Planting the World Tree From Pirates

Chapter 245? Denying Three Companies

Since leaving the cumulonimbus cloud, everyone seemed to have come and welcomed good luck.

Along the way, the weather was calm and the weather was unusually mild, which made everyone feel comfortable.

Perhaps because of getting the first "trophy" of the adventure, everyone's mentality has changed again, and everyone has become more and more motivated.

on board.

Practicing martial arts, studying and learning, even Nami spent part of her time practicing breathing techniques when she was not in control of the course.

Makino was surprised, but also felt that everything was reasonable.

In the original book, Nami is not a combatant.

Therefore, almost no scenes of Nami's practice have been described.

However, in fact, Nami has worked hard along the way.

In addition to the equipment presented by Usopp, Nami's combat awareness is actually not weak at all.

Nami even defeated Kalifa, which is quite powerful!

You know, Kalifa is an agent of CP9, and has been trained for a long time, and her combat effectiveness is quite extraordinary.

For the active efforts of his subordinates, Makino is happy to see the results.

With the master-apprentice system, Makino has already quietly planted the seeds of domineering in everyone.

As long as you work hard enough and the opportunity is right, you can awaken your domineering spirit!

Based on their aptitude, it is almost impossible to become a peerless powerhouse.

But as the handyman chosen by Makino, he can't be too weak, can he?

The ship sailed in such an orderly manner.


A thousand meters away, a pirate ship is sailing.

However, this pirate ship is completely different from most pirate ships.

Because, it's a submarine.

Even the power is not ordinary sail power, but mechanical power driven by steam.

At this moment, the watchman on the pirate ship suddenly rang the alarm bell.

"Captain, the ship has been spotted!"


The appearance of this news immediately made everyone in the submarine excited.

"Which pirate group is it? Take a look, is it worth our shot!"

It was the captain of the pirate group who spoke, his name was Kebero Valdin.

A genius mechanic born in Beihai, he grew up listening to the legend of Germa 66.

Therefore, he is very fond of imitating Germa 66.

However, his talent point is a bit biased, it is not added to genetic modification, but to mechanical manufacturing.

Not only did he invent a mechanical submarine that can dive under the sea, he even transformed half of his body into a machine.

Submarine + semi-reformed robot, the steel soldier pirate group led by Valding has also made a great reputation in the North Sea.

Captain Waldin has now offered a reward of 50 million Baileys.

The deputy captain, Iron Wall Albert, also offered a reward of 30 million Baileys.

It is no exaggeration to say that the steel soldier pirate group is in the North Sea, and that is also the pirate group that dominates one side.

Hearing the captain's words, the lookout quickly adjusted the angle of the periscope.

"Captain, the flag on the ship doesn't look like a skull, it doesn't seem to be a pirate ship!"

"Not a pirate ship?"

Hearing the watchman's words, everyone immediately became interested.

"Is it a merchant ship?"

"It's done, it's done, it's done!"

Most of the ships on the great route are pirate ships, and the probability of encountering merchant ships is extremely low.

However, most of the merchant ships that can sail on the great route are extremely wealthy chambers of commerce.

Its strength is not even weaker than ordinary pirate gangs!

Valdin was excited, "Quickly, adjust the course and approach the merchant ship, the cargo is ours!"


All the sailors on board cheered up.

If you successfully rob a merchant ship, the benefits will be huge, and they are the best in the North Sea.

Albert: "Lookout, which chamber of commerce's ship is it?"

The lookout watched carefully for a while, but was still not sure.

"Not sure, the flag is a leaf, it seems a bit familiar..."


Everyone was confused and racked their brains.

Does any chamber of commerce use leaves as logos?

As a group of pirates who often attack the chamber of commerce, they are still quite sensitive to the logo of the chamber of commerce.

Lookout: "I always feel familiar, I should have seen it before."

"Why do you think so much? You only have a superficial impression, so it is definitely not a big chamber of commerce that needs our attention!"

"Yes, yes, just relax."

Valding: "That's right, work harder and try to take down this merchant ship in one breath."

Although Valding has not been on the great route for too long, he is still an old fritter.

He still knew exactly which ships could be robbed and which ships could not be moved.

for example.

Merchant ships flying the flag of Doflamingo must not move.

Doflamingo, as the king's Shichibukai, is extremely powerful and quite vengeful.

If his goods were touched, it might lead to a crusade by the cadres under Doflamingo's command, which is no different from courting death.

"Hurry up, hurry up, go around the bottom of the boat, give it a shot first, and then this boat will be ours!"

"Treasures and women are all ours!"

Submarines are very fast.

But the watchman felt uneasy. Where did he see that fig leaf flag?

Damn it!

The watchman scratched his head and felt that his hair was about to fall out, even though he was bald and had no hair.

Fig looks so familiar, where did he see it?

At the same time, the submarine has already lurked to the bottom of the "merchant ship".

On board, every pirate was extremely excited.

At the same time, the watchman suddenly...remembered!


The latest newspaper!

The watchman seemed to be crazy, and ran to the living cabin frantically, constantly checking the newspapers.

Thirty seconds later.

Lookout...found it!

Fig Leaf...Master Makino...Pirate Code...Pirate Enemy...Underground Bounty...

The so-called underground bounty is not a bounty issued by the navy or the world government.

It is a reward issued by a certain organization or private person.

The influence is naturally incomparable to the reward offered by the world government!

But in the underground world, and the world of bounty hunters, it is very useful!


Looking at his forehead, face, and back, all were soaked in sweat.

The whole person was frightened, and his mind went blank. fucking...scary!

This is not a worm, it is simply a dragon!

"Captain, the torpedoes are ready!"

Hearing the archer's words, the watchman was frightened to death.


The lookout's voice was really too loud, and it caught everyone's attention for a moment.

In the living cabin, many people looked at him one after another.

The lookout didn't care, and immediately ran to the torpedo cabin.

In a hurry, the watchman accidentally kowtowed to the head, rubbing his shiny bald head, and blood immediately came out.

But at this moment, how can the bald head care about this?


The watchman shouted while running, and everyone was attracted by his movements.

Seeing that the torpedo hadn't been launched yet, the lookout was relieved this time.


Captain Valding nodded, "Torpedo launch."

Then, the crew, who had already been ready to launch the torpedo, directly pressed the launch button.

At the same time, the watchman's words also came out.


Valdin: "???"

Albert: "???"

Everyone: "???"

The lookout was about to cry, and handed the newspaper and the arrest warrant he had just found to Captain Valding.

The moment Valdin saw the newspaper, his eyes widened suddenly, and even the modified heart almost went out.

Albert, known as the iron wall, even let his arm rest, emitting bursts of black smoke.


The entire Steel Soldiers Pirates can be heard.

The captain and the deputy captain, the two of them were completely petrified for a moment, dumbstruck.

At the same time, after launching the torpedo, the sailors directly attached the submarine to the surface of the water as usual.


With a burst of pressure relief, the submarine opened the watertight compartment.

However, it was different from what they expected.

The people on the merchant ship did not panic, but looked at them calmly.

Things seem to be wrong!

But the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

There are not many people in the world who can tie with their Captain Waldin!

Several sailors who were familiar with the road immediately fired a large number of climbing ropes at the merchant ship.

The two ships were immediately connected tightly in series. This merchant ship wanted to escape, but there was no way!

A combatant said viciously, "You don't want to move, I'm a member of the Steel Pirates, and our captain is Kerbero Valdin, who has offered a reward of 50 million Baileys!"

Hearing the combatant's words, Captain Valdin's transformed body trembled, and a large amount of white steam gushed out directly.

His scalp was numb, and he desperately ran towards the door of the watertight cabin.

I'm not, it's not me, I didn't, that's not what I meant, don't hurt me!

But before it was his turn to speak, another voice came from his ear.

"Aren't you frightened? You're acquainted, Captain Valding, famous, known as the number two of Germa 66 in the North Sea, even a child can cry in fright. Be honest, get all the goods ready for us!" "


Captain Kebero Valdin's face was ashen, and his heart almost stopped suddenly.

This is not what I mean, don't harm me!

Chi Chi Chi, Valdin was too anxious, and his body temperature rose sharply.

After the transformation, the face and body have changed color, and the nostrils and ears have started to emit steam.

"Captain Waldin, the world is invincible, that woman with big breasts and wearing a shirt is talking about you. As long as you serve our captain obediently, good times are yet to come!"

"Well said. Captain Waldin, he is invincible in the world, and his transformation technology is first-class."

"The one with the long hair and the black windbreaker is talking about you. Why are you so handsome? Can you be so handsome?"

"Our vice-captain, Albert, what I hate the most is you, a little boy with a bad face and a stinky bitch!"

so gay?

Makino narrowed his eyes suddenly.

"Vice-captain, Albert, I remember!"

Albert's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted.

"It's not me, I'm not, I haven't thought about it that way?"

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