Momonosuke was stunned for a moment, and then after seeing Raizo, he also started to cry.

“Raizo, are you okay?”

The two people set out from Wano Country, and then separated because they were not good at living at sea.

Raizo came here to bring in reinforcements, and was deceived again. Thinking about it, it’s really sad.

Ron didn’t follow either They were talking nonsense. Now they still want to go to the country of Wano to find Kaido. After all, who is Kaido? There is no way that guy has not made any movement yet.

Cat Viper and Dog General looked at Ron and said:”Ron Sir, since Kanjuro is dead, please let us pass.”

Wano Country is, after all, the country founded by Kozuki Oden. They also have feelings for Wano Country. The two of them are also waiting for someone to avenge Wano Country. If revenge can really succeed, Cat Viper and Dog General They will also be very grateful.

After twenty years of waiting, they have been waiting here.

Finally, the wait is here.

Ron looked back at the two of them and nodded:”This time, I am going to take you with me to fight quickly. , there is not much time for you to clean up.”

Boss Cat Viper laughed loudly:”Just in time, we don’t need to pack anything, we can just rush over.”

The Moby Dick is large and can accommodate the people of the fur tribe.

Moreover, the leader of the fur tribe has been recovered, which means that the fur tribe has been recovered. There is no need for Ron to stay here.

Zou has come to an end here. Now.

Sitting on the bow of the Moby Dick, Ron looked at the endless sea.

He licked his lips, and he would soon be able to fight Kaido.

“I am bound to win the wine, iron ore, Kaido, don’t let me down, it will be boring if you are too weak.”

If you want to fight, just find the strongest one. It just so happened that Ron also had itchy hands.

There were many people standing on the deck, some were practicing, some were very excited, and seemed to be waiting.

As for Momonosuke, Lying on the guardrail, looking ahead.

The country of Wano was right in front. When they left, they were chased. This time when they go back, they will definitely get the country of Wano again and avenge their father.

Momonosuke wiped his tears. He will definitely tell his father how Ron helped them defeat Kaido.

Then Momonosuke looked at Ron on the bow of the ship. At this time, Ron seemed to be covered with a layer of holy light. , making him widen his eyes

“Lord Ron.”

This kind of scene made Momonosuke couldn’t help but want to kneel down.

Kin’emon looked at Momonosuke and then looked at Ron. He could understand Momonosuke’s mood at this time.

Even he, Kin’emon, couldn’t help but want to kneel down. Not to be overly emotional, I was really, really excited. We were finally going back to Wano Country.

We were almost there, and the closer we got, the more excited I became.

At this time, a man quickly ran to the bow of the ship to report:”Captain, we can already see the territory of Wano Country.”

Momonosuke was startled, and immediately looked over.

Kinemon also looked over.

Everyone on the boat looked over, and everyone was stunned, and there was a burst of cheers.

“Wow, Wano Country, here we come”

“Finally I can do something big.”

Everyone was very excited.

Ron could also feel their mood, so he stood up, turned back and looked at them:”This time, let go and do it!”

As soon as Ron finished speaking, there was a deafening cheer on the deck.

“keep going!”

The speed of the ship was faster.

However, before the ship had sailed very far, a large number of ships were seen in a crowd, which seemed to be Kaido’s pirate army.

Ron licked the corners of his lips, Very good, I didn’t say anything this time and just waved my hand slightly.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky instantly, and they were densely packed.

Boom, crack.

Thunder and lightning rushed down, and purple lightning as thick as a bowl pierced the sky.

Kaido Pirate The group soon discovered the movement here.

On the main ship ahead, Kaido walked out of the room and came to the bow of the ship, looking at the lone whale ship.

“Ron, you are really brave!

Ron laughed loudly:”I think you are too timid!” What, are you going to be a turtle? Kaido snorted coldly:”Ron, I have hundreds of beasts here, and they are all very powerful. If you don’t want to die, do you really want to hit me head-on?””

“Kaido, do you like scaring people now? I think you are scared?”

Everyone on the Moby Dick laughed.

“I never expected that Kaido would be such a coward”

“Hahaha, he is still a Yonko after all, but he is actually a coward”

“Kaido, you are really arrogant.”

The Beasts Pirates were all angry after hearing the ridicule on the Moby Dick.

Kaido punched the ship, looked at Ron and said,”Ron, do you want to cooperate with me?”

“cooperate? Do you think it’s possible?

Kaido obviously lost his patience:”It seems that you are really determined not to cooperate!” In this case, we can only start a war!”

“I have all the beasts here, you only have one whale ship, Ron, give you one last chance!”

Boom, crack.

Thunder fell, and the area made an explosion sound.

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