Players In Marvel

Chapter 771 Aaron: Bad luck, bad luck, bad luck, I'm just asking for directions!


After a brief struggle, Alexander Pierce quickly made a decision.

greedy? !

No, it's just called diversity of plans.


About youkai and shrine maidens, and Xiaoyu and Xiaoyan Wang, the two get together.

Who knows if the dog demon will make trouble? !

What happened in Boston is a lesson for the past. Besides, Mr. Yan Luo is not easy to mess with.

Alexander Pierce didn't want trouble.

at the same time.

Agent Hill and the returning Natasha have already completed contact with Inuyasha, Higurashi Kagome, Sesshomaru, Hidekami, and other targets.

Judging from the information sent back briefly now, everything is going very smoothly.

Don't make extravagance.


The beating Xiaoyu, the silent Nagato Yuki, and the elusive faction of the underworld king Yama.

And... the Human Torch who is completely against himself.

this part.

Alexander Pierce thinks the chances of wanting full control are extremely low.

He sent the S.H.I.E.L.D. combat agent team, but it only played a role in collecting intelligence.

Wait till you actually go to hell.


The subsequent situation that occurred was beyond Alexander Pierce's control.

on the contrary.

On the other side, whether it's the new witch or the two dog monsters.

According to the current intelligence analysis from Agent Hill, everything is relatively easy to handle.

Especially Kagome Higurashi, a kind priestess!

When this definition appears in the results report presented by the intelligence department.

That's when Alexander Pierce likes it the most.

"I just like being friends with nice people."

Alexander Pierce laughed.

"If it were you, Nick Fury, what would you do?!"

Alexander Pierce is always thinking about his old friend.

The secret hunt is still going on.


Alexander Pierce was always in the dark about his old buddy's next move.

And now.

When the chaotic world war ends.

And the extraordinary people presented in front of the world, including Xiaoyu, the king of the underworld.

A new youkai shrine maiden.

Everyone's goal is hell, and everyone's goal is to find the devil king.

And there is only one name around it.


"Your target is also her."

"Such a holy soul, with a desire to save the world, a man of incomparable goodness."

"You are trying to play moral kidnapping again, you are really a hateful guy."

That's right.

Secret Service chiefs like nice guys.

Especially the kind of unlucky guy who has power and is kind!

Alexander Pierce knew Agent Hill because of Nick Fury's orders.

The last transcendent that S.H.I.E.L.D. had the most intuitive contact with was Kikyo.


There is a great chance that Nick Fury's next move will be her!

"Although I don't know how you will go to hell."


"As long as I follow this step and block all your roads, what can you do?!"

Alexander Pierce figured it out.

Plans will always be adjusted according to reality, and the 50-state superhero registration agreement cannot be stopped.


Now that the trip to hell can't stop!

Then... increase the size!

Alexander Pierce is not trying to get something from hell!

Just make sure Nick Fury, nothing from hell!

"Old boy."

"Nowadays, the world is undergoing new changes, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. under my control is getting stronger and stronger, but... I feel very sad that you will not die for a day!"

"For Hydra, don't blame me for going all out."


The first thing Alexander Pierce did when he contacted the ground base was to settle down with Agent Hill and his team.


It was Xiaoyu and the others who were in a hurry and wanted to set off.

to this end.

Provide transportation and penetrate the gap in the dimension of hell, which falls on the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.


The space carrier, this big guy Alexander Pierce is not willing to hand it over.


The S.H.I.E.L.D. Airbus that originally belonged to Nick Fury.

It is an air combat platform capable of docking with Quin-jet fighters and capable of flying at high altitude.

A good first choice for a small air base.

Number: C-17.

It was supposed to be for Coulson, but it was clear that Smiling Angel wouldn't be able to use it.

Now it belongs to Xiaoyu.

Everything is ready.

Now it's time for the little king to consecrate, and the aura of the underworld envelopes the SHIELD Airbus.

Covered with green aura light, everything is ready.

"Let's go, let's move!"

Xiaoyu is in a hurry.

She almost picked up Ximu and ran away with Nagato Yuki.

at the same time.

Pilihuo unhappily boarded the plane with the secret service team.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Airbus took off and headed towards California, where the Hall of Yama is located.

After picking up Mr. Butterfly, this trip to hell officially begins.

And it's a tandem and a back kung fu.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Airbus had just left, and Coulson and his party, who were escorted by several Quin-jet fighter jets at the same time, had returned.

Coulson returns to the Helicarrier in an awkward capacity.

But he is not the point.

The focus is on the old man he brought, the righteous archmage, the old man and his apprentice Tru.


"Colson and Daddy "Mage" have landed."

As soon as Alexander Pierce received the news, he quickly greeted him.

He was very enthusiastic.

With a smile on his face, he was thinking hard about Xiaoyu.

The little agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. has left again. How can this be explained? !

How can I gain favorability without triggering my father's anger? !

This is really difficult!

"Director Pierce."

Coulson was the first to get off the Quinjet fighter plane, and he had just spoken half a sentence as usual.

Dad rushed down in a hurry.

"Oh, where's Xiaoyu?!"

first glance.

Didn't see Xiaoyu, Dad seemed a little impatient.

And then.

Pop saw Alexander Pierce and didn't care if he was the chief or not.

Dad knew it.

This guy in front of him is the same as Black in the 13th district, and he is the head of the secret service here.

The old man ran up to Alexander Pierce in two steps, staring at him with his small glasses.


"Something happened, Dad's nephew is also lost, quick, quick, help Dad find Aaron."

The old man chattered and stomped his feet all over the floor.

"Daddy has work to do!"

"After you have settled down with Xiaoyu, Dad promised you will go to hell!"


"Aaron, Xiaoyu, it doesn't matter who you are, it's too much for the old man to worry about."


hell? !

Right, Alexander Pierce knew that was the point.


But all extraordinary existences with some status seem to be staring at hell.

But... nephew? !

Is it the Uncle Long that Xiaoyu keeps talking about? !

lost? !

Such a big person can lose it? !

But it doesn't matter, this is definitely an opportunity to get closer to Dad.

"Old sir."

Alexander Pierce laughed.

"The world observation window of S.H.I.E.L.D. has the most cutting-edge satellite detection in the world."

"It's easy to find your nephew."

Alexander Pierce is quite confident.

"One more thing, what about Xiaoyu?!"

"Oh, daddy is here, Xiaoyu, come out quickly!"

Dad came back to his senses.


Aaron is such an adult, he can't die if he loses it.

The point is Xiaoyu.


Alexander Pierce smiled and said even more disliked things.

"Is such that."

"Just now, because of the kind invitation of the king of the underworld, the surprise girl, that is, Xiaoyu, has already..."

Alexander Pierce's words were interrupted roughly by Dad.

"Dad doesn't want to hear your nonsense, and Xiaoyu is not a Wonder Girl."

"Father doesn't even agree with her being a little agent!"


"Dad hates chatting with secret agents, two things!"

"Find Aaron and bring Xiaoyu to Dad. You need Dad to repeat it a few times, don't you understand?!"


In this world, only Aaron and Xiaoyu can make Dad impatient.


Alexander Pierce did it.


He is also an old guy, but the legendary old agent's temper is more stable!


"Colson, you know about space carriers, take the old man around."

"Let's solve one by one, Xiaoyu's matter, your nephew's problem, and..."

"Xiaoyu told me that if there are any necessary questions, perhaps, you can find another...Xiaoyu?!"

Alexander Pierce said.

And he made a tentative sentence, from Xiaoyu's few words before.

There is one piece of information that he really wants to know.


"Dark Xiaoyu, yes, yes, Xiaoyu still took the sky demon away."

"Father has had enough troubles, why don't you know how to save the old man!"

Dad felt that he was really old.

Just by himself, he really can't remember the mischievous Xiaoyu!

What's more, there are two more.

"Oh, Dad needs hot tea and needs to calm down."


Dad habitually called Tru.

The one who responded was the old guy Alexander Pierce.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s warm hospitality, we went to a special meeting to talk slowly."

"Mister, there are plenty of hot tea..."

Alexander Pierce has confirmed that another Jade, Dark Jade, is real.


Dark, okay!

This is more pleasing to Hydra than the glamorous Wonder Girl.


Where is the other Xiaoyu now? !

this moment.

Link to Pop's first appearance in S.H.I.E.L.D. records.

It's in New York.

It was in the playboy kidnapping of the century caused by Walloon.

Right, right.

According to the intelligence, Truco also appeared at that time.

This "mage" father's apprentice was actually a subordinate of the black hand Wa Long.

Alexander Pierce glanced at the big fat man, the smile on his face unchanged.

Yet thoughtful.

Many things in this world are connected, and the agent has a keen mind.

Just chain the questionable ones together.

So assume boldly.

The other Xiaoyu in this world is probably in the hands of the black hand Wa Long right now.


Alexander Pierce laughed.

"Black Hand Valon."

"It's really unusual to have a criminal boss with superhuman subordinates!"


at the same time.

Wallon the Black Hand, conceived by Alexander Pierce, is suffering.


Good guy.

Dark Xiaoyu's devilish vibrato made Wa Long suffer like a Cruciatus Curse.

Dark Xiaoyu's request was simply mental torture for Valon.

"Little ancestor, you must have spared me."

Surrounded by the teasing trio, Valon looked helpless.

"in spite of!"

Dark Xiaoyu doesn't care about these.

She just fell in love with the snake crown, the power from the sea of ​​snakes, even through the screen, she can feel it.

Zhengqi Xiaoyu can obtain photon energy and transform into a surprise girl.

Why can't she? !

Valon must be afraid of those strong men who appeared on the battlefield before.


The bloody coward.

"If Aaron is here, he can definitely get it for me!"

Even in this state.

Dark Xiaoyu's first thought was also Uncle Long.

"Well, I admit, archaeologists are pretty good at this sometimes."

"Our troubles are many, and this new world is different."


"If you really want to, why didn't you invite your dear Uncle Long?!"

Walloon actually understood.

If the archaeologist really came, he would definitely not let Dark Xiaoyu continue.

After all.

Zhengqi Xiaoyu will win everyone's support.


Although Dark Jade was throwing a temper tantrum at him, but if he must need an ally.

Valon is the real first choice, but Aaron is not!


And just when Wa Long and Dark Xiaoyu had a disagreement because of their subsequent actions.

The funny trio appeared.

"Boss, something went wrong, we..."


Valon jumped up from the sofa and grabbed Zhou by the neck.

"What did you say, you invited archaeologists?!"

Valon was stunned for a moment!

"That's right, boss, it was Xiaoyu who said it."

"If Aaron came, he would definitely be able to do it for me, that's what she said!"

Rasu scratched his head, repeating the angry words that Valon said just now when he was arguing with Dark Xiaoyu.

"So... you just did it?!"

Walloon's unbelievable tone.

"You three idiots!"


"Call me Your Lady Queen!"

Diablo Xiaoyu's demonic voice directly sent the teasing trio into mid-air.


Both Valon and Dark Jade were somewhat broken at the same time.

"What about others?!"

Valon held his cane, completely missing the gentleman and elegance of a gangster in a suit.

Here comes his nemesis.

But...according to the way of inviting players, it shouldn't be a flash of white light.

Is Aaron appearing in front of him now? !

"No, I don't know, boss!"

"That's right, Lasu tried it, but the reminder said that Aaron has come!"

"Boss, we are really itchy and want to try it. I don't know what's going on."

"Help, let Xiaoyu let us down!"

Something is wrong.

With the roar of the black hand three teasers, Darkness Xiaoyu and Wa Long looked at each other.

Archaeologists have arrived.

And now I don't know where it is hidden, this is really uncomfortable.

"I'm going to find Moria."

"I'm going to find Perona!"

Dark Jade and Valon left the Shadow Kingdom at the same time.

Not a second can be lost.

This big trouble must be solved before others find Aaron.

"No matter where you hide in the world, I will definitely find you out before the other me."

"My dear Uncle Long!"


And at the same time.

In a crimson world, the sky is an abnormal fire cloud.

Like a city after it was destroyed by war.


To be more precise, this is hell.


The broken door was slammed open.

A man in a blue half-sleeved sweater, tan pants and brown shoes!

Throwing back the stool in his hand, he rushed out screaming all the way.

"I didn't provoke you, I just wanted to ask for directions, why do I have to lose my temper!"

"What the hell kind of place is this?!"

"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!"

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