Video continues.

Although trapped, Casillas still tried to seduce Stephen.

He said that as a doctor, you should understand what we are really pursuing.

We are enslaved to time and all long to be immortal like the Ancient One.

Dormammu will grant you everything, and your hands will be healed.

Strange understood something instantly.

Suddenly, just as he turned around, a dagger shot into his heart.

It turned out that one of Casillas' subordinates had been hiding around, and it was he who had just attacked Strange.

Cloak rushed forward and dragged the charging enemy back.

Strange took the opportunity to open the portal and came to the hospital.

He asked Christine to heal him.

The enemy's spirit body also separated from his body and chased after him.

In order to cover Christine's treatment, Strange's spirit body also rushed out of the body and struggled with him.

Finally, with the help of Christine's electrotherapy, Strange burst out with tremendous power, destroying the enemy in an instant.

Strange, who simply bandaged the wound, was ready to go back and stop Casillas.

At the same time, he also told Christine all his experiences.

But when he returned to the Holy of Holies, Casillas was gone.

The Ancient One and others also arrived, and she said that she wanted to appoint Strange as the guardian of the Holy of Holies here.

But Strange said that he did not want to be entangled with them anymore.

My purpose in practicing medicine is to save more lives.

But just now he killed someone.

This goes against my original intention.

In a rage, he told all Gu Yi's secrets.

It turns out that the reason why Ancient One is immortal is because she also absorbed energy in the dark dimension.

Lucy:"Isn't it true that only fallen mages like Casillas can absorb dark energy?"

Lucy:"She is actually the villain of the Ancient One?"

Master Mordo:"Damn it, we have all been deceived."

Galen:"Actually, there is no inevitable connection between dark power and villains."

Galen:"The key depends on the user's thoughts."

Galen:"Besides, if Ancient One hadn't obtained the power of immortality, what would happen to her? Protecting the earth for hundreds of years."

Tohsaka Rin:"This time I stand with the Ancient One Master."

Tohsaka Rin:"I live in a world repeated countless times every day."

Tohsaka Rin:"I still have to fight with that To fight against this extremely terrifying dark demon."

Tohsaka Rin:"I don't think such immortality is meaningful."

Tohsaka Rin:"Besides, if Kama Taj's new mage hadn't been too useless, she wouldn't have Don't resist all responsibilities for fear that the earth will be completely destroyed if you die."

Kamal Taj.

Master Modu, who was about to question Gu Yi, was stunned.

When he saw the ancient mage absorbing the power of darkness and maintaining immortality, he felt as if the sky was falling.

There was even a time when I wanted to leave Kamal Taj.

But now it seems that what the members of the group said makes sense.

If they weren't too useless, why would Gu Yi pursue eternal life and linger on his last breath?

When he thought of this, Mo Du's face turned red with embarrassment and he lowered his head.

I am still too weak.

Video continues.

The Ancient One could not deny Strange's accusation, and she asked everyone to strictly defend the Holy of Holies.

After that, he left.

Modu on the side scolded Strange that he was evading responsibility.

He believes that now everyone should unite to fight against foreign enemies.

Just then, Casillas made a comeback.

Just when he was accumulating strength, he was about to destroy this place.

Strange hurriedly summoned the mirror dimension and protected the Holy of Holies.

And he took the opportunity to seize Casillas's hanging ring and tried to trap him here.

But Casillas' power was too powerful and he directly controlled the mirror dimension world.

In an instant, the whole world was turned upside down.

The city was turned upside down and split into several pieces. The sky was beneath our feet, but the buildings were floating in the sky.

After a fierce battle, Strange was at a disadvantage and was no match for Casillas.

Just when everyone was in danger, Gu Yi appeared in time and saved them.

And on her forehead, the same ritual pattern as Casillas appeared.

It turns out that Ancient One has really absorbed dark energy.

Ancient Yi ignored the surprised looks in Modu's and the two's eyes, but rushed towards Casillas, and the two fought together.

Unexpectedly, Ancient One made a mistake midway and was stabbed in the body by Casillas and kicked out of the portal.

The two Stranges also ran out immediately.

Outside the space portal, Gu Yi fell from a high altitude and fell heavily to the ground.

Yasuo:"The Ancient One was actually defeated."

Yasuo:"How is this possible?"

Yasuo:"Hasn't she defeated Dormammu several times before?"

Yasuo:"How could she lose to this? A minor character."

Yugi:"Could she be too careless?"

Tanjiro:"It's impossible for someone who has lived for hundreds of years to make such a low-level mistake."

Loki:"I'm telling you, it's so obvious. You can't even see through things."

Loki:"Obviously I know that the Ancient One Master is very tired from living." Loki:"Obviously I know that the Ancient One Master has peeked into the future countless times." Loki:"Obviously I know that the Ancient One Master has peeked into the future countless times.

Strange is extremely talented and will become a new generation of Supreme Mage in the future."

Loki:"Don't you understand that she is deliberately seeking death?"

Karma Taj.

Gu Yi gently shook the paper fan, with some appreciation in his eyes.

Although Loki is a villain, he often plays tricks and likes to play pranks.

But I have to admit that this guy has a very good mind and a very clear view of the overall situation.

"Ancient One Venerable, you……"

Modu on the side spoke, but didn't know what to say.

To persuade Gu Yi to give up seeking death and continue to protect the earth?

Wouldn't this make them seem a bit too selfish?

But when he thought that such a great mage would die like this, he felt heartbroken.

"Don't worry, I won't seek death this time."

Looking at the pleading eyes around him, Gu Yi said firmly.

"Ever since the chat group appeared, even I can’t see the future clearly."

"This kind of life is full of challenges and interesting"

"Even if Strange surpasses me in the future and becomes the new Supreme Mage, I will still silently guard the earth."

Looking at the light screen, the corner of Gu Yi's mouth was slightly raised, with a relaxed expression. Only a fool would seek death if he could see so many interesting videos.

If the world shuttle function is opened in the future, the position of Supreme Mage can be thrown to him, and he can become one Wouldn't it be wonderful to leave the shopkeeper and travel around the world?

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