The time to wait for the game to update is grueling, because no one knows what kind of changes SAO will usher in.

And change is exactly what players don't want to see, because every time a new change occurs, it needs to be tested with life.

At SAO, information has a price.

Any piece of precious information may have the blood of players behind it.

This is the experience and lessons that many players have exchanged for blood in the past, and it has become a consensus.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the top players like Wings of Freedom are very uneasy.

Makino also didn't know how to comfort him, because any comfort seemed very empty and false right now.

The only thing Makino can do is... move like a mountain!

As the president of Wings of Freedom, as long as he is not chaotic, other players can more or less get some encouragement.

Between breaks, alone time.

Asuna suddenly stretched out her hands and stroked Makino's cheeks, "I can't express worry, it must be very hard. Makino, I will always support you!"

Hearing Asuna's words, Mu Ye's heart suddenly warmed.

Mu Ye smiled and said, "Don't underestimate me, I am very strong, strong and strong, and I can protect Asuna at all times!"

Asuna smiled, "I know, Makino is very strong, very strong. However, protecting me is not enough... Makino, you must also protect yourself!"

Asuna was never alone in worrying about herself.

Even, she was worried that Makino had more.

Because Makino is the president of Wings of Freedom, the sustenance and hope of everyone.

And this is destined to be impossible for Makino to escape!

Asuna was not afraid of Makino going to fight, but she was afraid that Makino would be too aggressive,

Makino didn't say anything more, he stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Asuna's waist, and the two of them leaned tightly together.

On the 74th floor of Aincrad, Kam Ditlin is lined with an intricate jungle of ancient woods, and many light blue flower grasslands.

The air quality is very good, and the stars at night are very bright.

The star-studded stars in the sky gathered together like a splendid galaxy.

After marrying Asuna, Makino felt more and more deeply the fear, worry and anxiety of players in this death game.

Living on the brink of death all the time puts too much pressure on players.

This also caused the players' feelings to be extremely depressed, or they didn't break out.

In the real world, pure and fiery feelings like Asuna's are basically impossible to appear.

But in the cage of SAO, everything becomes possible.

This also makes Makino feel more and more pity for Asuna!

Looking at the star-filled man, feeling the cool breeze blowing his face, Mu Ye's accumulated emotions tended to overflow.

At this moment, Mu Ye's heart suddenly had a strong impulse,

He was eager to share some of his past with Asuna.

Makino wanted to tell Asuna, don't be afraid, really don't need to be afraid, he is really strong, strong, strong... the kind that is strong enough to suppress a world.

And here is just one of his exam rooms, Makino is fully confident and capable of protecting Asuna's safety!

However, Makino has scruples in his heart, or fear in his heart.

Because Makino was afraid that his past would frighten Asuna.

After thinking for a long time, Makino decided to try it out.

Makino: "Asuna, if...I say I'm...God, how do you feel?"

Muye is a tree planter or a temporary worker, but to say that he is a god can barely make sense.

Asuna was stunned for a moment, and then Asuna stretched out her hand and placed it on Makino's forehead to measure her temperature.

Makino: "..."

Does Asuna feel like he has a fever and then talk nonsense?

Is there such a thing as a fever in SAO?

Sure enough, things like gods are a little hard to accept for Asuna, a girl who has been living in the world of technology!

Asuna: "There is no fever, Makino, you are not the kind of person who likes to talk things out... I suddenly have to believe it, what should I do, what should I do with Makino? Everyone will not think that I am too negative pressure and my brain is burned out. Come on!"

Makino was instantly happy.

Asuna, how can you be so cute?

The topic just passed, and Makino didn't mention it any more.

It is indeed too unbelievable to say this identity.

However, after talking to Asuna, Muye felt like he was putting down a big stone.

Makino couldn't wait to see the end of the exam and Asuna's expression after he really confirmed his identity as a god.

It must be very interesting then!

The clock ticked, and the minutes passed.

Makino and Asuna shared some past things with each other. For example, Makino mentioned to Asuna that he lived with his grandfather when he was a child.

This made Asuna unbearable. She only knew at this time that Makino was still so lazy.

This past, for Asuna, was a complete subversion.

Because Makino gave Asuna the feeling that she has always been strong, confident, brave, fearless, and completely irrelevant to salted fish.


Asuna unexpectedly likes to hear about Makino's past, even if it is trivial or even boring, she finds it very interesting.

Perhaps, all of this will help her understand Muye better!

And Asuna also mentioned some of her past when she was a child, such as her grandparents who lived in the countryside, and her father who had a little bronchitis.

Speaking of this, Asuna is a little powerless to complain!

Her father is definitely the kind of very successful elite, who is also the kind of vertical and horizontal in society, and her mother also behaves very much like a housewife at home.

But maybe it's because my mother is a university professor. Sometimes my father can't compare to my mother in aura, and he even made a lot of jokes.

Hearing Asuna talking about some things at home, Makino couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Poverty limits his imagination. The environment where he and Asuna grew up is really like two worlds.

Asuna has received that kind of elite training since she was a child, and he is more like a wild boy who is free-range.

If it weren't for the coincidence, he and a young lady like Asuna would not have the possibility of intersecting.

Muye couldn't help thinking, after returning to reality, how would he deal with his mother-in-law!

After all, he has no roots in the real world.

At that time, you may need to use an ID card...

The identity card was implanted, and Makino had accumulated some in the previous lottery draws.

However, when it comes to arranging an identity, you still need to think about it.

Time passed in such a tangle, and when the clock turned exactly twelve o'clock, every floor of Aincrad rang at the same time.

for a while.

Every player couldn't help but stand up, even though it was completely unnecessary.

Because Kayaba Akihiko has already said that the updated specific information will be sent to each player's mailbox by email.

Is it finally time to decide between life and death?

Extending the head and shrinking the head is still a knife. When the mailbox receipt reminder sounded, everyone still opened the mailbox for the first time.

Makino opened the email, and a mass email came into view.

Dear players:

Hello everyone!

My name is Kayaba Akihiko. First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt wishes to all the players who have come all the way to the present. Congratulations to everyone who completed the clearing of the three-quarter floor of Aincrad.

From now on, everyone will face the challenge of the last stage of SAO.

At this stage, SAO will usher in the following changes -

First, the rigidity system will be eliminated.

Players, monsters, and bosses will no longer have a time limit for forced freeze.

Second, all kinds of auxiliary occupations have been streamlined and cancelled.

For example, the forging profession.

Skill proficiency is no longer the only criterion for determining whether a weapon is successfully forged.

The forging process is more than just a few hammers. Weapon selection, configuration, forging, cooling, the whole process requires players to personally operate.

The same is true for cooking professions, cooking is no longer just a few simple knives...and so on.

Third, load the mind system.

The mind system is officially loaded into the game system, and players can obtain their own mind skills by exploring on their own.

The specific manifestations are: attack enhancement, defense enhancement, range enhancement, movement enhancement, and spiritual manifestation.

Fourth, players can decide whether or not to use the sword skill assist system.

After canceling the sword skill assist system, after posing the starting hand position according to the skill, the system will no longer pull the player's weapon to directly hit the monster according to the skill.


Happy gaming everyone!

After reading the various payments and descriptions in the email one by one, Mu Ye probably had a clue.

I have to say, this game update, the content of the changes is really quite big.

Especially the setting of "cancellation of the mandatory freeze time" is subversive for the entire SAO players.

Because all the monster fighting strategies that everyone is used to are basically based on the fact that bosses and wild monsters will fall into "forced rigidity".

As long as players have a strong sense of the game and can "block" in time when wild monsters make moves, the damage of wild monsters is basically impossible to deal with.

As for the "switching" strategy, it is also based on this.

In other words, the strategy of "switching" will no longer be applicable in SAO's strategy battles in the future.

The difficulty of attacking the boss will increase linearly, and the tragic level of the fight will also increase linearly.

SAO's combat system is closer to reality!

Not to mention others, for Muye, they have a considerable influence.

Because, SAO has never been a one-man game.

The ability values ​​of the guard boss, task boss, and wild boss are almost overwhelming to players.

If you encounter skills such as "stun", "knock flying", and "paralysis", it is even more deadly for players.

Even Makino would have a headache when encountering such a boss.

However, the cancellation of the rigidity time limit is not without benefits for Makino.

In a sense, this is actually equivalent to "unbinding" Makino, and the upper limit that Makino can perform has been greatly increased.

The space of Makino's technology has expanded!

Load the mind system, which means that the "mind skill" ability is more perfect.

Overall, it's a good thing.

Because the probability of players in the Raiders group getting Inspiration Skills has greatly increased, the overall strength of the Raiders group will usher in an increase.

However, for Makino, it may also be a limitation.

Because, the loading of the mind system must have a set border.

As for the limit of this frame, Makino doesn't know yet, and needs to continue to explore.

What Muye cares most about is the spiritual manifestation of the mind system, which is an unknown to Muye.

As for whether or not to use the sword skill assist system, it basically doesn't have much impact on ordinary players.

Because, the probability of players canceling the sword skill support system is almost zero.

There is no other reason, everyone has become accustomed to this mode from SAO.

And the power of habit is powerful!

But for Makino, the impact was real.

The cancellation of the sword skill assistance system also means that the game is closer to reality, and the upper limit of the game has been raised again.

Makino may be able to further unblock some abilities and skills learned in other worlds!

For example, shaving, flying slashes, etc.

However, these need to be further verified by Makino.

Because shaving and flying slashes are outside the SAO rules, it is almost impossible to achieve them.


The loading of the mind system may make all this impossible and possible.

Muye couldn't help but think about it, and wanted to know how much this mind system could allow him to do.

The only thing that Makino did not understand was why various sub-professionals canceled the streamlined procedures.

For production players, this is an absolute nightmare.

It's hard to imagine that a player like Lisbeth, who wants to forge a weapon in the future, needs to forge bit by bit, hammer by hammer, just like in the real world.

Makino can foresee that in SAO's later raids, players may even lack weapons, armors and other items.

At SAO, weapons require daily maintenance.

Even the [Magic Sword] obtained by fighting monsters has a limit in durability. Once it is not maintained enough, the sliding of various values ​​is inevitable.

What Makino thought about, Asuna also thought about it, and she couldn't help but worry.

"Makino, what do you mean by Kayaba Akihiko? For me, it's not unacceptable to spend an hour cooking a meal. On the contrary, it's more fun!"

"However, it is too hard-core to let players make equipment a little bit... It suddenly feels like returning to the primitive society from the future world!"

Asuna's words were like a bolt of lightning flashing through Makino's mind.

Muye didn't forget that the world of Sword Art Online was his normalization assessment.

So is this change, which is not easy to understand, the key to passing this assessment?

The more Makino thinks about it, the more likely it is!

Did the examiner who asked the question want to tell Makino something through this change?

Suddenly returning to the primitive society from the future world... Makino kept chewing on Asuna's words, the more he thought about it, the more he felt.

Going back to the original from the future, the advantages are huge.

Even an ordinary future person can smack all primitive people in terms of knowledge.


The people of the future will definitely collapse!

Because most of the conveniences in the future will be gone.

Even if he has all the technical data in the future, it is very unlikely that he wants to restore it in the primitive society.

Not to mention the Singer Protoss, an advanced civilization that no longer knows where to go, just take the Earthlings as an example.

If a young man living in the 21st century returns to the primitive society, he may not even be able to solve the problem of electricity use.

As for the Singer Protoss, a powerful civilization that has already eliminated electricity, after returning to the original, the restrictions may be even greater.

For Muye, the Singer Protoss is undoubtedly powerful and mysterious.

A cleaner can throw two-way foil at will, but he, a temporary worker, can travel through the major worlds.

The purpose of traveling through the world is to collect energy and plant a world tree!

At this moment, Makino couldn't help thinking a lot.

What does the Garden of God and the great desert outside the courtyard represent?

And why do the Protoss need tree planters to plant the World Tree?

Simply need to protect the environment?

Makino couldn't help but think of projects to transform the environment such as afforestation in his previous life!

The premise of transforming the environment is that the deterioration of the environment affects the survival of human beings.

Could it be that the Singer Protoss has also encountered an "environmental crisis"?

No way!

Muye felt a little unbelievable. After all, the Protoss was really too powerful for Muye, to a level that Muye could not even understand.

Just like the world of death, such a powerful Zanpakutō, the Singer Protoss can solve it with a dream and love.

And this kind of dream-fulfilling love was donated by ordinary people within the Protoss.

Ordinary people can donate it, and it will definitely not be too high-end.

Does such a powerful Protoss really lack the means to deal with the crisis?

Makino said that he could not understand something.

From the future back to the original...from the future back to the original...

While chewing on what Asuna said, Makino had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

What was he trying to tell him behind this question?

It's really a headache!

Vision determines thinking, and Muye knows too little about the Singer Protoss after all.

Makino couldn't help but think of a joke he saw in his previous life——

Humans are always throwing bread crumbs near ants' nests. Ant theologians observed this phenomenon and established the "bread worship".

Doctrine - Bread is given by the gods and will appear if one prays sincerely.

Later, humans stopped putting bread crumbs, and no matter how much the ants prayed, the bread would not appear.

As ants questioned the gods, the enlightenment movement unfolded, and countless ant scientists emerged.

The ants observed their nest and found that their nest was placed in a glass jar.

So the ants named their home "Earth" and the glass that wrapped the glass Earth "Atmosphere".

Ants observed the dwelling of human beings and named it "universe".

The ants observed the light bulb and named it the sun; they observed the switch and named it the singularity;

The existence of humans was observed, which was sometimes quiet, and sometimes caused dramatic changes in the structure of the universe, which the ants named the "cosmic storm"...

The ants summed up the "first law of the universe" - that cosmic storms are random and unpredictable, and each observation of a cosmic storm will lead to a different conclusion.

The ants summed up the "Second Law of the Universe" - every time a cosmic storm sweeps over the singularity, the sun disappears, and every time a cosmic storm sweeps over the singularity again, the sun appears.

Now, the ants have observed that light bulbs have glass, and the ants have named the new substance "solar walls."

After careful comparison by ant scientists, the ants proved that the "solar wall" and the "atmosphere" surrounding the nest are the same substance.

This amazing discovery made the world of ants boil.

Ant scientists put forward the "cosmos birth hypothesis" through the inner connection between the solar wall and the atmosphere - the universe is a big glass, and suddenly one day the glass exploded, part of the glass material formed the sun, and another part of the glass material formed the earth.

However, another group of ant scientists has challenged this hypothesis.

It doesn't explain the strange phenomena of cosmic storms and singularities!

Then ant scientists observed window glass, which led to the hypothesis of multiverse and infinite universe.

Ant scientists have observed fish tanks, confirmed the existence of other planets, and hypothesized that glass may be restraining their movements.

The ants observed the door of the human residence, which sometimes opened and sometimes closed, and the ant scientists proposed the hypothesis of black holes and white holes.

When the hole is open, it is a white hole. If you pass through the white hole, you may come out of the black hole at the other end and reach an unknown world, or another universe...

This joke once made a deep impression on Muye, and now Muye feels like an ant in a glass cover.

Because of the limitation of vision, all the guesses made, or the existence of "truth" confirmed based on guesses, may be very ridiculous to the Singer Protoss.

Makino couldn't help feeling his insignificance again!

However, this kind of thing is only his own careful verification.

After all, he has become a member of the Singer Protoss, and he has obtained the qualifications to become a tree planter. For the Protoss, it must have a meaning of existence!

However, today's Muye doesn't need to worry too much about these, after all, there is too little information and clues available, and any speculation is too much.

"Makino... Makino...Are you all right?"

Asuna looked at Makino with some worry, because after she just said a word, Makino fell into deep thought for a long time.

Moreover, the distress that Makino showed from time to time made Asuna feel very scared.

Seeing Asuna's expression, Makino was startled, and immediately apologized, "Sorry for worrying you. Let me teach you how to activate and use the Mind System!"

Hearing Makino's words, Asuna was shocked, and then she was completely surprised.

"Muye, do you already know what's going on with the Mind System? It's amazing, teach me now!"

Asuna said that, she reached out and grabbed Makino's arm, and shook it very coquettishly.

Asuna's performance made Makino smile.

No wonder some people say that even men can't resist the temptation of Japanese girls. Makino felt this completely in Asuna.

While gentle and virtuous, when surprised and surprised, he does not shy away from expressing his admiration.

In terms of expression, they are generally very exaggerated. Not only that, but also some physical contact in due course, which is even more imaginative.

The trouble with people is to be a good teacher, not to mention, it is such a delicate beauty who is "thirsty for knowledge".

Who can stop this?

Makino thought for a while and said, "Asuna, what do you think the mind skill is?"

"Intentional skill?"

Asuna thought for a while and said, "As the name suggests, it should be related to the mind, and the effect it brings is a gain, it should be attitude, determination, etc.!"

"Nice summary."

Hearing Makino's praise, Asuna suddenly laughed.

Muye: "However, relying on this alone will not allow you to successfully awaken your mind skills... Some people once summarized the mind skills as 'heart wounds'. The deeper the scar, the higher the increase."

"Heart hurt?"

Asuna frowned, isn't this a good thing?

Just listening to it made her feel a little bit resistant.

Muye: "Actually, this summary is not comprehensive enough. In my opinion, Mind Skill should be a manifestation of 'awareness'!"


"Yes. For example, Asuna, why do you draw your sword? Why do you fight? What drives you to become stronger? And inject these kinds of consciousness like belief into your sword, you You will feel your sword getting heavy and its power getting bigger and bigger!"

Hearing Makino's words, Asuna's beautiful eyes became cold at first, and then slowly softened.

Especially being trapped in SAO, the experience of nearly a year is more like a movie, constantly passing through her mind.

Especially when she recalled the scenes of her meeting, acquaintance, and marriage with Makino, a warm smile suddenly appeared on Asuna's face.


With a crisp sound, Asuna pulled out the shimmering light of the rapier pinned to her waist.

But at this moment, Makino suddenly felt an unusually soft golden light emanating from Asuna.

At the moment of being illuminated by the golden light, Makino felt an unprecedented warmth.

It was like being exposed to the sun, making Muye feel warm all over his body.

"This is......"

Feeling the warmth from Asuna, Makino was stunned.

Asuna is too talented, isn't it?

Even if SAO is loaded with the mind system, even if it has its own teaching, Asuna's speed of comprehending the mind skills is too fast.

Asuna is indeed the most talented one in SAO!

I have to say, mortals sometimes really can't understand the world of genius.

Among the many high-end players in the current SAO, Asuna is definitely an alternative.

Muye, in reality, is a big man who travels through the heavens;

Kirito, a cheater, a little game player;

Even Klein was once the president of a game guild.

And Asuna, SAO was the first big game she played officially, and she even borrowed the game helmet from her brother.

However, what made Makino more concerned was the warmth conveyed by the light on Asuna's body.

Perhaps what Asuna carried in the sword should be "gentle love", and the love for Makino accounted for the majority of it.

It is rare to be heroic, and it is the most difficult to accept the grace of beauty.

Makino is indescribably moved!


The impact of the game version update is huge, and all the floors of Aincrad inevitably have some turbulence.

Especially for production players, this is a bolt from the blue.

Some blacksmiths didn't believe it, so they immediately launched an experiment.

Then, they were stunned to discover that they, who used to be able to forge a good weapon in one minute, can't even screen the ore in one minute now.

As for the furnace temperature, beating, and quenching that need to be controlled during the forging process, they all need a little bit of control.

It's so hard!

Players in the production department even have a feeling that they want to eat an egg, but they need to raise a chicken to start.

Very bad gaming experience!

The second effect of this change is that the players' equipment is collectively behind.

The only good thing is that the shops opened by NPC craftsmen can continue to provide services.

However, the price of NPC's shop is notoriously black.

As a result, everyone found that Kerr, who was at his disposal in his pocket, plummeted!

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the enthusiasm of everyone to attack the floor.

As for the cancellation of the "forced rigidity" setting, it made the entire SAO wailing, which was tantamount to a dimensionality reduction blow.

The atmosphere in the whole SAO even kind of went back to the month when "SAO Correct Play" was just announced.

There is no limit to the rigidity time, players can't even call monster farming, but can only be called "fighting".

This is a fatal blow to the confidence of players.

A remark about the impossibility of SAO being attacked began to spread unknowingly!

A kind of extreme hedonism has also become popular.

The entire middle and lower layers of SAO began to become extreme and negative.

Not to mention the middle and low levels, even the Raiders team was panicking.

The only luck is that the mind system is loaded.

In particular, Makino's elaboration and analysis of the system of minds continue to appear on all kinds of information and newspapers.

This also adds a touch of color to the SAO world, which has become uncertain again.

In particular, Makino's phrase "why draw the sword" is widely circulated.

However, this bright color is only one touch after all, and the range that can be illuminated is limited.

Not long after, the players in the strategy group discovered again that even in the strategy group, only a few were able to understand the mind skills.

Moreover, even if he comprehends the Intention Skill, the strength and weakness are completely different.


Players in the strategy group found that some players who usually tend to paddle, some began to rise, while others fell further.

The rise is gratifying, but the falling heart is unavoidable.

In short, this game update has not made the game more balanced, on the contrary, the game of SAO has become more unbalanced.

The strong became stronger, and the weak became weaker.

What is this?

I have to say, this change is cruel!


The main street area on the 75th floor of Aincrad is called [Corinia], and they are all ancient Roman-style buildings.

The streets are made of stacked white limestone cut into four corners.

Along with the temple-style buildings and wide waterways, it is the symbol of the town, and there is a huge arena standing in front of the transfer gate.

Since the game was upgraded, there has been an endless stream of players on the arena, and each player is trying very hard to adapt to the changes brought by the new version.

If you just look at the players who are active in the arena, you will definitely feel the vitality of this place.

This also confirms a truth once again - the strong are always strong!

The stronger the stronger, the stronger the adaptability to change, and the weaker will eventually be eliminated.

Since the launch of the Xinyi system, the battles in the arena have undoubtedly enriched a lot.

Of course, top players like Makino, Kirito, and Asuna appeared most frequently in the arena.

Everyone is working hard to adapt to this changed new world!

Not to mention others, even Muye felt a surging feeling in his heart when he saw such a picture.

Struggling hard and fighting tenaciously is undoubtedly painful.

But the process of this struggle is undoubtedly splendid and beautiful.

Although this body is a 3D model and a pile of numbers, Makino felt an unprecedented heartbeat.

It seems that here is the real life.

Thinking of this, Makino suddenly felt a dumbfounded smile.

This may be how lonely it feels to be invincible!

"Muye, let's have a PK!" Kirito said suddenly.

Mu Ye was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable, "Are you sure?"

PK in SAO is not a trivial matter!

What's more, Makino and Kirito have no reason to PK.

Kirito's attitude is very firm, "I'm sure!"


Kirito smiled, "Do you still need a reason to challenge you, the first swordsman of SAO?"

Makino was stunned.

Is this really what Kirito would say?

The Kirito whom Makino knew was not this flamboyant personality.

His emotions are restrained, his personality is also very gentle, and he is very friendly to everyone... Fighting mad is not like Kirito!

Perceiving Makino's confusion, Kirito smiled instead, "The loading of the Mind System made me terrified, but at the same time my heart throbbed... I want to feel the joy of playing games again!"

"The joy of playing games?"

Makino couldn't help being stunned. It was really incredible to hear such words when SAO entered this stage.

Immediately, Makino felt that he could understand again.

In a way, this is indeed very Kirito.

Because Kirito is someone who dares to openly sleep outside.

Kirito's PK request, Makino agreed!


The arena, which was already very lively, became more lively once again because of the presence of Makino and Kirito.

Because, the two players standing in the arena are the top players in SAO at present.

After the Xinyi system is loaded, the strength of these two players is even more unparalleled.

Looking at the two people on the field, everyone cheered.

Because this is the most interesting battle after the battle between Makino and Kayaba Akihiko.

on the arena.

Muye looked at Kirito and said with a smile, "Kirito, are you really sure you want to fight me?"

Kirito carried two swords on his back, his face solemn and firm, "Of course, I want to confirm the gap between me and you!"

That's right, Kirito has long wanted to fight Makino.

Regardless of identity, grievances, or reasons, Kirito just wanted to fight Muye.

It's like a call from blood and soul!

Especially when the mind system is loaded, Kirito's thoughts are even more unstoppable.

Maybe it's simply wanting to enjoy the feeling of fighting a master like Makino!

Seeing the resolute Kirito, Makino suddenly smiled.

"Kirito, what is in your sword?"

What's in his sword?

Makino's statement really stopped Kirito.

After the real gameplay of SAO was announced, all he thought was to live, and he must live.

Then, I met Makino, and then founded Wings of Freedom together with Makino, and fought all the way to this day.

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