Video continues.

The security guard saw Cha Xianxiu, greeted him warmly, and said he needed him to fill in the check-in documents.

In order to get rid of the security guard, Cha Xianxiu could only promise to go to the security room to fill it out later.

After returning home and closing the door, Cha Xianxiu always felt something was wrong.

When he came to the cat's eye, he was a little surprised to find that the security guard was still peeping at the door, with a strange look on his face and his mind seemed a little abnormal.

On the other side, resident Yoon Ji-soo, who just moved in last week, is carrying a guitar and preparing to go out to work.

On the way up the elevator, an aunt pushing a stroller also came to the elevator entrance.

The aunt greeted Zhixiu warmly, and her face was filled with happiness even more when she talked about her child.

Zhixiu bent down with a smile on her face, ready to greet the child, but the expression on her face froze.

The stroller was empty, no one at all.


At the same time, the elevator door opened, and Ji Soo quickly made an excuse to go home and get her wallet.

Until the elevator door closed, a man in a suit told Jixiu that the aunt was not a weirdo.

She only became like this because she lost her child accidentally and was so sad.

Later, when the man introduced himself, Jixiu also understood that the man was a Chinese teacher and a Christian.

She didn't have a good impression of this familiar man, so she politely thanked him and left.

On the other side, a tall and burly man with a scarred face returned to the rental house. There was also a man lying on the ground whose whole body was covered with tape.

The scarred man showed the message on his cell phone to the man on the ground.

The man pretended to be stupid and said he didn't know anything.

The scar-faced man became furious and began to torture him to extract confessions.

A week later.

Cha Xianxiu has been hiding at home, playing games and eating instant noodles every day.

He originally planned to say goodbye to this world after participating in a gaming event at the end of August.

But soon, an accident disrupted his plan.

A box of instant noodles he ordered was thrown at the door by the courier.

When Cha Xianxiu went out, he was surprised to find that his package was damaged and instant noodles were scattered everywhere.

Curious, he followed the instant noodles scattered on the ground to the door of his neighbor's house.

With the sound of chewing, a cat's head rolled onto the corridor.


A ferocious, twisted hand grabbed the cat's head and quickly retracted it.

Cha Xianxiu's pupils trembled, and she took two steps back with trembling legs.

"I am so hungry."

A hoarse voice came from the end of the corridor, and the sound of chewing sounded again.

Spirit Cage World

" scary"

"Is the big sister next door mutated?"

"He even ate his own cat."

The little lolita Xia Dou huddled on the sofa, shivering, covering her eyes with one palm, looking cute as if she wanted to see but didn't dare to look. The fat man Shanda beside him touched the goose bumps on his arms and felt a chill running down his spine.

I have watched so many big scenes, and even witnessed it explode several times with one punch.

And his strength has also improved by more than ten times after watching the video. It is not a problem to break boulders with a punch and jump seven or eight meters..

But seeing this scene in the video, he still felt frightened and his scalp was numb.

This monster was too scary.

Konoha Village, underground laboratory.

Orochimaru touched his chin, his face lost in thought.

His He has a very good memory. Although the woman only appeared briefly for a few seconds before, she seemed to have been starving in order to maintain her figure.

Now after the mutation, the other woman was the first to eat her own cat.

Is this mutation related to her own desires?.

Interesting stuff, it would be great if he could get this pathogen to study.

The video continues.

When Cha Xianxiu saw this scene, he was so frightened that he quickly hid in his rental house.

Then, there was a sound of walking in high heels..Ding ding bell.

The doorbell of Cha Hyun Soo’s house rang.

"Sorry, is anyone here?"

"Please help me, I'm so scared."

A woman's voice sounded from outside the door, accompanied by a low sob.

Cha Xianxiu struggled a little on his face, but finally moved his heart of compassion and came to the door tremblingly.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the strong men He also grabbed it.

This silly boy wouldn't open the door.

It would definitely be cool.

The video continued.

The scene that everyone was worried about did not appear. Cha Xianxiu picked up the microphone and started talking to the other party using the visual doorbell..

The woman in red with a face full of fear told Cha Xianxiu that when she came home, she found blood all over the floor and her cat was missing.

"Show me your hand"


"Hands, let me see your hands."

The expression of the woman in red suddenly became crazy, and she shouted hoarsely:"Open the door, I told you to open the door."


A large amount of blood flowed from the nostrils of the woman in red. She twitched all over and let out a harsh and weird laugh.

Soon, the roar in her mouth was completely incomprehensible. Seeing that the door could not be opened, she turned to the side. He walked away sideways like a crab, naked and with weird steps.

Seeing this scene, the scalps of all the powerful men were numb and goosebumps appeared.

What the hell is this? It’s so scary.

I really want to think about it. Beat him to death.

In the underground base, Orochimaru took notes carefully.

"Before mutation, there will be heavy bleeding in the nasal cavity"

"Language skills are also gradually lost"

"Is this due to necrosis of brain neurons?"

"In the end, the way the woman walked was also very weird. It was not something a human could do. Her body must have undergone certain mutations, but she didn't look very powerful."

"Or does this variation vary from person to person?"

The video continued.

An unexpected scene appeared.

Just as the woman left, Cha Xianxiu broke the mop and rushed out with a pole as a weapon.

Looking at this scene, the strong men were shocked.

Is this kid crazy? Take Wearing this kind of plastic thing as a weapon.

Isn’t this a way to commit suicide?

Wait, it seems that this kid wanted to die.

That’s okay.

The video continues.

Cha Hyun-soo did not encounter the monster, but instead met the scar-faced man who came downstairs..

Cha Xianxiu's expression suddenly froze.

Fortunately, he passed out quickly and avoided this embarrassing atmosphere.

On the other side, Zhixiu, who was working on music at home, suddenly heard a knock on the door.

She thought she had made a noise. The neighbor quickly came to the video doorbell to apologize.

"I am so hungry."

Hearing the extremely hoarse voice, Zhixiu looked at the screen of the video doorbell and was stunned.

It was an extremely twisted face, with large wrinkles on the skin that could kill a fly, and sharp teeth, like saw teeth. Generally chilling

"Open the door quickly."

Bang, bang, bang.

A violent crash sounded, and large bulges appeared on the thick iron door."I'm so hungry."

"I am starving."

Listening to the chilling voice, Zhixiu picked up the baseball bat and looked at the screen only to find that the other party had left. It wasn't until the scar-faced man arrived that Zhixiu opened the door and explained what had just happened.

Looking at the broken window at the end of the corridor , At the entrance of the hole, the two guessed that the other party might have left the building from here.


The scar-faced man punched the door, compared it with the dent left by the woman in red, and made his own judgment.

The woman in red just now was not at all He was knocking on the door, but wanted to break in and kill Ji-soo.

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