Video continues.

Soon, Wolverine and Deadpool were fighting.

In the process, Logan was surprised to find that the other party had the same healing ability as himself.

Under Deadpool's swift attack, Logan gradually fell into a disadvantage.

In order not to affect Kayla and the others, he fled all the way to the smoke vent.

However, he didn't expect that Deadpool would have the same teleportation ability as John and would be behind him in an instant.

After a battle, Deadpool's ability to teleport without a trace left Logan exhausted, and he was soon knocked to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Stryker gave the order to behead Logan.

Deadpool raised his sword arm high and was about to chop it off.


Victor rushed over and slapped Wade away with his claw, saving Logan's life.

Seeing this scene, all the powerful men were deceived.

Avengers Base

"This guy Victor actually went to save Logan?"

"What trick is this guy playing?"

"Or is this another Stryker conspiracy?"

Thor asked with some confusion.

The heroes around him also frowned, looking puzzled.

With Wade's knife, Wolverine will probably become a clone if he doesn't die.

If Victor If you want Logan to die, you can just sit back and watch, there is really no need to take action

"Tsk, you can’t figure out such a simple thing?"

"In Victor's eyes, only he can kill this brother with his own hands"

"No one else is qualified to kill Logan."

Loki sighed softly and complained.

" that's what happened"

"Haha, Loki, you are still as smart as ever."

"Wait, why were you the only one who guessed what Victor was thinking?……"

Smiling, smiling, the smile on Sol's face gradually solidified, and he felt a little scared in his heart.

Damn, something is wrong.

Loki guessed Victor's thoughts so quickly, couldn't he have had the same thought in his mind?

Video continues.

In order to guard against Wade's strange teleportation ability, the two brothers stood back to back, fighting side by side just like they had done many years ago.

Soon, Logan cut off Deadpool's head with a knife and kicked him into the smoke vent.

Before dying, the laser released from Deadpool's eyes cut the chimney into pieces, and soon began to collapse.

Logan and Victor also jumped off the ground quickly to avoid being buried by the rubble.

Just when a huge cement block hit Logan, Gambit rushed in time with his cane, smashed the cement block, and saved Logan.

On the other side, Keira and others encountered the guards on the island and encountered powerful firepower.

Seeing this, Keira's sister used her diamond skin to block the incoming bullets for everyone.

The young Cyclops fired another powerful laser at the guards, easily killing all the enemies.

However, Keira was unfortunately shot by a bullet in the fierce battle just now, and her abdomen was bleeding profusely.

Logan discovered his injured lover immediately, just as he was about to take Kayla to the hospital. boom.

Stryker walked out of the shadows and shot Logan.

The angry Logan rushed towards Stryker, but was hit in the head by a bullet made of Adamantium alloy and fainted.

Fortunately, Keira took the opportunity to control Stryker and ordered him to walk farther away until he was exhausted.

Not long after, Logan woke up and found that he had lost all his memory.

Just as he was about to leave here, he accidentally saw the dead Keira.

Although he no longer recognized this woman, for some reason, he still felt a strong sense of sadness in his heart.

The camera turned.

Decades later.

Because Logan has nightmares about killing his loved one every night, his mental state is very unstable and he has been living in seclusion in the forest.

But his character has not changed at all. He is still hot-tempered and loves to fight against injustice.

One day, he got into a fight with a group of gangsters in a bar. In anger, he popped out his steel claw and prepared to kill all the gang.

However, a red-haired Sakura Country woman named Yukio stopped him and told Logan that these people would die in a car accident soon and there was no need to argue with them.

It turns out that Yukio came here specifically to find Logan because her adoptive father, Ichiro, will die soon and she hopes to see Logan again.

Hearing this somewhat familiar name, Logan also recalled a scene from decades ago.

It was the end of the war, and White Eagle Country was preparing to drop nuclear bombs. When the local soldiers discovered it, they began to flee in confusion.

But Shilang was different from other soldiers. He let the prisoners go before the bombing came, and also wanted to rescue Wolverine in the dry well.

Logan was moved by Ichiro's kindness and saved him from the nuclear explosion.

In Sakura Country, as soon as Ichiro saw Logan, he asked him to give him the super power of self-healing.

It turns out that Logan can stay young forever because of his super self-healing ability.

Ichiro believes that this never-ending life lacks meaning, and Logan must be tortured.

Although he had built the largest family business in Sakura Country, his son had evil intentions. He gave the inheritance to his granddaughter Mariko, and he was afraid that she would be murdered for money.

Therefore, he hopes to get Logan's eternal life and clean up this mess.

Although Wolverine has long been tired of eternal life, he has suffered too many betrayals in his life and realized that Ichiro's motives were impure and immediately rejected this request.

Before going out, he used the instrument and noticed that there were two bugs living on Shilang's lungs.

This made him suspicious of Shilang's mutant doctor.

Soon after, Ichiro died, and his family held a grand funeral for him.

Unexpectedly, thugs from the society sneaked in disguised as monks and wanted to kidnap Ichiro's granddaughter, Mariko.

Wolverine rushed to the rescue, but seemed a little powerless during the battle. Even ordinary people's attacks made it difficult for him to recover.

X-Men World.

Charles frowned as he watched this scene.

Why did Logan's self-healing ability disappear at this time?

This is too much of a coincidence.

It always feels like a conspiracy.

Video continues.

Fortunately, the ninja Kenichiro is loyal to the Ichiro family and always protects Mariko secretly.

The three of them ran and fought, with fewer and fewer pursuers, and finally escaped the chase.

After this incident, Mariko also realized the seriousness of the matter and planned to return to her hometown to avoid being hunted.

Wolverine got on the train home with her.

Halfway through, he came to the bathroom and found through the mirror that his wounds were still dripping with blood.

Just after bandaging the wound, he found that the lingering thugs were chasing after him again.

Relying on his sharp claws, he climbed onto the train and after a thrilling battle, he eliminated all the enemies.

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