Ivey took Robin and the others back to the ship docked on the edge of the island, and their group needed to wait for half a month in the water capital.

The capital of water is a bustling island with intricate waterways and facilities.

Robin and Hancock are still fifteen-year-old girls who have a lot of fun shopping and so on.

When Hancock and Robin heard that Ive planned to stay in the water capital for half a month, the two cheered in unison.

After following Ivey back to the ship, and with a small amount of Bailey, he happily rented a two-seater Blue and entered the town of the water capital.

In this regard, Ive did not stand in the way.

“Captain, don’t you care about the two of them!? The two of them seemed to have completely relaxed, knowing that our current situation is not very optimistic. The sand crocodile looked at the distant figures of Han Cook Robin and slowly asked.

“Don’t worry about this, the two of them need to relax, one has been treated as a slave by the Draco for many years, living a cruel slave life, the other is constantly on the run, whether it is the government or the pirates want to kill her, the two of them have no chance to enjoy such a leisurely life, so it’s not bad to relax.”

Saying this, Ive paused for a moment, and then continued: “And what are you afraid of, Captain Ben is here!” Don’t worry about accidents at all. ”

After listening to Ivey’s words, the sand crocodile pondered, and in his heart he agreed with Ivey’s words, and he was also very clear about the manager of Robin Hood Cook and the two.

“Captain, I am different from them, I value my strength more than enjoyment.”

The sand crocodile also left Avi’s side and found a secluded place in the water capital, and then several sand soldiers appeared, attacking the sand crocodile without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing that his only three crew members were busy, Ivey raised a heartfelt smile at the corner of his mouth, and then slowly closed his eyes against the roof of the ship and began to rest comfortably.

In this way, I spent five days leisurely.

In the early morning of the sixth day, Hancock and Robin went to the town again, the sand crocodile was still cultivating, and the sand crocodile had been cultivating hard for the past five days, plus he would come to ask Ive about domineering things from time to time, which made the sand crocodile grow a lot.

He was already able to feel a faint if non-existent power from within himself.

After mentoring the sand crocodile, Ive returned to the boat again and closed his eyes.


Before Hancock and Robin were at a stall selling food, the smell of water and meat came to their noses.

“Beauties, how many servings of water meat do you want to buy?” The stall owner asked, looking at Hancock and Robin.

“Fifty copies.” Hancock said as he took Bailey out of his pocket.

Thinking of the sand crocodile and Ive’s amazing amount of food, Hancock had a headache.

And Robin stood behind Hancock, looking around.

Luki hid in an unoccupied corner and stared at Nicole Robin, and he did not choose to go directly to take Robin away.

He has the self-knowledge to know that it will be difficult for him to take Robin in full view of his current strength.

“The Hell Flame Soul can defeat and seriously injure the yellow ape, which shows that the strength of the Hell Flame Soul is very strong, and if I clash with the Hell Flame Soul and the others head-on, the possibility of achieving my goal is basically infinitely close to zero.”

In the past few days when Lu Qi came to the water capital, he had already studied the situation thoroughly.

If you want to take Nicole Robin away from the pirate group of hell flame souls, only when Nicole Robin is singled, she will sneak up on Nicole Robin with a very quick means, and must immediately stun Nicole Robin, only if this plan is successfully implemented, can he take Nicole Robin away.

Otherwise, as long as he attracted the attention of the hellish flame soul, he would face great danger.

So, when Luki saw Robin, he began to sneak up on Robin.


Hancock, who was carrying a large bag of water and meat, had a helpless face, and through the procurement actions of the past few days, Ive successfully handed over the task of being responsible for the food of the four people on the ship to her.

This made the otherwise pleasant shopping and entertainment a task she had to do.

“Robin, let’s go, let’s go back.” Hancock turned to Robin and said.

“Han Cook, you go back first, I’m going to the bookstore, the history book I ordered earlier will be back today.” Robin said with a smile to Hancock.

Hearing this, Hancock remembered that when the two first came to shop, Robin’s first place was the island’s bookstore.

“You go, Robin, I’ll wait for you around here, by the way, buy a little more supplies, and go to sea in ten days, there are still too many things on our ship, and the captain and the two lords of Klockdar don’t care about these things.” Hancock sighed helplessly, feeling a little sad.

“Good.” Robin smiled and walked towards the place where there was not much people.

Lu Qi, who had been secretly observing, after seeing Robin and Hancock separated, raised a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, and the figure disappeared here in an instant.

The bookstores selling history books in the water capital are on the edge of town, and the other bookstores sell books all about ships, which are not part of Robin’s reading.

The closer you get to where the bookstore is located, the fewer buildings and pedestrians there are.

Lu Qi saw the bookstore early, walked directly into the bookstore, and knocked the owner of the bookstore unconscious with a punch, the corner of the boss’s mouth flowed rich blood, Lu Qi had no control, and the life of an ordinary person was not worth his attention.

Anyway, it seemed to him that it only took a moment for Robin to be knocked out by him.

Then he hid in the bookstore and waited for Robin’s arrival.

Robin has been on the island for a while and has not suffered any crisis, so the vigilance in his heart has long been let go.

Looking at this bookstore, Robin was a little excited in her heart, and the rare history book was waiting for her inside.

“Boss, are you there!?” Robin knocked on the door, waiting for a response from inside.

“Hmm.” There was a response from inside, which made Lu Bin a little puzzled, and this voice seemed to be somewhat different from the previous days.

But Robin didn’t think much about it, so she pushed the door and walked in, but she didn’t see anyone after she entered.

And there was a faint smell of blood wafting in the air, which made Robin feel a little bad, and subconsciously wanted to leave here.

But at this moment, Lu Qi’s figure hiding in the bookstore disappeared directly, instantly appeared behind Robin, stretched out his finger and attacked Robin.

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