Plane Development Plan

Chapter 124 Cooperation

Leidi did not live in Xiao Jiang's house, but in a garden house that Xiao Jiang bought in the city. If the two of them lived together as soon as they came, Xiao Jiang was worried that his parents would not accept it, because they There is some potential resistance to the appearance of mixed blood in the Xiao family.

This is what Xiao Jiang tried to ask. His parents valued the blood of the Xiao family very much, and they all considered blond and blue eyes in the West to be barbarians, even if the so-called civilization was seen by them as uncivilized and low-level barbarians. of.

It seems a bit discriminatory, but it's no wonder they, who made the Westerners feel like a robber and a bandit to the domestic people these years.

The original plan was to make Laidy an official girlfriend, but unfortunately his parents might not agree with Xiao Jiang and had to give up.


Xiao Jiang has arranged the real work. He plans to continue the unfinished trip to the world of martial arts, and then go to Galaxy World to develop interstellar technology for a period of time. This day is still 20 days away from the Spring Festival. Xiao Jiang's mother has already started to prepare the New Year's goods in advance. Xiao Jiang Jiang Ma is of course the captain of the transportation team. His father would never accompany his mother to go shopping. You can see why by looking at the dozen or so big pockets that Xiao Jiang is carrying.


I was going shopping with my mother. When I came to an intersection, a clear cry came, and at the same time, a shadow rushed in front of Xiao Jiang, with a long black ponytail, bright big eyes, and a smile on the face of melon seeds. .

"Giggle...Xiao Jiang, didn't you scare you?"

The girl smiled, Xiao Jiang shook his head and said:

"It's okay, what are you doing here to scare me?"

Mother Xiao Jiang saw this beautiful girl's eyes lit up and coughed dryly and said:

"Xiao Jiang, who is this girl? Why haven't I seen it before?"

The girl smiled sweetly and said:

"Hello Auntie, my name is Xu Qian. It's March 19 this year, and I don't have a boyfriend yet."

Mother Xiao Jiang snorted and looked at Xiao Jiang with a strange look on her face. Needless to say, Mother Xiao Jiang was a little suspicious or guessing. Xiao Jiang shook his head and motioned for his mother to look at the girl and say:

"Xu Qian, that's a nice name, you seem to be in good spirits. Are you shopping on the street?"

The girl pursed her lips and smiled:

"I saw you coming over to say hello and have a word with you by the way. I'm already well. I don't want to say thank you. I need to say hello from Xu Qian in the future, even if it is to take my life."

Xiao Jiang smiled and shook his head:

"It's your luck,

Well, I still have to go shopping with my mother, I will chat when I have time. "

Xu Qian nodded and waved her hand, said goodbye to Mama Xiao Jiang and left, Mama Xiao Jiang came over and said in a low voice:

"This girl is so beautiful and well-behaved. What if it's good to be a daughter-in-law?"

Xiao Jiang rolled his eyes, if his mother knew that the second uncle introduced Li Yaomei a few days ago was Aunt Xu Qian, she would be stunned.

Xiao Jiang smiled and said:

"Li Yaomei's aunt and niece, I just know each other."

When Xiao Jiang's mother heard this, she was not surprised but said thoughtfully:

"This girl has a good personality, very good, Xiaojiang can think about it."

Xiao Jiang shook his head and said:

"Let's hurry up and buy things, Mom, do we want to rebuild our old house too."

Mom said directly:

"Well, yes, every time people look at our old bungalow and don't like it, I'll go back and tell you old man, you can just find someone to fix it."

Xiao Jiang went shopping with his mother for a long time. The car was stuffed with various things and returned to the countryside. At night, Xiao Jiang slept in his old house room. If they were willing to pay the cost, the construction companies that won the bids rushed to work non-stop, because they knew that Jinglei Industry had a lot of projects, and some related companies would also build factories around this area. For them, this was a huge cake.

Xiao Jiang was wearing a safety helmet to see the completion site. As soon as he got into the car and was about to go home, he saw a construction site worker sitting on the roadside eating steamed buns and pickles.

He sighed a little. It's not because the workers are low-paid and can't afford to eat. They have to support a large family. In order to support their families, everyone saves when they can.

Life is actually like this. If Xiao Jiang doesn't have the ability to suddenly pass through, what can he do? Maybe he really started a small business, or he went home to feed a pig farm. This is considered a good condition for his family, but there are more people in a poorer family environment. What else can they do for a living? Diligence and thrift are the only options.

Xiao Jiang can loot the world's money, but he can't make everyone live a good life. He can't even say such a slogan.

The car left the construction site, and Xiao Jiang went to the company headquarters. He was not looking for the company's business but to see Lady's situation.

Because she became a zombie twice, Lady was under a lot of pressure. Now that Xiao Jiang asked her to work, she finally calmed down in this world without zombies.

After chatting with Leddy for a while, Xiao Jiang remembered one thing, that is the safety of his parents, and one thing that the richest people all over the world are worried about is being kidnapped. At times, a lot of people who attacked him and the people around him appeared.

At first, Xiao Jiang planned to make Jill responsible in reality, but Jill was responsible, and then Tia didn't know why and didn't want to come. He had to consider everyone's safety in reality.

Xiaohong arranged for a large number of micro-robots to monitor everywhere, but it was only passive defense. Xiao Jiang hoped that he had a high-level security department, which would make everyone feel at ease.

Now there are a lot of security guards in the company, Xiao Jiang is actually very dissatisfied, mainly because they are too weak in his opinion.

"Master, the automation laboratory has made new achievements. The carbon-based pico-meter chip technology made of graphene silicon germanium has been completed, and the performance is more than 2,000 times that of the same chip based on silicon. Since it is easier to manufacture without a lithography machine, Do we need to transition ahead of time?"

While analyzing the matter, Xiaohong suddenly reported that Xiao Jiang popped up the projection and looked at the new chip structure, while Leidy leaned on Xiao Jiang's shoulder and said:

"Jiang, although there are similar chip researches all over the world, it is still in its infancy and cannot compete with our chips for the time being, and the use of such chips in electronic products at the current stage seems to be too wasteful, unless other industries' researches follow suit. Otherwise, this kind of chip will only be a waste.”

"Well, it makes sense. Xiaohong brought out a few samples, as well as a few engines and a water-hydrogen decomposer. We need to find partners to promote the electronics industry and future technology. As long as they can seize the opportunity this time, our country's Leading technology will make foreign countries unable to keep up.

Leddy, you have to bring people from the business department to run these things, remember we are cooperation, we don't squeeze others, and others don't want benefits, fair cooperation is our philosophy, I hope they can create matching product to come. "

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