Inside Xia Qi’s blackmail bar, Ive was drinking boredly.

Sand Crocodile and Luki are not inside the bar.

The sand crocodile does not want to waste time, he feels more and more deeply about the armed color domineering, and is ready to strike while the iron is hot, and strive to completely master the armed color domineering in these three days.

Lu Qi went to cultivate with the sand crocodile, and the two of them discussed while cultivating, which was faster than one person silently building a car behind closed doors.

Xia Qi smoked a cigarette and sat on the side.

“Little Ive, Hancock is back.”

“Well, it seems that today’s purchase is completed, Sister Xia Qi, I will put the things they purchased here first, is it okay!?”

Xia Qi nodded in agreement.

It was at this time that Hancock pushed open the door and walked in.

Next to her was the little girl with pink hair.

Ivey looked back at Hancock as he walked in, and when he saw the little girl following Hancock, a hint of surprise crossed his eyes.

“Han Cook, who is this kid!?” Ive asked lightly.

“Captain, can you let Dora on board!?” Hancock walked up to Ive, grabbed one of Ivey’s arms, and asked softly.

“Hancock, what happened!?”

Ive knew Hancock well and knew that Hancock would not make such a request for no reason, and if he did, something must have happened beyond his imagination.

Hearing Ivey’s question, Hancock recounted what had happened before.

Xia Qi also listened with interest, while Dora stood motionless in the bar nervously, and she recognized Ivy at the first glance she saw.

She had seen reports about Ivey.

She knew what Ive did, and she knew Ivey’s strength, so she was nervous!

After Hancock finished telling what had happened, he brought Dora to Ive.

“Captain, what do you think of my proposal!?”

Before Ai Wei could say anything, Xia Qi spoke first.

“Little Boya, you are too daring, you actually killed two Draco.”

Xia Qi picked up the cigarette in her hand, took a deep breath, and then looked at Ivey, she wanted to see how Ivey would deal with this matter.

Ive, on the other hand, was silent for a few seconds before he spoke:

“Han Cook, well, you did a good job with this!”

After killing Draco, Hancock was ready for Ivy to teach her a lesson, but he didn’t expect Ivy to praise her!

“At this moment, Charros Saint and their family of three, but they were reunited in the Yellow Spring!”

Ive patted Hancock’s shoulder, a little relieved in his eyes.

Hancock’s killing of Draco is not as simple as it seems.

She killed Draco with her own hands, which means that she has overcome her fear of Draco from the bottom of her heart.

Prove that Hancock has come out of the dark cage of Draco’s slave!

This is what Ive wants to see, he doesn’t want his partner to have a shadow in his heart that cannot be dispersed.

Hancock’s inner shadow is the matter of becoming a Draco slave, while the shadow in the heart of the sand crocodile is the matter of being killed by Whitebeard.

Now Hancock has overcome his inner shadows.

As for the sand crocodile, there is still a long way to go.

So, instead of blaming Hancock, Ive affirmed what Hancock did.

Xia Qi looked at Ive with a smile on her face and said with a smile:

“Little Ive, it’s a very lucky thing to have a captain like you!”

“That’s nature.” Ive smiled lightly.

“Captain, Dora she…” asked Hancock, pointing at Dora towards Ive.

Avi walked up to Dora and crouched down, his height after squatting down was exactly as tall as Dora who was standing.

“Dora, do you hate Draco!?”


“Then what would you do if I put a Draco in front of your eyes and give you another knife!?”

“I will clean up the garbage, as long as this Draco is garbage, I will clean him up without hesitation!”

Listening to Dora’s answer, Avi touched Dora’s head.

He doesn’t deny that most of the Draco are trash!

“So Dora, what do you think you need to do to clean up the garbage!?”

“To become stronger, I also need to keep getting stronger, so strong that I have enough strength to clean up this garbage!”

“Even if you need to endure a lot of pain!? The pain that goes deep into the bone marrow and can die at any time! ”

“Even so! I’m going to be a garbage cleaner too.”

In Dora’s pupils, there is an indestructible firmness!

She answered Ivey’s question without the slightest hesitation.

“Since that’s the case, then you stay!”

“Hancock, I agree, you are responsible for taking care of her, after all, she is still a child.”

“Yes, Captain!”

Ivey didn’t agree to Dora staying because he sympathized with Dora’s plight.

If he did this, then I am afraid that there were countless other children orphaned by Draco’s scourge waiting for him.

He did it because he saw great hope in Dora.

It is undeniable that Dora is now very weak, and Ivey can pinch Dora to death with one finger.

But Dora has firm perseverance and a heart that desires to become stronger, as long as it is cultivated a little, Dora’s future strength, it can even be said that it will not be weaker than those in the Straw Hats.

Because in some ways, Dora and they are the same people.

Dora breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Ive agreed to join his pirate group, and then fell asleep on the wine table.

When she woke up again, the sun was about to set.

At this time, the bar is very quiet.

Dora got up and looked around, and found that the bar was empty now.

Her heart sank, she quickly jumped off the stool and hurriedly walked outside the bar.

The moment she walked out of the bar, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Because as soon as she went out, she saw Hancock lying lazily on top of a python, and next to Hancock, a woman with slightly dark skin, the woman was holding a book and watching carefully.

In the open space directly in front of the bar, a figure wrapped in flames, holding a flame long knife, is fighting with a man whose body has turned to sand and a leopard man who is only a normal human body.

The churning flames rushed straight to the sky, the raging sand covered the sky, the spiral slashed across the heavens and the earth, and the three figures confronted each other, stirring up the turmoil of the heavens and the earth in all directions.

“Dora, you’re awake, come here!”

Hancock noticed Dora coming out of Chargie’s blackmail bar and shouted to Dora.

At this moment, the three people who were fighting stopped and slowly walked towards the bar.

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