Plane Development Plan

Chapter 171 Jagged Planet

Akka was taken aback by Xiao Jiang's words. His four-lobed mouthparts kept opening and closing, but a particle gun slowly drilled out of his arm and was about to fire.

The barbarian iron blood has been transformed into a arsenal, which makes their combat effectiveness very sturdy, but that is for the comparison of ordinary human elite soldiers.

Xiao Jiang's strength is not to mention a barbarian iron blood, even if a group of barbarian iron blood want to attack him, it is a joke, in a flash, Xiao Jiang has appeared behind Akka, a spider-like object is buckled around Akka's neck, After the six claws clasped the nerves of Akka's cervical vertebrae, a red light began to flash behind the object.

Akka, who was ready to attack, stopped, and Xiao Jiang put him directly into the space research room and said:

"Xiaohong, immediately search for his physical condition, find his personal computer to crack, and then find the location of his spaceship. We are going to the Jagged Planet, and at the same time prepare a set of barbarian Jagged outer shells. If you want to sneak into the Jagged Planet, you must make all preparations. "

"The retrieval has already started, and it will take about an hour to complete. The owner can go and have some fun."

After Xiaohong finished speaking, Xiao Jiang jumped out of the football field and was about to go for a stroll, but he saw Isabelle running from the direction of the hotel, and when she reached Xiao Jiang, she breathed a little and said:

"Sir, what's the matter? I just saw an alien monster fleeing with a group of people, one of whom was holding a Jagged Mask in his hand. Could it be that the Predator is on Earth again?"

Xiao Jiang said:

"It's been dealt with, you don't need to worry, take a break and familiarize yourself with life here."

Isabelle nodded and said:

"Where are you going now, sir?"

Xiao Jiang was already ready to leave because Isabel provided super weapon information. He planned to go to the Jagged Planet, but he had to take Aka's spaceship with him, and he must not stay in the United States. He didn't want to leave them like this. A powerful thing, he looked into the distance and said:

"It's fine for the time being. I'll leave in a few hours."

Isabelle's eyes lit up and said:

"A few more hours? Then I..."


Two hours later, Xiao Jiang had already left the small town to a valley dozens of kilometers away. In front of a messy meadow in the valley, he took out a microcomputer and clicked it. As the moonlight continued to fluctuate on the grass, a small spaceship appeared. emerge slowly.

Open the door and enter,

Xiao Jiang started the spacecraft to set the coordinates and began to fly out of the atmosphere. At the front of the spacecraft 300,000 kilometers away from the earth, a special energy wave was launched to create an artificial wormhole. In the blink of an eye, the spacecraft passed through the wormhole and appeared a light-year away.

On Earth, Isabel held the balcony with both hands and looked up at the starry sky. She was a little dazed. It had been several years since the Earth and she left, and she didn't know if everything at home was okay.


Jagged Planet, a spaceship landed in the airport of a huge city after verification. Xiao Jiang smiled at the mouths of several barbarians holding weapons in the port. He stood up and walked out of the spaceship and walked along the dock in a grand manner. When he saw him These Predator salutes to show respect, because Xiao Jiang is wearing a shell that looks like Akka at this time. This Akka is a barbarian iron-blooded elder, and his status is very respected here.

"Elder Akka, Queen Moerxi asked you to go to the palace."

Just after arriving at the port exit, an iron-blooded female guard wearing a net bag suddenly appeared. If this iron-blooded woman was a beauty in the eyes of an iron-blooded man, she was two meters tall, dark green skin, slender and pointed. Claws, plus a proud heart, are definitely a good match for breeding.

However, Xiao Jiang could only endure the nausea in his heart when he looked at the four-mouthed and red-eyed iron-blooded woman. He learned a lot of information from Akka's personal computer.

Seven years ago, the Iron Queen took her guards to try out the planet to save people. Her sister Morshee notified the barbarian warriors to intercept them. The result was that the previous queen died. Morshee became the queen with her powerful strength. The most important thing is With the support of the barbarian elders like Akka.

Xiao Jiang is now pretending to be Akka, he nodded to the female guard and said:

"Okay, let's go."

The female guard smiled and pushed Xiao Jiang's arm with her heart and said:

"Elder Akka, I will accompany you when I see the Queen. I miss you very much."

Xiao Jiang didn't know what to say for a while. He never thought that Akka would have an affair with this iron-blooded female guard, but as a barbarian elder, it was normal for Akka to have a relationship with many iron-blooded women. He nodded slightly, and the female guard couldn't help but be happy. It was even more powerful. Xiao Jiang resisted the nausea and walked with the female guard into a huge building like a pyramid. After passing through more than a dozen passages, the female guard stopped at a stone gate and said:

"The queen is waiting for you inside, and I'll be waiting for you at home."

Saying that, the female guard threw a wink before leaving. Xiao Jiang glanced around. As a group of micro-robots dispersed, Xiao Jiang strode into the gate. In a bright hall, one hung two large watermelons. A burly woman with a height of 2.2 meters is sitting on the seat. In Akka's record, this is Queen Morxi. Xiao Jiang has now sneaked into the palace, but he can't lock the underground space for a while, so he has to continue? Pretending to be Akka.

"Aka has met Her Majesty the Queen."

Xiao Jiang greeted him with a salute, Morchy nodded, stood up and walked to Xiao Jiang's side, his hands suddenly held Xiao Jiang's mouth and opened his mouth to kiss Xiao Jiang madly.

Xiao Jiang was very frightened in his jacket. This Akka is really good, and Queen Morxi has an affair with him, but what should he do now? Kill the queen? There is definitely a special monitoring system hidden here, and Xiao Jiang wouldn't dare to move before finding these things.

But the Jagged Queen's movements became more and more crazy. When she made strange movements, Xiao Jiang had to activate the special function of the jacket to do special things.

"Master, you have already controlled all the monitoring facilities in the hall, and only one underground hole with a diameter of less than three meters was found by illuminating the ground. The location has been locked. You can execute the plan, and you can evacuate when you find something."

Just ten minutes after Xiao Jiang controlled his jacket, Xiao Hong's report finally arrived. Xiao Jiang's hand slowly moved away from holding the queen's shoulder, and a neural controller snapped on Morchy's cervical vertebra.

Queen Morshee happened to be in a special state. As soon as her neurons locked, she fainted with a shudder. Xiao Jiang forced her into the space and fell into the depths of the ground as soon as she turned around.

He has already locked the position, how could Xiao Jiang continue to use the iron-blooded queen as a massager? Although it is only a coat, he is doing the movements. If this iron-blooded woman is similar to a human being, he can bear the ugliness, but the iron-blooded clan has the ability. Insect gene, and a worm, are not the kind of monsters that can change people, Xiao Jiang had no choice but to put her away as a test object.

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