Plane Development Plan

Chapter 600 The Darkness of the Federation

Diz is a Western beauty, but strictly speaking, many Western women are good-looking because of their height advantage, but most of them have large pores, freckles on the face or body odor.

Diz should belong to a very small group, because her face without makeup is very smooth, and there is a very fresh body fragrance on her body. Although she is not a big beauty, she is good-looking.

Xiao Jiang is very good at seeing women now. He doesn't even let Nami women go. Neytini is more than one meter taller than him, so he can have a good time. When Diz told her name At that time, Xiao Jiang had already analyzed a lot of things.

Xiao Jiang stretched out his hand and said:

"My name is Xiao Jiang, and I'm also in the recruit training camp of Base No. 30. You can call me Xiao or Jiang."

Diz stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Jiang and said with a smile:

"Call me Diz, we are actually comrades in arms. By the way, I heard that the training of the mobile infantry is very difficult. Are you afraid?"

After three months of recruit training, Xiao Jiang didn't take it seriously. He had already broken through the martial arts golden body and entered the Vajra Immortal Realm. In the legends of normal martial arts, he was already at a very high level. Even in the legends of Xianxia, ​​it was only a part of martial arts. Only strong fellow practitioners can achieve it.

Xiao Jiang has only been cultivated for six or seven years now, and in the arena, he is the internal force of an ordinary warrior. His power in battle is not very good, but with the same mental power in his physical body, he still belongs to the level of a fairy god.

That is to say, Xiao Jiang can be regarded as a god in terms of physical ability and mind power, but he is just a newcomer in cultivation and energy.

But a little military training, in his opinion, is as simple as a fart, which is far from his physical training in the mountains and floods.

"I'm not afraid, how about you?"

Xiao Jiang said casually, Diz pursed his lips and shook his head with a smile, and said with some expectation in his eyes:

"Maybe I'd like this kind of life."


Like it? In the recruit training camp, Xiao Jiang was probably the only one who had nothing to do. When the first day of training was over, Xiao Jiang couldn't help cursing secretly when he entered the bathroom.

It turns out that in the movie, the army has mixed baths for men and women. Although there are not many beauties in the No. 30 base, they are in good shape. He also said that he will see if there are any that can be used on the first day.

But... this base actually has two bathrooms,

It's fine that men and women live in separate rooms, and they don't even take a shower together. Isn't this disappointing him.

It turns out that every base and every unit has different rules, and this base is distinguished except for training. Xiao Jiang was very disappointed, but he was even more surprised later.

Diz is in a small team with him, and they train together every day. As Diz is a woman, it is always inconvenient. Xiao Jiang will always encourage and encourage her when she reaches the limit of training, and help her relax her muscles with zhenqi.

In his opinion, Diz is the only person in this world who can still chat with him, and it is nothing to help her, but women's minds cannot be fathomed. After two and a half months of training, Xiao Jiang, because of his outstanding Due to his training results, he became the captain of the team, and Diz also became an excellent student in Xiao Jiang's inadvertent massage to improve the strength of his muscles and bones.

This day just finished training, as usual, Xiao Jiang asked Diz to lie on the cushion of the training ground to relax her muscles and bones. At this moment, an urgent message appeared on the electronic display in front. It turned out to be a Zerg-driven A huge meteorite hit the earth, and the place where it was blown up happened to be Diz's hometown.

Diz sat up when she heard the news, she was dumbfounded for a while looking at the picture of her hometown being destroyed, Xiao Jiang glanced at her and said:

"What's wrong?"

Diz patted his heart and said:

"This is my hometown, and many acquaintances are there. These damn bugs are actually attacking the earth. Xiao, we must kill all these bugs when we go to the battlefield."

Xiao Jiang is not a blind soldier in this world. He looked at the excited Diz and thought for a while. He glanced at the soldiers and officers around him who were reading the news, and then gently walked into the next equipment room with Diz in his arms. Zi looked at him inexplicably and said:

"What's the matter? Now my hometown is destroyed, I must kill the bugs."

Xiao Jiang squeezed Diz's arm, and Diz, who had been training together, stopped his excited words when he knew that Xiao Jiang had something to say. Xiao Jiang took a small blackboard and quickly outlined the trajectory of the solar system at this time. Then draw the position of the artificial wormhole and the space defense station.

After delineating the route and time of the meteorite attack on the earth, he said:

"Diz, take a look for yourself, here's the reported trajectory and the deployment we know about, what do you find?"

Dizzai watched carefully for a while. Although she is a scumbag and did not go to college, but the basic analysis is still good. She looked at it and her face became pale for a while, then she collapsed into Xiao Jiang's arms and murmured:

"Unexpectedly...unexpectedly, the meteorite actually passed through the wormhole and passed the space defense station less than a thousand kilometers away to attack the earth. After a thousand kilometers, there are so many heavy artillery turrets and missiles in the defense station, but there is no response at all. Is there no one to pursue this matter?"

"Diz, you have too little experience, but you should also know that the world is not so simple. The defense station is directly managed by the high command. Surrounding the wormhole are surveillance satellites and even patrol ships. You said such a big meteorite Just passing through a surveillance area of ​​25 million kilometers at a speed of 1,000 kilometers per second, how did they not respond?"

Diz suddenly understood and said in amazement:

"You mean...they deliberately, intentionally let the meteorite hit the earth...why is that?"

Xiao Jiang said in a low voice:

"War... is the only way to maintain the power of the command. There are 36 planets in the Big K star field, and there are no large-scale minerals on them, and the other star fields are not far away. It is very easy to mine and build. Why build thousands of planets?" How about a 10,000-level army to deal with bugs? Wouldn’t it be enough to just blow up the Big K star field with a nuclear bomb?

Everything is controlled by the military. They will not let the war end, so that they have control over the Federation. Otherwise, without the Zerg, they will have to surrender control during the war.

If you count the high-level military, none of the seven marshals and ten generals belong to a big family. They control major leading enterprises, and the heads of various institutions are in the family, and the parliament is also controlled by them.

During this period of time, there are more and more organizations opposing the continuation of the war, and there are more and more rallies. If they don't make a big noise to silence these voices, the common people will understand sooner or later. "

Diz was silent for a while, she leaned her head on Xiao Jiang's shoulder and said:

"What can we do? Expose them?"

Xiao Jiang said:

"Exposing... Do you have the ability? How many people believe what you said? It is estimated that you just stabbed it out, and the person who killed you will arrive. The high-level federation is deeply intertwined. Both are threatening things, and they will have the same goal."

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