Plane Development Plan

Extra 7: The Worry-Free World

"After all the people on the first floor evacuated, they went to Changge Mountain and built a small city in the mountain. The nearest major force in this place is Wuxin Palace. Lan

Wuxin Temple majors in the method of selflessness and silence, and their area of ​​influence is not large. They mainly focus on mining and foreign trade. Although they are very powerful, they have no idea of ​​expansion.

It is rumored that if Wuxin Temple also expanded everywhere, they would have become the top three forces trillions of years ago. It is estimated that there would be one Taoist realm and three to five Taoist peak masters in charge.

The first floor chose to be close to this force. It is estimated that the purpose is to use this Wuxin Palace as a barrier and to develop with peace of mind. "

Xiaobai played the surveillance screen, and Xiao Jiang said thoughtfully:

"Wuxin Temple... is close to the techniques practiced by those thieves. It seems that these things are indispensable in any high-end world.

However, it is impossible to say that they have no ambition. Selflessness does not mean selflessness, and silence does not mean death. The more these people have no ambition on the surface, the greed in their bones is often heavier than anyone else. Unless they have mastered the true power of pure inaction, that is Taoism. A power that is difficult for even the most powerful people to touch.

If they are ambitious, but have been confined to one place for trillions of years, either they were arranged by others in the virtual world like the first floor, or there is something in that place that they want but cannot get. Lan

Hmm... We don't have time to investigate at the moment. Let the detector continue to monitor, use the hyperspace information link, and continue to observe. Once we find something abnormal, we can rush back and deal with it in time. "

Xiao Bai immediately started making arrangements, and Xiao Jiang entered the node space in a flash. It was still so magical, even though Xiao Jiang still couldn't feel the origin of the existence of this space.

"This node space is in my consciousness, but it is connected to the endless world. It feels like I have transcended the Tao realm, otherwise it would be impossible to connect to these worlds.

So does this space belong to me, or does some kind of power of expression intervene in my consciousness, and this power of expression has also approached or reached the level of existence and non-existence, but this power of expression does not have the ability to attack and defend, it is completely A representation of an auxiliary category.

If you put it this way, the power of expression is not just a few, but infinite. However, most of the infinite expressions are not of a combat nature, so even if the power of expression is achieved, the opponents of existence and non-existence will eventually be eliminated.

This... If this is the case, existence and non-existence are creation and erasure, and the result expressed is much more powerful than other expressions, then I must find a complete expression that can compete with or even crush it, otherwise there will be no real meaning. "

Xiao Jiang studied, and the light in his eyes kept flickering. After a while, his eyes cleared, and a skull-like crystal three-dimensional mark appeared between his eyebrows. As the mark appeared and disappeared, Xiao Jiang chuckled and said:

"Beyond existence and non-existence, the heart is the largest. The heart represents proof, cognition, and manifestation. If I continue to express it and combine it with other expressions, maybe I can reach that step."

Which step? Xiao Jiang didn't say it, but Xiao Bai knew that when he got to that point, he would be eternity. Eternity is not an expression, but a manifestation. What Xiao Jiang and other selves have been pursuing is eternity.

"Husband, the hyperspace link has been prepared."

Xiao Bai didn't remind Xiao Jiang until this moment. Xiao Jiang looked at the extremely distant light spot and said:

"Worry-free world, I, Xiao Jiang, am here, or I am back. It has only been a hundred thousand years. You should not have forgotten how to force that self to death. Although this self has lost part of its memory, it is still important to me. unimportant."

Xiao Jiang said, his body fluctuated for a while, and when he reappeared, he was already under an extremely steep cliff.

After feeling the spatial fluctuations of this world, Xiao Jiang said slightly unexpectedly: Lan

"Xiao Bai, the space intensity here is actually higher than that of the Xuyuan world. Is it possible that the level of this world is higher?"

Xiaobai has launched a large-scale detector. She said while calculating:

"In this case, it can only be said that the Wuyou World was more complete when it was formed. You must know that the Xuyuan World is composed of two worlds and fragments of one world from the predecessor of your system wife. The formation of this world is definitely different, with high spatial intensity. It’s not surprising.”

Xiao Jiang nodded. He glanced around with his divine eyes and walked to a dark boulder. He stared at the boulder and said:

"I fell here when I died, and was jointly attacked by three masters from the middle stage of the avenue. In my remaining memory, these three people were actually his junior brothers, and the sect was at the top of this peak.

Why is this self being tricked into being here? Is it the fiancée in my memory? Or the sect leader's daughter? Or the most beautiful woman in the big city? The remaining memories of this self are really interesting. Apart from a few beauties and a few people who killed him, there are only a few exercises that he has memorized. "

"Hehe, it's true that you are you. Even I only remember beautiful women. But you said that the enemies in this ego's memory are not just the three people who killed him. These people were ordered to do so by outsiders. Lan

This outsider... I think about it carefully. Although my memory is incomplete, I seem to remember that there is a force called the Blood Sect outside that has a grudge against him. "

Xiaobai said:

"Husband, remember what you remember anyway, and don't worry about what you can't remember. Deal with the few guys who did it first, and you will naturally know who ordered them.

By the way, your self merges with you before death, so they can't find the body here, and you can completely use your self to do things, which is much more convenient. "

Xiao Jiang and Xiaobai kept analyzing the situation, and there was a Jingshen Sect on the top of the peak, which was the sect where I was. On a white stone mountain towering into the clouds, a woman with a face like a hibiscus and an extremely gentle appearance was sitting on a stone. On the bed, she held a plain white gauze scarf in both hands and looked into the distance, with a trace of longing in her eyes as if it had existed since ancient times.

Just as the woman was looking into the distance, a woman in pink appeared and sat down next to her and said:

"Little Junior Sister, why are you here again? The grand ceremony taught by Master is about to begin in three months. The top ten most decent forces in the entire Wuyou World will send experts. It is said that there is also the young master of the Sacred Heart Sect. He is a handsome man who is said to be unparalleled in the world. In addition to his unpredictable cultivation and gentle and approachable personality, the most important thing is that he promises that he will definitely obtain the sacred weapon of the Grand Ceremony this time.

In this case, you have to marry him. Giggle, this good thing will make many beauties envious. "

The woman holding the white gauze said:

"Second Senior Sister, don't you miss Ninth Senior Brother? Ever since he disappeared, I feel like you haven't cared about him. You know, he calls you every time he makes delicious food."

Remember the fantasy house in 1 second:

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