Plane Development Plan

Chapter 198 The ability of the phantom cat

More than ten years have passed, except for the few people who had crossed each other in the past, this place is already a different person. Li Qianhuan left here ten years ago, and now he has opened a small shop in Los Angeles to live a life. Although Xiao Jiang knows where she is. The place has never been seen.

Looking at the genius school, Xiao Jiang suddenly felt that something was passing underground. When he grabbed his hand, he saw the ground fluctuate, and he actually grabbed a beautiful girl in his hand.

At this time, Xiao Jiang's hand grabbed the opponent's heart. Xiao Jiang couldn't help but stunned for a moment when he saw that it was a girl and quickly let go of his hand. The other party lowered his head and said shyly:

"I'm just passing by here, sorry."

This girl is really fun. She was caught by Xiao Jiang and was taken advantage of, and she apologized first. Xiao Jiang had already guessed her identity. Since she was entering and leaving the genius school, she must be a student in it, and she is cute with this ability. If there is only a phantom cat, he said with a smile:

"I just felt that someone caught you underground. I didn't expect you to move through objects, which is very good."

The girl raised her head and glanced at Xiao Jiang. As a mutant, she was discriminated against in the society, but in fact, every normal person would envy these mutant abilities, because envy produces jealousy, so there will be hatred. It is the thinking of the masses. If everyone has the ability, then there will also be envy, jealousy and hatred for those with great ability.

The Phantom Cat is also a highly repelled person, but her abilities are extremely powerful. Unfortunately, mutants who have supernatural abilities will only develop supernormal abilities, and will not study and combine other fighting methods at all.

Just like Wanda and Kuaiyin, if they hadn't met Xiao Jiang, one of them would only be able to use Chaos Magic and the other would only be able to run fast. Without other fighting methods, they would appear to be single and easy to be challenged and cracked.

But now the two of them have practiced powerful martial arts, and the combination of the two has skyrocketed their combat power, and their abilities and magic have not increased, but combining other abilities would be terrifying.

Xiao Jiang was able to catch the phantom cat that was going underground. From the phantom cat’s point of view, Xiao Jiang was also a similar person. She blinked with big eyes and said:

"Are you going to join the gifted school?"

Xiao Jiang shook his head, he came here to have a look after playing the White Queen and felt bored. Anyway, he wouldn't interfere with anything here. As long as Magneto's machine technology is in hand, he should return to reality and arrange other things, and then Make the next plan.

Looking at the cute girl in front of him, Xiao Jiang suddenly thought of something and said with a smile:

"By the way, what's your name? And you can pass through objects, and it seems that you can pass through the human body, right?"

The phantom cat blinked and said:

"My name is Katie Pride,

I can indeed pass through the human body. "

Xiao Jiang looked at Katie who was half his head shorter and said with a smile:

"Try if you can penetrate my body, and remember how long you can keep it without wearing it. The Phantom Cat in the movie was able to penetrate objects and people in the early days, and later, it can even allow people's souls to pass through the plane.

Some people think that it is time-travel, but if you look carefully at the results before and after the movie and the communication between the characters, you can come to a very realistic thing. In the reversal of the future, Wolverine can travel to decades ago under the ability of the phantom cat, and then change. History, but everything has changed when he goes back, so the future that has happened and the future that has changed are not on the same timeline, they are different planes.

It is estimated that the space that was originally passed through has been destroyed by the sentinel robot. What Wolverine has changed is only the future of another same plane, so the people of this plane do not know what is going on in the reversal space.

That is to say, the phantom cat can finally achieve the ability to cross the plane, just like Quicksilver can accelerate to see other planes that are similar to reality. In his opinion, that is the future that is about to happen and the past that has disappeared. is what is actually happening in the parallel planes.

It may be impossible to reverse time. This is an idea with a super paradox in science. However, Xiao Jiang supports the theory that time is irreversible. The so-called time-travel, in his opinion, is parallel universe. It is not related to the original world, and there is almost no way for ordinary people to return to the original starting point when they travel to other planes.

Xiao Jiang has not passed through the parallel universe of his own real plane. Even if he has a chance, he is worried that he will not be able to come back, but this will not affect his belief in planes and the so-called time and space travel.

Just like his ability to travel through planes such as movies and TV, in his opinion, movies and TVs are all plane projections. Written and shot.

Phantom cats can travel through parallel universes, Xiao Jiang is extremely curious about this, so he wants to experience it for himself.

This phantom cat is only fourteen or fifteen years old now, at a young and lively age. Xiao Jiang's gentle personality makes her feel friendly, so she nodded and said after hearing Xiao Jiang's words:

"Then let me try it, here I come."

While speaking, the phantom cat rushed into Xiao Jiang's arms, and then... and then disappeared, but Xiao Jiang was stunned and quickly restrained his mind and transformed into a soul body that appeared in his spiritual space.

In the golden space, the phantom cat is looking east and west. This is Xiaojiang's spiritual space, where everything seems quiet and peaceful. The little girl looked around and said:

"Wow... such a beautiful place, hey, did you come in too? I wear your body, and this place is the place as soon as I come in, so strange."

Xiao Jiang looked at the lively girl and smiled. He watched red rays of light pass through Katie in the surrounding space, and he was constantly feeling this strange penetrating power.

"You can actually penetrate into my mental space, this is an accident, I guess my body is special, but this is also good for you, if someone attacks you with mental power in the future, you can use induction to rush into the other party's spiritual space, If there is a mental bomb, it can completely kill the opponent when the opponent is caught off guard."

The phantom cat pouted and shook his head:

"I don't have a mental bomb. What if I ran into someone else's mental space and couldn't leave?"


Xiao Jiang laughed and said:

"You can penetrate all objects, including mental barriers, and you can leave if you can enter, as long as you have a firm attitude."

"Oh... let me try..."

Katie closed her eyes, she had appeared in the woods with a flash, looking at Xiao Jiang with a smile in front of her, Katie giggled:

"Sure enough, but why can the spiritual space enter living people? Is it possible to put things in it?"

Xiao Jiang was stunned for a moment. Others' mental space is not very big, but Xiao Jiang's spiritual space combined with the heart of the universe is infinite. He has never considered whether this space can put things.

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