Players In Marvel

Chapter 744 Stupid and country bumpkin, these two words are not easy to say~


In the magnificent sea battle, the apostle of death became an excellent sea surfer.

He held Craig in one hand, and at the same time threw shadow energy in his hand! !

A big collision!

An unknown entity from the universe gathers the energy of death when he raises his hands. He is not afraid of the spread of black air! !


"On different planets, there are countless existences named demons."

"And in my eyes there is no difference between you."

Glide at high speed.

The Death Apostle is like an excellent performance artist who is familiar with the track, moving freely and gorgeously in the maelstrom of the Lord's Dragon Flame and Bazaar.

"Dikui doesn't like your cloak, but... your color matches the underground palace very well!!"

"Let Dikui dye you some red!!"

Like the strongest sculpture in ancient Greece, the demon of the earth appeared with the tumbling magic energy.

A large amount of rocks gather to form land, and a large amount of soil is like an abyss, and the land chief wants to bury everything deeply.

Is there anything more beautiful than to shape a magnificent palace under the earth? !

Di Kui didn't like the pure white cloak of the Death Apostle, and felt that the dark color was too monotonous.

Time to add a touch of gore that the Demon Lord loves.

"I feel that I have good taste. This is a standard suit for death."

"A well-received outfit in the universe, you are out of date!!"

The death apostle beckoned, as naturally as breathing, coming from the gathering of forces from the dark force dimension.

What the white glove holds is a thin and long spear!


An extremely simple action.

When Dikui rushed towards him like a terrifying monster against the backdrop of the soil, the death apostle stabbed Dikui's chest with his spear.

"Such a small toothpick..."

Dikui's rock-like muscle lines, compared to the Death Apostle's weapon, seemed to have been pricked by a small thorn.


The point of the spear melted, and it made a splash of ink on the diqui's chest.

Rather than stabbing in, sticking in.

Rather, the spikes of the spears became round suction points.

There was a smear of black, sticking to Dikui's chest, and there was a long handle behind it, which looked quite funny.


It's hard to imagine that Dikui would say this word! !

After being attacked by the Angel of Death, darkness spread from where it was hit.

That cold touch.

It is like the last journey of life after death, cold and hopeless.

A moment of stiffness.

And the magic energy of the earth began to be stripped layer by layer under the impact of the energy of the dark force dimension.

Dikui fell into the ocean.

at the same time.

The gaze of the apostle of death locks on the demon of the earth, the unknown entity from the universe slowly tells


"From the mark of the apostle of death, I will witness your death."


The death apostle passed directly through the cover of magic energy!

His body is composed of shapeless unknown energy or matter, and nothing can stop him.


The apostle of death who travels through the universe and serves death, his body is almost immortal.

The apostle of death believes that maybe he will come to an end at some point, but it must not be now.

at the same time.

For the death of the demon lord, he has marked the demon of the earth.


He will not kill any life with his own hands, but when the day of the end comes, he will definitely come to take away Dikui himself.


It was the sound of Craig dying just after being revived, but it's okay... It doesn't matter if this guy is crushed.

But it must be painful.

"damn it."

"I really don't know what you are doing this for, idiot's brain, I will never figure it out."

The Angel of Death shook his head.

He's really had enough of Craig, but it's his job to watch the bastard.

bad luck!

The war that took place on this planet has already made this good-for-nothing so hard.


Really empty, bloody bastard human kid.

The fooled Craig broke into hell and wanted to grab the soul from Mephisto.


"It must have been a terrible scene. I'm going to lose my mind."

The apostle of death slapped his face with one hand, and he thought of the last time he confronted the devil king.

so terrible.

He has been an agent of death in the universe for so many years, and he has never had such a bad experience a few times.


Absolutely not, the apostle of death does not accept it.


"After this deal, you have to listen to me honestly. This is what I agreed with Kong."

That's right.

Even being kidnapped by morality, Death Apostle accepts it now, and now he stands for Craig.

After that, no matter how Kong arranges the trip to hell, Craig is not allowed to participate anyway.

"What is the organization you are joining now?!"

The Angel of Death questioned Craig.

"God, S.H.I.E.L.D., ahem, can you put me down first, I'm very uncomfortable right now."

Craig said with difficulty.

"There are too many uncomfortable places, bear with it!!"

The Death Apostle didn't want to spoil Craig at all, he flew directly to the highest point of the battlefield with this useless wood.

To be more precise, it is in front of the SHIELD space carrier!

Snapped! !

A new field has been launched, which is the dimension of dark force.

A very unique dim light, wrapped in a dark ray from the dimension of dark force, fell into the hands of the apostle of death! !

This energy takes shape in an instant.

"Did I tell everyone that I am a bow and arrow enthusiast?!"


Just like in Boston, the Death Apostle solved the troubles of Million Iron Man with a wave of his hand.


He wants the same.

"Everyone, I am the Apostle of Death!!"

"I have seen many wars in the universe, and I, who represent death, usually show up last."

"The last time was an accident, this time it's a bigger accident, so...before I get bored completely."

"Idiots on this planet, can you end the game between rednecks?!"



In the space carrier, in front of the world observation window.

"This visitor from the universe seems to be on our side. Craig has done a good job."

Alexander Pierce breathed a sigh of relief.

This is rare good news.


This good news has not been easy for two seconds, followed by the words of the apostle of death.

It brings everything into the cruel reality.

"He just said idiot, and country bumpkin, such words."

Alexander Pierce felt something was wrong, and he asked subconsciously, hoping that he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, sir."

it is a pity.

The agents of the intelligence team affirmed the bad news for their Mr. Director.

"My God."

"The next time we speak again, can't we help him write a speech?!"

"You know, this is not Boston..."

Before Alexander Pierce could even finish speaking, the screen of the world observation window lit up.


In the face of the death apostle's speech, the first person who chose to do it was actually Mister Fantastic.

"Reed Richards!!"

Alexander Pierce was literally gnashing his teeth.

"Send a communication signal."

"I'm going to ask the Fantastic Four what the hell is going on, we gave them a hero promotion before."

"Shouldn't we be together now?!"


"Susan, it's SHIELD's communication."

In the weapon control cabin, Reed Richards received a call signal from the space carrier.

"I am very busy!!"

Susan is not available.

The core energy supply of the entire weapon is, in the final analysis, all Susan's superpowers.

Manipulate the energy of the force field, change the energy of the position, and form high-energy cosmic rays!

This is an energy attack capable of evaporating all matter and fundamentally "repelling" foreign objects! !

And now.

Reed Richards aimed at the Angel of Death.

A self-proclaimed death, from an unknown entity in the universe, an alien who does not belong to the earth.

"Coincidentally, I'm busy too!!"


Completely ignore S.H.I.E.L.D. communications.

Reed Richards is fully engaged in manual operation, the tiny lock window on the screen.

Aim at the Angel of Death.


"I didn't even know that you were so vicious to aliens, you would scare me like this."

In the martial arts control cabin.

Asakura Ryoko smiled, but from her tone, she didn't show any fear at all.

"People who know me call me Mr. Good Man, and I never kill anyone."

"But an arrogant death agent who looks down on the earth and calls us rednecks will only make the situation worse."

"I'm just putting a stop to that."

Reed Richards pushes the power bar.

The value displayed on the screen is rising little by little, and is about to exceed 80% of the energy output.

What is the relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Angels of Death? !

Why does this existence from the universe stand on the side of S.H.I.E.L.D.? !

Reed Richards doesn't have time to find out now.


One thing is very obvious, that is, there are no fools and rednecks on this battlefield.



The Apostle of Death has been dealt an unexpected blow.

The energy of the dark force dimension and the bombardment of the space city are under severe impact.

The mixed energy of black and blue formed ripples that spread in waves.


"It's really hard for me to understand your idiot thinking, aren't you with the S.H.I.E.L.D.?!"

Death Angel and Craig face to face, asking this very important question.

"That's right!!"

Craig was also a little confused.

He looked at the space city, the transformed interstellar energy cannon with a full mechanical sense and great impact.


That's right.

It's a sign of the Fantastic Four!

"So when I was planning to end this battle, it should be the idiot of the allies who chose to attack me?!"

The apostle of death suddenly felt a little emotional.

Could it be that his temper has always been so good that he has been bullied since he came to the earth.

First up is Mephisto.

But he is the king of demons, the lord of hell, and he is famous all over the universe, so there is nothing to say.

Then there are the blank brothers and sisters.

These two guys took Craig so well that he had no way to deal with them.


Fantastic Four, right, that's the name.

The apostle of death couldn't figure it out, why did the bumpkins on this planet dare to attack him? !

"Inventor, scientist, superhero?!"

"I don't know how many planets are tired of hearing such words, and I don't know how many souls have been sent away by my hands!!"

"You are pissing me off."

Speak the truth.

Just like looking down on Craig, the Death Apostle really doesn't think much of Earth.

If not for the importance of Mister Immortal.

He felt that in the long years, he probably would not patronize this tiny planet.

But right here, the apostle of death felt no respect.

"Ridiculous guys."

"You have received help from death, but..."

The apostle of death was angry.

At the same time, the voice from Reed Richards came through the external device.

"You are not dead."

"You are just the messenger of death, besides, this is our war."

Mister Fantastic's speech.

Reed Richards made his case that he and S.H.I.E.L.D. were never allies.

It's just that they have been walking in a common direction before, the so-called ushering in world peace.

And now it's clear that there's a fork in the road.

"We accept help, but not arrogant handouts, and what you face, what you mock..."

"It is also an existence that can make you pay the price, or... trigger a bigger war."

"I didn't mean to attack you, I just reminded you in the name of the Fantastic Four."

boom! !

Right after Reed Richards finished speaking, an ocean torrent mixed with divine power appeared from the sea below.

The Ice Peak is just below, Neptune Namor wielding Neptune's Trident! !

as well as.

The pink lightning that fell from the sky was the power of God Dum.


The apostle of death was silent for a moment.

next moment.

He didn't even have time to virtualize his body, just in front of Lord Dum, Namor Neptune, and Mister Fantastic.

Under the strong attack of the three parties, Craig was blown away.


"Look, it's just like I said!!"

The helpless voice of Reed Richards.

"The wrath from the sea, black matter like the deep mud, you will bear the wrath of Namor!!"

The wings on the ankles were entwined with lightning, and Namor the Neptune roared wildly.

He had nothing to say, he was not too different from Lila over there, and the idea of ​​revenge had already penetrated into it.

For the dominion of this sea, Namor, the king of the sea, will fight to the death no matter who he is.

And the other one is more sensible.


His name was Victor von Doom.

"Cosmic idiot!!"

"Under Doom's magic, are you worthy of death?!"

The monarch of Latvinia didn't care that much. What Reed Richards considered was the consequences of the escalation of the war.

So he wants to stop the follow-up operation of the death apostle.


For Dum, since everyone is pursuing destruction, let everyone see what the real doomsday is like? !


"In the name of the lord of Latvinia, I will help you take back Atlantis."

Dum stared directly at the Bazaar of Water, no...or the other three demon kings within the Holy Lord.

"No thanks Doom!!"

"Dum just wants to make one point, that is, the destruction and doomsday should be decided by Dum!!"

"Instead of a demon that escaped from an unknown hell!!"

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