Plane Development Plan

Chapter 373 Argeta

The blacksmith glanced at Aili who was not far behind Xiao Jiang, and he said with a kind smile in his eyes:

"I can still see the dwarf saints in my life, and I will live half my life in vain. She looks like your wife, the saints, it is said that they live in the endless galaxy, but unfortunately there is no saint in the starry sky of Altria. The existence of the clan has only been seen by the ancestors using special rituals."

Xiao Jiang's brows trembled. He was just here to travel, but something seemed to be wrong. It's not surprising that Nervin recognized the elf, but she knew that Xiao Jiang's coming to another world was very strange, and the blacksmith was even more so. After recognizing the identity of the Ellie Saints, you must know that the ancestors of the Terry dwarves are called Saints. How do the dwarves here know about the Galactic Saints in other universes, and how can they identify them.

The blacksmith laughed:

"Hehe, you don't have to be suspicious, the saints won't grow old, even when they die, they look like ten years old, and our dwarves grow old with age. , so I'll recognize her.

By the way, the third row on the second floor of the magic library is the weapon-making technology collected by humans. I don't know if it is useful to you. "

After the blacksmith finished speaking, he started to strike the iron again. Xiao Jiang was thinking about it. Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance. The blacksmith said without raising his head:

"The chaos has begun, and I have to be honest."

Xiao Jiang nodded and continued shopping with a group of women. Even if someone called a monster to attack the city behind, they didn't care that they continued to look around for good things.

The blacksmith looked up at them and whispered with a smile on their faces:

"Seeing the saints, I also understand that the dwarves will not perish. What's there to worry about? This man is so powerful, it's no wonder that he can find so many beautiful women, alas... It's really enviable."

Xiao Jiang and others continued to wander, and they arrived at the magic library in a short time. At this time, the monsters had been eliminated by the knights. I heard others say that the leader of the knights, Beth Cord, and the leader of the priest, Tramayi, are back? This is an easy solution. of invading monsters.

Xiao Jiang and the women were scattered in the library, constantly flipping through the books? The so-called reading means that they kept taking pictures, and Xiao Jiang followed the blacksmith's instructions to the place? After a while, he looked a little happy.

Does he really want to learn to make weapons? There is a complete forging technology here, although it seems to be low-level? But the creation and control of those magic patterns are the essence of various ethnic groups for tens of thousands of years. .

I read a book and saw the end of the evening? Xiao Jiang and his party went to the hotel to stay? After the accommodation was arranged, everyone went to the dining room to eat outside. Before eating for a while, a group of people came out noisily.

Among them were the bearded man and the half-sized boy whom he had met before.

These two people kept talking nonsense? There were two men and women in black cloaks in front of them? It happened that the black cloaked woman was sitting opposite Xiao Jiang.

"Algereta, I will visit Bethcord later. They warned the king, but the king has not agreed to form an alliance. Maybe he can be persuaded at the luncheon tomorrow."

The man in the cape was talking to the woman in the cape? But the woman in the cape stared at Xiao Jiang, waiting for the man to finish speaking? The cape woman named Arjeta nodded and said:

"I know brother, what about the three elves and Karaqiu?"

man said:

"Staying in an inn? They're not suitable for a hotel."

Algeta glanced at Xiao Jiang, who was laughing and joking with the women, and whispered in his mouth:

"Sure enough, he's a scumbag? Looking for so many women? He's worse than that fat-headed and big-eared idiot king."

The man in the cape asked without listening:

"Argeta? When did you say that?"

Argeta said:

"It's nothing, I just said that things are a little troublesome, let's eat quickly."

Just after the table started to eat, Xiao Jiang glanced at them, and after eating everyone went back to the room, especially the women who recognized the cloaks were both men and women, and they kept talking.

Xiao Jiang found an excuse to go out, and when he reached a corner of the street, Argeta walked out of the darkness to block Xiao Jiang, she lifted her cloak and exposed her long silver hair and stared at Xiao Jiang and said:

"Why are you here, are you still doing something wrong to me?"

Xiao Jiang said with a smile:

"I said it was a misunderstanding, and I won't say that. You can rest assured that you don't know me in the future. Don't put pressure on yourself."

After Xiao Jiang turned his head and left, Argeta put on his hat and said:

"Who do you think you are? Who can pretend that this kind of thing never happened. You actually hugged me, kissed and ran away. Do you think I am an ancient dragon so easy to bully?"

I don’t know if I’m bullying Xiao Jiang, but he doesn’t need to care. He has already launched a high-altitude detector in this world, and at the same time has used space rules to detect it. This is a closed world of different dimensions. A million miles high is a space barrier. , and the so-called starry sky is outside the barrier. There is only one moon here that really exists, and the entire continent of Altria is only a few thousand kilometers long and wide, and the walls are also blocked by space barriers.

In Xiao Jiang's view, this world is a space created by a strong person to play. It's okay to play, but it's meaningless if you care too much.

Argeta is an ancient dragon. Above the ancient dragons, there are Chaos Dragons and Order Dragons. Above them, there are three ancient gods. Perhaps that is the so-called god who created this continent.

This is a lot of conjecture. Although the super-dimensional space created by Xiaojiang is not large, it is also a super-large space that can accommodate tens of millions of people. If the technology continues to improve or the space perception is greater, Xiaojiang will create an Altria continent like this. Large space is not a problem, and then there are pearl people who transform the world to create the earth and vegetation, and the gods and wood elves continue to catalyze plants. As long as other animals develop, and then get some people in, then is he the creation of the different-dimensional space world? God?

The answer is inevitable, the space is dominated by him, then he is the creator god, and all kinds of life in it can evolve naturally or can be brought in from outside.

This kind of thinking was guessed by Xiao Jiang, because elves and dwarves actually knew about the outside world, so it was most likely that some ancient elves and dwarves remembered some outside things.

If it is really as Xiao Jiang guessed, there should be some forces outside this world that have an impact on this place, and is Desmodeus, the creator of Altria, dead? Is the goddess Altea sleeping, and whether the betrayed goddess Vestine is hiding in the Continent of Mysteries?

How powerful are these three so-called gods? And why the chaos order they created and the resulting three-dragon war in the shadows produced a bunch of dragon jade, and why dragon jade can evolve into a human being, these are the secrets of this world, but Xiao Jiang didn't want to inquire about it. Mining secrets, he didn't want to disrupt travel plans.

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