Plane Development Plan

Chapter 114 K Twelve Reappearance

Xiao Jiang looked at Marshal Ross unexpectedly, he could still think of a way, he said thoughtfully:

"Tell me about it specifically?"

Ross said:

"The number of the fleet cannot exceed five, and the number cannot exceed 1,000. It has a fixed range of activities. It cannot go to other places without the consent of the commander's headquarters, otherwise it will be regarded as a rebel attack."

Xiao Jiang thought about it and said:

"Yes, but I want to designate an area. Of course, it won't be in the solar system. I know this is impossible. After the area is selected, other fleets can't approach at will without my permission."

Ross' eyes lit up and said:

"Deal, I hope Mr. Hurry to set off. Now I can restore your military status immediately. As the commander of the major of the Special Mobile Force, you can choose the team members who will participate in the rescue."

Xiao Jiang said:

"The original K12 team members were also buried in the snow because of the last incident. I hope they can join me when they reach the landing fleet on Planet P, and I don't want anyone to lie to me. It's not good for everyone when things get bigger."

Ross smiled and said:

"We won't lose the big because of the small. I believe that Major Xiao Jiang can understand what I mean."

Xiao Jiang nodded. For people at the level of Ross, what they want is the rights of the whole federation. Although Xiao Jiang's request is excessive, they will not take it as a big deal. Five warships with a thousand people are still controlled by one. In the region, there is no threat to the Federation at all.

Roston paused and said:

"The transport ship Samartha in the military port, I have prepared everything for you. The original K12 team members will be mobilized immediately. I hope you have a smooth journey."

Xiao Jiang smiled and said:

"Understood, we'll go right away."

"Then I'll arrange other things."

After Rose left the villa, Ais waited for Rose's car to leave and asked in a low voice:

"Why did you promise him? Is this fleet of any use to you?"

Xiao Jiang said:

"Yes, it's useful to us, but it doesn't make much sense to me. You'll know it later. Let's get ready to go. You've been practicing spear fighting for half a year, and it's time to give it a try.

There are still some things that will take half a year to discuss with you. Let's go, it's boring to stay at home. "

Tia doesn't care, Xiao Jiang is her choice to rely on, she doesn't care even if she goes to the ends of the earth, the mountains and the sea of ​​fire, although Ais is also very good to Xiao Jiang, but she is not a simple girl, her mentality will never be the same, Xiao Jiang has many things that should be let go They know that it can only be temporarily suppressed now.

The transport ship Samatha took off immediately after Xiao Jiang and the three of them boarded the ship. At an office window on the top floor of the high command building a few kilometers away from the airport, a beautiful woman in a white military uniform and the rank of Grand Marshal watched as it took off. The spaceship remained motionless, and when the spaceship disappeared, she whispered:

"Ross and others are doing their best to rescue Marshal Akka. How sure do you think they are?"

"The advance fortress is on a hilltop. Although it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the number of bugs is huge, and the surrounding area is already surrounded by bugs. The headquarters agreed that a small team will go to the rescue. If it is unsuccessful, no follow-up rescue will be sent. I guess Marshal Akka. More bad luck."

Behind Snape, a major man looked at Snape with admiration. This is also normal. A beautiful woman in her twenties actually became the Grand Marshal. How many men coveted that person.

Snape smiled and said:

"Is the matter on Mars arranged?"

The major glanced at Snape's perfect back, swallowed and said:

"Well, the thing is ready, just need the marshal to characterize Mars, and then the thing comes out, and we can complete the mission."

Snape said with a charming smile:

"Alright, when the situation changes, if the old man is trapped on Planet P, this matter can be delayed a little, if..."

If the major didn't need to listen, there were stars in his eyes looking at Snape's profile, but they didn't know that Marshal Ross had activated the k-12 squad she least wanted.


Planet p is located in a planet in the far-space galaxy in the big k star field. Because the Zerg has the ability to create an atmosphere suitable for life, this planet has conditions suitable for human survival, but the water source is scarce and very barren.

The Federation began to explore on this planet many years ago. It was originally intended to be a forward planet for the Federation army, but there were actually a huge number of bugs hidden here, and the initial bases were destroyed.

After the new base was established, it was rarely attacked. Everyone thought that there were only a few bugs left on this planet, so they planned to rebuild the base.

When the new base was established and two motorized infantry divisions were dispatched, Marshal Akka went to celebrate in person. As a result, the Zerg emerged from all directions and surrounded the base. The space force planned to rescue but could not break through the plasma insects and flight. The siege of Zerglings, and now Marshal Akka leads the remaining 2,000 soldiers to defend the base.

"Captain Joanna..."

"Major Xiao Jiang, welcome back."

Inside a raiding ship in space, the beautiful Joanna stepped forward and hugged Xiao Jiang and kissed her. You must know that this woman has a lot of ideas for Xiao Jiang, but she just had no chance after the accident. Now that she sees Xiao Jiang, this The woman was a little swayed again.

Xiao Jiang was nothing, he said with a smile:

"It seems that they have considered everything, have the team arrived yet?"

"Tal, the Medic reports."

"Rodsay, the Electronic Intelligence Corps reports."

"Mark, Assault Report."

"Saipan, heavy firepower reports."

"Aldesia, the Demoman reports."

"August, the support soldiers report."

"Olivia, Logistics Corps reports."

Seven loud shouts appeared, Xiao Jiang looked at the door of the landing hatch, all the members of k12 had already arrived, he nodded and said:

"I'll take you on an adventure this time, and when it's over, you'll be heroes."

"I am invincible, and I am invincible."

The slogan sounded, and Xiao Jiang was inevitably a little excited. This team was cultivated by him, and it was destroyed before it could show off its skills. Although he didn't care about other things in this world, he was always concerned about the people around him.

Just like in the real world, as a big boss, he will pay attention to the lives of the workers and their interests. If he changes to another boss, as long as his interests are not affected, the following people still have to calculate their wages. Can you give me less.

Xiao Jiang is rational, but he also has a thought that is flawed in the eyes of others, that is, to make the people around him have a better life.

The team is structured by Xiao Jiang, but it is under the control of the military. If he says he retires, he will retire, and if he says he is disbanded, he will be disbanded. This is what Xiao Jiang has always been dissatisfied with.

This time to rebuild the team, Xiao Jiang intends to make his own life more comfortable and happier. The battle is not terrible, but he is afraid of being bullied after fighting for others.

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