Pirates: The wages are in place and the Yonko will be kicked out.

Chapter 357 Porusalino: War (fog) above, the restlessness of young people!

As the former crown jewel of the Charlotte family, Katakuri was undoubtedly an extremely smart man, and the state of separation between the World Government and the Navy Headquarters could not be hidden from his eyes.

It's just that until two years ago, he never thought that he, the loser, would be involved and become the key to maintaining balance for the world government. Although the current King Shichibukai has not yet all been in place, However, in the eyes of the five old stars, the relationship between "Seaman" Jinbei, who represents the Fish-Man Island that has been bound by the Navy Headquarters, and "Nose Song" Brooke, who was jointly recommended by the Navy's top brass, and the Navy are a bit too much. close.

"You want me to obey the orders of your naval headquarters? Porusalino?"

Katakuri rubbed his eyebrows - he also gave his own frank response to Porusalino's straightforward question.

"Your Majesty the Shichibukai is an organization at the same level as our Navy Headquarters and is directly affiliated with the World Government. How can I ask you to obey our orders? This is against the regulations,"

Porusalino shook his head decisively at first, then stretched out his hand and knocked on the table several times, as if to emphasize the content of his speech: "So I'm here to invite you to join our big plan and fight with us. From the World Government! Katakuri!"


Even with Katakuri's temperament, he couldn't help but be a little confused at this time - he was indeed aware of the contradictions and differences between the Navy Headquarters and the World Government, and he had indeed played a psychological game just now, and even faced Porusali Nuo's question directly pointed out what he thought was the other party's purpose, but...

Big plan? Overthrow the world government?

Am I really here at the Navy Headquarters? Isn’t it the base of the Revolutionary Army? ?

"I know you're confused, Katakuri, and you might even think I'm kidding you,"

Porusalino puffed out cigar smoke and smiled lightly, "But I am serious. I can give you a detailed explanation of our big plan, from the preparations to the goals, from the specific participants to Specific action procedures..."

"I have a question, Porusalino,"

Katakuri and Porusalino looked at each other and said bluntly, "I haven't agreed to join your big plan yet, right? If I listen to your statements..."

Before Katakuri could finish his words, he was interrupted by the sound of boiling water surging in the room. The sudden rise in temperature caused fine beads of sweat to appear on Katakuri's skin.

Sakaski just showed a gloomy and terrifying expression. He clearly didn't say anything, but he seemed to have said everything.

And Porusalino’s explanation sounded just right:

"Killing you is just a small matter, but... you don't want Smoothie and the others to lose their current jobs at the Navy Food Plant and be thrown into Imperialton, right? Katakuri?"


"Then shall I continue?"


Porusalino recounted what he had learned about joining Laleli in the Shampoo Islands last time today, and adhering to the principle of "carrot and stick", he also took the initiative to give Katakuri a pie:

"After the new world government is established, you and your brothers and sisters, like Katakuri, can completely follow the formal procedures to re-establish the nations and join the system of the new world government..."

"And if you and Frazier successfully negotiate, it won't be a problem to return to the waters of Totland..."

"Of course, if you have feelings for the Navy Food Factory, you can continue to work and open branches around the world..."

"It's even possible to go to sea again and become an adventurer..."

"How about it, I've said it all, are you willing to join the glorious... big plan?"

Porusalino reached out for a handshake that meant a final invitation.

——Without any hesitation, Katakuri grabbed his hand.

At the same time that Porusalino and his thug Sakaski were discussing big-plan cooperation with Katakuri——

In the back kitchen of the No. 1 canteen of the Navy Headquarters, hundreds of chefs shuttled back and forth. Their strong bodies, brisk steps, and hands waving kitchen knives were like phantoms.

In order to meet the dining needs of so many sailors at the Navy Headquarters, the level of the chefs here is self-evident. Putting aside other aspects, when it comes to cutting vegetables alone, many people can compete with the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye.

"Hey! Speed ​​up! General Zefa just issued a warning. The big stomach king's training speed today is eight percent faster than before, so he will arrive on the battlefield early!"

shouted a burly sailor wearing a towering white chef's hat.

He has a dark blue anchor tattoo on his arm, has a beard, and his muscular arms are as thick as three thighs of a normal adult. Even though he was distracted by reminding his companions, his movements of stirring three huge beef soup pots at the same time were not affected at all, they were extremely smooth and elegant.

It is none other than the supreme commander of this battlefield, Best Cook, one of the four chief chefs of the Navy Headquarters!

The other chefs who were doing their own work in the kitchen all changed their expressions after hearing the boss's reminder:

"Isn't it? Will that brat arrive earlier today?"

"Damn it! My roast chicken is not cooked enough! Why am I not a user with the ability to burn the burning fruit! I want FIRE!!"

"There is no other way! I have to try my best! Look at my meteor wok!"

“Bet on our chef’s honor!”


——Since arriving at the Navy Headquarters, Luffy, who ate the Darkness Fruit and turned into the "Great Devourer", has become a nightmare for all the chefs at the Navy Headquarters. He can eat as much as a thousand big-eating sailors by himself, surpassing the record set by the previous big-eating king of the Navy, his grandfather Lieutenant General Garp, by more than ten times.

But at the same time that these chefs were trying their best to speed up the cooking process, the blond young man wearing a white top hat by the stove behind the chef Best Cook did not make any unnecessary movements at all. , still maintaining the original shaking frequency.

Whether it's the Earth before Porusalino's time travel or the world of pirates, chefs may wear a variety of uniforms when working, but in most cases, the hats they wear are basically the same - that is, the Great Chef The style of the hat worn by Long Best Cook.

Chefs wear such high hats to prevent hair, dandruff, etc. from falling into the dishes, which is beneficial to kitchen hygiene, and can also more intuitively display their experience, level and cooking level. The richer the experience and the higher the level, the higher the height of the hat and the higher the corresponding cooking level.

Therefore, the competition among the chefs of the Navy Headquarters is also called the "War on the Top."

But no matter what, in the world of chefs, few people at this age like this blond young man are qualified to wear a chef's hat of such a height - especially in the back chef of the Navy No. 1 canteen, the height of this hat Second only to Chef Best Cook.

"No need to struggle anymore, master, we are no match for that guy..."

The blond young man, Vinsmoke Sanji, seemed very calm. While he was shaking the spoon and loading the plate, he even had the mood and energy to hand his master a towel to wipe his sweat.

"You brat! How old are you? Do you give up the honor of being a chef so easily?!"

Although Chef Best Cook was cursing, he still accepted the towel handed by Sanji honestly. Although the chefs all have the habit of wiping sweat with their sleeves, the clean towel handed by the apprentice, It must please him more than sleeves.

"This is not a matter of giving up the honor of being a chef, but there is no need for us to face an invincible enemy..."

Sanji, who had used his fighting spirit to challenge Luffy's appetite countless times, but failed each time with the result that he fainted from exhaustion, now figured it out and just lay down.

The chef's job is indeed to make the guests well fed, and this is indeed their honor that is more important than life, but only if they are entertaining guests - and "The Great Devourer" Luffy, his appetite is obviously not Belongs to the category of human beings.

"Can't win at all? I don't understand!"

Even though Chef Best Cook's hands are shaking due to muscle memory, his mouth is still hard.

"Then just work hard with them. I'll carry you all back to the dormitory when the time comes."

"Hey! What do you mean! Brat!"

Chef Best Cook was reprimanding his apprentice while accurately adding the final seasoning to the beef soup pot, but at this moment——

"Uncles! I'm here to eat!"

A cheerful and lively voice sounded from the kitchen door, followed by a huge suction force like a wind tunnel, and various dishes that were accurately locked. They were wrapped up by this suction force and flew towards the young man who poured into the door. in the mouth.


"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Two hours later, with Luffy's help, Sanji finally carried the last exhausted senior brother to the rest room, and then returned to the messy kitchen to clean up.

In order to deal with "The Great Devourer" Luffy, and to ensure that the rest of the sailors' meals are not affected, the canteen where Luffy eats every day is fixed and rotates in order. And on the day he is responsible for eating, the chefs in the canteen only need to prepare some additional meals for the senior generals - in this way, Luffy's destructiveness to the navy headquarters' catering system will be minimized. .

"I'm really serious, Sanji!"

Luffy, who was very satisfied with his meal, put his hands on his hips and carelessly repeated what he had said five times today: "When the time comes, you will be the cook on my ship!"

After hearing this for the sixth time, Sanji, who had blond hair and curly eyebrows, nodded perfunctorily and continued busy with the things at hand: "Of course I know you are serious...so help me wash the dishes over there."

"No problem! Leave it to me!"

"Very good, remember to wash each plate three times, remember...bastard! I asked you to wash it, not to eat it!!"

Sanji turned around when he heard the sound of "crack-crack-crack-crack", and the shadow of his dark legs, accompanied by his angry voice, was instantly stamped on Luffy's body.

Not only was Luffy not angry at all after being kicked away by the chef he had booked, but he was also sitting happily on the floor, feeding the remaining half of the plate into his mouth as a snack while carefully assessing what Sanji had just done. The strength of that kick:

"That's awesome, Sanji! Your kick should have 3,000 power, right? That's great! The chef on my ship should have such fighting power!"

"3000 Daoli? Are you kidding me? This kick...bastard! Who said I want to be your chef!"

The future adventure king smiled brightly: "Didn't you say so yourself?"


Time goes back to when "Dark Boy" Luffy first came to Marineland. He received a lot of training during the day. At night, he forgot to drink a glass of seawater to suppress his stomach. He was so hungry at night that he went to the kitchen of the Navy mess hall. Trying to find something to eat.

And just in time, the little kid Sanji, who secretly practiced cooking skills in the kitchen at night in order to meet the master's requirements, met him.

Then there is the gradual establishment of friendship and the making of an agreement...

"When I said I can make you something to eat at any time so that you can train with peace of mind, I didn't mean that we have to...Oh, forget it,"

Sanji looked at the smiling Luffy, sighed, and gave up the plan to continue explaining. Instead, he rubbed his chin, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and thought to himself:

"Luffy, of course I can be the cook on your ship..."


Luffy swooped down and tried to give Sanji a warm hug, but the latter skillfully dodged it and hit the wall directly.


"But! There can't be only you as the captain and me as the cook on a ship, right? There's no way we can go out to sea with just the two of us! Let alone going out to sea, even the dangerous currents near Marinefando cannot be avoided!"

"Hmm! That means?"

Luffy nodded.

"That is to say, you still have to deal with other crew members, such as the most critical one...the navigator."

Sanji tried his best to control his expression and pretend to be objective.


Luffy looked at this good friend who had known him for many years in confusion, scratched his head in confusion and said with a giggle: "I remember Sanji, your sailing class score was 60 points, right? Doesn't 60 points mean you have passed? You can't Be a navigator?"


Sanji was silent, and then exploded instantly: "Idiot! Didn't you listen to Teacher Zefa? 60 points is just the minimum score that can guarantee that the ship will not sink! If you want to sail safely on the sea, you don't just need this What a degree!”

"And I obviously scored 65 points! Bastard!"


Luffy tilted his head, "So who should I look for?"

"Of course...ahem, I suggest you go find Miss Nami to find out."

"Yes! Nami! I remember her sailing class scores very well!"

Luffy's eyes widened.

"It's like this... So instead of me, you should discuss it with Miss Nami. If she agrees to become your crew member, I will definitely have no problem!"

"I understand! I'll go find Nami right now! Thanks, Sanji! Wait for my good news!"

Seeing Luffy's figure running away so fast that his slippers were almost gone, Sanji's expression gradually lost control and his laughter became more and more wild:

"Jiejie...Jiejie...um hahahahaha!!"

Sanji knew very well that Nami, who dreamed of becoming a treasury keeper at the Navy Headquarters, would never choose to leave Marinefando, so it was impossible for Luffy to convince her.

And it’s not just navigators, people have to be arranged for other positions anyway, right? A shipwright or something, a ship's doctor or something.

Even taking a step back, no matter what the outcome of the conversation between Luffy and Nami was, at least during this period, Sanji didn't have to be annoyed at being constantly harassed by this kid.

Even taking a step back - including Nami, if Luffy really finds the crew and Sanji is finally forced to board the ship, he can stay with the beautiful Nami, which is not a loss!

"Just act, Luffy, no matter what, our IQ is 180 vs. 60, the advantage is mine!"

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