?"

They noticed a tattered boat washed up on the coast by the current, so they looked at it with binoculars and stared at it carefully for a while. They found that the person who got off the boat was a face they were very familiar with and had been looking forward to for a long time:

"It's Ellie!

"Ellie is back!"

"Let's go pick her up!"

Several female warriors exchanged words with each other and quickly ran towards the coast. After walking through the forest and reaching the coast, they found a few tracks extending from the side of the ship, and Ellie was squatting at the end of the tracks.

"Ellie! You are finally back!!"

"We knew it! You will come back safely!"

Their greetings did not receive a response. Ellie just gasped and raised her head:

"Can you...can you call a doctor for me...I feel like I'm going to give birth...!"

Ai Li, a warrior who fell into the water while hunting sea kings, returned to Nine Snakes a year and a half later, but she fell in love with a man from outside, became pregnant, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl - like this The news was quickly reported to Hancock, the queen of Nine Snakes who ruled Amazon Lily.

What is surprising is that Hancock did not directly order the execution of this citizen who violated the laws of Nine Snakes, but asked to see her by name - this is a good thing for anyone in this country. An honor worthy of death.

On the third day after giving birth to the baby girl, after boarding the Nine Snakes City as required by the notice, Ellie was welcomed into the castle by the maids and brought to the door of Hancock's room.

"Master Hancock, Ellie is here."

The maid who was responsible for leading the way spoke softly to the room.

Ai Li moved her legs stiffly, and while walking towards the room, she cheered herself up - in fact, if she was just going to be punished, then Ai Li wouldn't think anything of it. After all, the daughter of Nine Snakes was never weak and did something wrong. Things will stand and wait for a beating. But since giving birth to the baby girl, Ellie's mentality seems to have changed in an instant - she can't help but think about what her daughter should do if something goes wrong with herself...

(No matter what I am asked, I will face it openly, even if it incurs the anger of Lady Snake...)

Thinking of this, Ellie slowly raised her head.

Snake Princess, the queen who rules the Nine Snakes, is sitting on a big bed with a treasure cover, leaning lazily on the coiled snake "Salome" - although the steel Porusalino gave to Hancock Seadramon is very easy to use and very powerful, but for jobs like sleeping, Salome still cannot be replaced.

She had obviously seen her queen countless times in the crowd, but Ellie just glanced at Hancock's figure at this moment, but she was still as unable to move as she was when she saw him for the first time.

With a perfect face, body curves that are beyond human imagination, and a temperament that is almost like magic - Aili looked at her and even forgot to blink, and the depths of her eyes were stung deeply.

(What should I do? I originally planned to confess my feelings to She Ji today, but in front of such a beautiful person, I can’t think normally at all!!!)

Hancock tilted his head slightly and observed Ally's face. Black hair fell on her face as smoothly as water, and she opened her red lips:


Ellie took a small breath.

(Sheji shouted! My name!)

Hancock's voice is as sonorous, powerful and majestic as her status as the world's leading female pirate, and it reverberates beautifully in the ears like summer wind chimes - her appearance is already so beautiful, but her voice is still so beautiful. , two words, "foul".

"It's not easy for you to come back."

"Ah, yes..."

Less than ten seconds after meeting, Ellie was already "scarred", but even so, she still tried to stay conscious. No matter how beautiful Hancock is, if he faints like this, everything will be over!


Ellie tried her best not to look at Hancock and forced out her voice.

"I accidentally fell into the sea. I caused trouble to everyone. I'm extremely sorry."

"You look like you've lost some weight. Are you suffering?"

"Ah, not bad"

"I heard that you are back with a baby."


Ellie's voice couldn't help but tremble as she forced out these words.

Although she can't make excuses, she hopes Hancock understands that her loyalty has not wavered, and the children she is born will also shoulder important responsibilities for Amazon Lily's future - in other words, if someone really wants to Being punished, she hoped it would not affect her daughter.

"The value of my existence is to serve Lord Hancock, and this intention will never change in the future. But as you know, I gained something very important during my time at sea. That is very important to me. ."

Ellie wanted to continue, but before that, Hancock spoke first.

"I know you are pregnant with a child outside. This is not a matter of concern to me. Tell me the story of your relationship with that man."

(Hey, she wants to hear about love)

She thought Hancock would definitely ask questions about the child, but Ally couldn't help but feel confused - did she want me to be a negative example to teach everyone not to fall in love with men?

The confusion made Ellie calm down a little, and she began to tell calmly - in fact, there was nothing to say, it was just a story about a female warrior who fell into the water and was rescued, and then secretly fell in love with that person during their daily interactions.

But even so, Hancock still turned red and white while Ally was talking, and he pursed his lips and looked away, always looking unhappy.


Ai Li's heart sank to the bottom, and she hung her head deeply.

"If you want punishment."

"That's enough, step back."


Ellie was stunned with her mouth slightly open, and she took two steps back reflexively - but that's probably not what Lord Hancock meant by "step back".

"Master Hancock, can I really go back? Aren't you going to punish me?

Hancock looked at Ally who was blinking in surprise: "What are you talking about? Why should I punish you? I still have questions that I need you to answer later, but I'll step aside today."

Are there any questions you want me to answer later?

Ellie didn't think that Hancock would be interested in the topic of falling in love with a man - let alone that a man wanted to marry, she couldn't imagine it at all.

After Ally left and asked the maids to retreat, Hancock immediately became restless, his usually elegant movements seemed fake, and he began to walk around the room in a panic.

The further she walked, the more confused she became, so she simply sat on the bed and hugged her legs to think.

How did Ellie fall in love with a man? She had no idea about the process of becoming a lover with a man. Not to mention that Aili is neither as beautiful nor as powerful as her. How on earth did she make men fall in love with her?

It was obvious that her relationship with that man was that of herself and both the rescued and the savior! She had only known that man for a year and a half, and she and

Could it be - is there any secret skill that she hasn't revealed yet?

Hancock's eyes became sharp - she felt she had to find out.

The next day, Ally, accompanied by the maid, came to Hancock's room again.

"Lord Hancock!"

Ellie greeted her respectfully. Although her attitude was obviously better than the first time's fearful attitude, she still looked like a little rabbit that might jump up at any time due to fright.

(If it’s this guy.)

Hancock looked at Ellie intently with eyes like a peacock's when appraising his love rival.

(She looks very honest. However, she actually fell in love with a man and gave birth to a child. She really kept it secret)

This woman must have experienced a dreamlike experience that she didn't know about - thinking about this, Hancock suddenly felt that the ordinary woman in front of him seemed to suddenly glow with a dazzling light.

I hope she can tell herself how to become a lover with a man.

Hancock raised his chin slightly, always maintaining the temperament of the Snake Lady, and opened his mouth majestically:

"My question today is very simple, Ellie, during your relationship with a man, what kind of things does he like to do with you?"

Although she felt that the sharpness of this question was almost suffocating her, Ellie could not hide anything in front of Hancock - she spoke her answer in a trembling voice as if without any thought:

"He likes me to call him daddy."


The speed of his heartbeat could no longer be counted, and Hancock blushed instantly - had he always had a powerful weapon? !

ps: Because of the reasons that everyone knows, the review has been very confusing these days. Some things were fine before, but now they need to be modified. If you find that there are problems with the paragraphs or the words are not fluent, just refresh it.

ps: Remember the previous exhibition game where Sakaski and Kuzan played Hancock? The effect will be revealed soon~

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