Holy Land, Mary Joa.

When the first rays of the morning sun pierced the sky, the fire that had burned all night was finally extinguished, and the once majestic palace complex looked like a mess.

When he saw the loss statistics report presented, the five old stars almost couldn’t believe their eyes, and no one expected that the time that was judged to be a small number of infiltrators would actually cause such a big loss.

More than three floors of the palace collapsed and fell into ruins, hundreds of soldiers were killed and wounded in the chaos, and all the slaves held in the prison were released while the chaos was made.

If it was just these, it would not have greatly shocked the five old stars, but the more important event was that one of the five old stars was seriously injured and almost died.

Just escaping a few hundred slaves is nothing, it’s just some guys who are not even inferior to the inferior pariahs, and one of the five old stars is almost seriously injured and falls, which is enough to set off an uproar.

Who are the five old stars!?

The actual controller of the world government, the five people with the highest power, are more noble than all the kings in the world, and above the most powerful naval headquarters.

If the world government is compared to a living behemoth, then the naval headquarters is the fist and foot of this behemoth, and the five old stars are the brain and heart.

Someone actually dared to attack the five old stars in Mary Joa! Moreover, according to the guard’s report, the thug who shot was an understatement from beginning to end, but the power that burst out was even more terrifying than the demons of hell, and he easily defeated the five old stars.

If this news gets out, it will be an absolute scandal for the world government, and even if people feel that the authority of the five old stars can be challenged, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The five old stars issued an order to the Navy headquarters almost immediately, directly mobilizing the highest combat strength of the Navy headquarters, and requiring at least one general to rush to the Holy Land of Mary Joa immediately.


Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

“Don’t worry! Soon there will be generals rushing to the Holy Land! ”

“Yes, this incident will definitely be smoothly suppressed!”


After hanging up the phone worm, Sengoku exhaled deeply, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and his fingers unconsciously whispered on the desktop, and he didn’t speak for a long time.

There were only four people in the office, and Karp was leaning on the sofa on the ground, lazily drinking tea and eating snacks, looking like he didn’t care about himself and didn’t work hard.

As for the other general, Yellow Ape, he was no better than Karp, leaning lazily on the chair, slightly closed his eyes, and wrapped his hands around his chest.

Only the staff officer crane sat quietly on the chair, his face calm, his brows slightly wrinkled, and he looked thoughtful.

“The Holy Land of Mary Joa was attacked last night!” For a long time, the Warring States sighed inexplicably, and slowly spoke: “A thug broke in and released all the slaves!” ”

“Oh! In this way, aren’t those Draco babies going to be frightened!? The yellow ape opened his eyes a little thoughtfully, and said nonchalantly, with a smile of unknown meaning at the corner of his mouth.

“Hahaha! There seem to be more and more crazy guys in this world! Karp looked gloating and said with a laugh.

“Five old stars just called in person! Ask us to send generals to solve this incident! Sengoku rubbed his forehead helplessly and slowly spoke.

“We urgently need general-level combat power to enter the new world! The events there are getting more and more serious! ”

“Since that guy named Shanks entered the Great Voyage, his momentum has been sky-high, and now his strength and prestige are not inferior to those old powerhouses!”

When he said this, Staff Officer He paused and continued to speak: “The attack on the Holy Land just made the five old stars lose some face!” There is no need to dispatch generals! ”

“Those old men don’t care so much!” The yellow ape stood up at this time, yawned lazily, and said: “In the eyes of our high-level government, the face of the government is more important than anything else!” ”

“If Whitebeard and Kaido and the others make moves in the New World at the same time! Saxsky is alone over there! ”

“Kuzan is still tracking down events in historical texts! There’s no time to get out! Staff Officer Crane said with a serious face: “Borusalino must go to the New World immediately!” ”

“The direct order of the five old stars, we have no way to refuse!” Sengoku sighed and rubbed his brow hard.

In the eyes of the world, the Navy Headquarters has always been a strong man, and the combat power at the level of a general is a one-sided existence.

However, only Warring States and others know that in the face of the rise of more and more strong people among the pirates, the three major generals are obviously a little weak.

Although it may seem ridiculous to use this term on the Navy, Warring States often have the feeling that the top combat power is lacking and no one is available.

If all the pirates on the Great Voyage were united, instead of fighting for hegemony as they are now, the Navy headquarters would not be able to suppress these pirates at all.

“If the new world is completely occupied by Whitebeard and others! Then the situation will never be salvageable! Staff Officer Crane took a sip of tea and said lightly.

“The waters of the New World are the most important places for the Great Shipping Route, and the Navy must not give up so easily!” Sengoku suddenly raised his head and looked seriously at Karp who closed his eyes.

Staff Officer Crane held a teacup, his face was indifferent, and there was no expression, while the yellow ape whistled boredly.

“You guy! Hitting the old man’s idea again! ”

As if sensing something, Karp opened his eyes, and said in an unquestionable voice: “The old man said that he will never enter the new world again!” ”

“This is an order! As a vice admiral, you have no reason to refuse! Sengoku ignored Karp’s protest and said in a serious voice.

“Bastard!! Do you regard the words of the old man as child’s play!? Karp stood up dissatisfied, gritted his teeth and spoke.

“The situation in the new world has reached the time of a thousand shots!” Sengoku also said with a grim face: “As a vice admiral, you have an obligation to maintain stability there!” ”

“If you are not willing to take the place of the general to guard the new world! Head to Mary Joa to investigate the attack! After speaking very casually, Sengoku lowered his head and began to flip through the documents on the table.

“Bastard! I actually let the old man go to deal with those old guys!! ”

Hearing the words of the Warring States, Karp became even more angry, gritting his teeth and saying: “The old man would rather go to the new world!” ”

“Then it’s settled! General Yellow Ape, please leave for Mary Joa now! Warring States immediately made a decision and said to the yellow ape on the side.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.” The yellow ape nodded nonchalantly and turned away directly.

“I still need to confirm the plan for Doflamingo!” Staff Officer Crane said lightly, and also turned away, sighing slightly as he passed by Karp’s side.

In the blink of an eye, only the stunned Karp was left in the office of the Warring States, and the Warring States who bowed their heads to correct the documents.

“Bastard! He actually used the method of agitation on the old man! ”

Karp instantly understood that what the so-called disputes and difficulties were all the routines of the Warring States and the staff crane, and the two of them had already decided to go to the new world when they sang and reconciled.

But Karp seemed to understand a little late, in the face of the empty company, and the Warring States who did not pay attention to him at all, Karp’s full anger had nowhere to vent, and there was a feeling that he could not use it in vain.


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