Plane Development Plan

Chapter 603 Darkness

Xiao Jiang shook his head. He remembered the battle on the high ground. After soldiers and insects poured into the defensive area in large numbers, Xiao Jiang asked the soldiers to follow him to evacuate. After breaking through the three-layer encirclement, a group of flying springtails rushed out from behind the mountain. Xiao Jiang asked the remaining five soldiers to hide from him to deal with these insects, but these five soldiers were not his direct subordinates. The tank worms and a group of soldier worms emerged from the ground and strangled them.

Xiao Jiang was helpless, he could perceive everything around him, but he still couldn't rescue them with ordinary methods, so he could only regretfully kill Diz on his back.

If there is no power to expose, it means that countless detection satellites in space are monitoring the battlefield, and there are many fighter planes circling at dawn. Xiao Jiang will not expose himself easily, even if he is clearly capable of solving everything.

If it can be easily exposed, then he might as well kill all the mother insects of the entire Big K planet with a strong force. His purpose is to mess around for a year, not to contribute to this world. To what extent can he do that? It is determined by the development of the situation.

It’s a pity, it’s a pity, this war that shouldn’t have lasted was set up by the top military for the sake of power, how many people die, that’s all their business, Xiao Jiang is now a low-level officer, just do what he should do .

When the time is up, he will slip away with the technology, and he doesn't care if the world is completely destroyed.

" that really you?"

"Carmen, why are you on this spaceship?"

A passing flight officer greeted Diz suddenly, Xiao Jiang looked sideways, she was a tall beauty with an oval face, seeing her confident smile and arrogant figure, she really lived up to her reputation as a beautiful schoolmaster .

Carmen, the heroine, is a proud woman, an outstanding ship commander in the future, the ex-girlfriend of the hero Johnny Rick, and a classmate of Deeds.

Xiao Jiang knew of her existence, but he never cared about these things, and it was rare for him to get the information. Diz said with a smile:

"I'm in the motorized infantry unit. This is my captain, Sergeant Xiao Jiang, and my boyfriend. What about you? Are you still with Johnny?"

Carmen tangled up in embarrassment and said:

"I broke up with him. I guess we are not suitable. I am now the trainee pilot officer of this spaceship. Shall I treat you to coffee?"

Diz shook his head and said:


We are about to leave Observation Station No. 62, and there are only two of us left in the team, and the rest of the new team members will be replenished in a long time. "

Carmen says:

"Oh... No. 62... seems to be in the Alshaya Valley of planet P. It was recently attacked by bugs. The team inside has been evacuated. I don't know if the valley has been cleaned up. Well... since I sent you there, I should It was cleaned up."

Xiao Jiang and Diz looked at each other. If Carmen said this, it is estimated that the military has not cleaned it up. Major General Martin is still there, so he must continue to find opportunities for Xiao Jiang to die.

Diz thought for a while and said:

"Well, Carmen, we have to go, take care."

When Diz and Xiao Jiang left with backpacks and weapons, Carmen looked at the passage they left and whispered with some doubts:

"Observation station No. 62, 17 kilometers away from the brandy outpost, if something happens to the brandy outpost, they should send someone there, right?"

Xiao Jiang didn't care about the future, anyway, he didn't worry about so much shit, and he and Diz left the fleet in a small spaceship. Four hours later, the spaceship landed in front of a gun tower, which was made of alloy and surrounded by helium tri-generators. The electric arc column for power supply, ten automatic cannons on the top of the turret and the middle muzzle, looks very good.

However, Xiao Jiang saw the corpses of soldiers and insects piled up in all directions around the gun tower. These corpses seemed to have only skeletons left, as if it had been a long time, but in fact the Zerg is a very special kind of life form. Relying on various natural minerals, once they die, the biological cells and tissues in their bodies will quickly decompose into basic substances, such as hydroxide, nitrogen, iron, calcium, etc., so when you see the exoskeleton corpses of bugs, don’t think that they have been dead for a long time, say It may have died the first day.

Xiao Jiang and Diz came out, and the spaceship left immediately. Xiao Jiang opened the door with the key of the gate. Once you enter here, you will find the hall. There is a kitchen, a dining table and many canned food in the hall, and a lot of weapons are piled up on the second floor. Ammunition, while the third layer is a helium trigenerator unit, and the top is a ring turret.

There are four rooms on each floor, but now Xiao Jiang and Diz are the only ones in the entire observation station. The two found a room to tidy up. Diz accompanied Xiao Jiang to the top of the building and looked at the desolate and lonely surroundings and said:

"Are they asking us to wait here to die? The recruits say they won't arrive until a month later, but no one knows how many Zerg there are here.

Just the two of us, what do you think they are thinking, it is not right to arrange for a discerning person to see it this way. "

Xiao Jiang laughed and said:

"Do they care? Does anyone care about you and me? Diz, it's actually not bad. It's just you and me here, and I don't worry about others coming to die. Besides, isn't it fun just you and me?"

Diz gave Xiao Jiang a white look and said:

"You terrible guy, you killed tens of thousands of bugs on Big K, right? There are also hundreds of tank bugs and springtails. According to your combat achievements, you should at least be promoted to colonel. Your combat record It’s not that Yi and the others didn’t get it, why did they pretend they didn’t see everything?”

Xiao Jiang fights with the peak methods of ordinary people, but actually has a strong physical body to maintain that peak state, coupled with the power of thought and the detection of the Red Queen, he can kill as long as he enters the observation range, he still retains a lot.

On the way to break out of the siege, he picked up assault guns, heavy sniper rifles, fire support machine guns, and miniature nuclear bombs and high-explosive bombs along the way, constantly replacing weapons and supplies. On the way he passed, there were piles of bug corpses.

When he reached the periphery, all the corresponding troops were taken aback by his crazy killing. The army of soldiers and insects surging behind him was suppressed by him alone and could not advance an inch. When a soldier fell down, it was like killing a god alive.

It was precisely because of the evidence from the officers and soldiers of the supporting troops that Xiao Jiang led people to break through the siege was confirmed by the superiors, but the credit for killing insects has disappeared. observation station.

Black, not ordinary black, probably all the butts are black, Xiao Jiang expressed his admiration for the decay and darkness of the federal military headquarters, so he has not been overturned by the common people, he is really lucky, he doesn't care about credit, even He was even happier being brought here, because he could avoid the crowd and practice here quietly for a while.

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