Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 702 Smuggling on the track

The Duchess had some conversation, and waved her fan and said, "Not to mention the lower five districts, even if the entire E27 wormhole district is counted, the 011 district is considered peaceful and stable. There are still some districts that have fallen under the alien species. The people in the zone are devastated, and the only remaining human beings are huddled in a few small safe areas, drinking water and eating are problematic."

"Madam has been to these places?" Serin asked.

"District 011 also needs to establish diplomatic relations with other districts, communication is essential." The Duchess said indifferently.

She didn't say anything about the value of establishing diplomatic relations with District 011 in a district where most of the area is occupied by alien species.

"I've been to many places, and I still think Area 011 is the best." The Duchess took a sip of her wine, "If all game divisions become Area 011 in the future, then the world will be truly peaceful."

Xu Huo and Serin both smiled and did not speak.

Are they all turned into Area 011?

Area 011 is not as peaceful as it seems. There are conflicts between foreign players and local forces, and the struggles between different factions of the government are also fierce. In order to divert these contradictions, Area 011 is directing its attention to other game areas.

To put it bluntly, it is a foreign war. Area 011 can rely on its forward weapons and strong player strength to plunder resources, otherwise there will be no situation where several game divisions are combined to form today's Area 011.

The Duchess seems to hate games, but she is actually the same person as Ran Ying, with different reasons but the same purpose.

"By the way, you just inherited the castle. According to the convention, a banquet should be held. If you want to do charity, this is the first step." The Duchess said.

Xu Huo nodded, "It's already being prepared, and the Duchess will be invited to visit when the time comes."

The Duchess covered her lips and smiled, "I will bring some more friends there then."

After chatting for a few more words, the Duchess left, and Xu Huo went directly to the game base.

Passing through the cordon outside the base, he walked over to pick up two boxes and rescued Wan Tingfang who was almost buried.

"You're back!" Wan Tingfang's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "Hurry up and help me, these things are so heavy!"

Xu Huo also weighed the weight, "There are stones inside? Why don't you use a car to transport it?"

"All the indoor cars have been requisitioned," Wan Tingfang said, "The director doesn't allow props for these things, so I have to do it myself."

"This thing is heavier than a stone. I heard from Captain Shi that it is a rare ore. I took it back and sampled it."

Xu Huo helped move two boxes, "Is this brought back from the previous mission?"

"That's right." Wan Tingfang said: "It's the first time I've heard of ore smuggling. Dimension train, it's amazing that someone would smuggle ore."

"The flight attendants on the train are all employed without pay. It is not surprising that some people bring some smuggled items in order to earn some money." Xu Huo said.

But ores like this can be put in the luggage compartment.

"You're really right, it was the flight attendant who did it." Wan Tingfang explained the whole story of the mission, "Originally, we were notified to repair the track, but who knew that the Dimension train was overweight !"

"It's overweight, can you believe it! The dimensional train is also overweight!"

"Even Captain Shi found it strange. He checked a few nearby stations before intercepting the car. Good guy, the whole car was transported with ore, and it was caught after a station was closed."

"However, according to the director, it may be because some radioactive ores were mixed in these ores that would interfere with the orbit. We brought a batch back for final inspection."

"Radiation ore? Will it cause harm to the human body?" Xu Huo asked.

"I've checked it, and said that the impact is very small." Wan Tingfang said nonchalantly: "Besides, we go in and out of the game every day, and there are mutant mines in many places we have been to, but we haven't seen anything."

The two went upstairs while talking, and met She Ping and Cai Xiangxiang on the way. They were also helping to sort the ore. Several offices were occupied by ore, and the members of the track supply department were all disgraced.

Shi Youzhi was holding a testing instrument to classify each piece of ore. When he saw Xu Huo, he just nodded and gave him an instrument, asking him to help together.

With the help of Wan Tingfang, Xu Huo sorted the ores in the box with the instrument. After the instrument was scanned, the number and classification of the ore would be displayed on the screen immediately.

He scanned for a while, and found that these ores had no specific names, and were all replaced by numbers composed of letters and numbers.

"Does it mean that it is a new type of ore if the instrument can't scan it?" Wan Tingfang asked Shi Youzhi, "Then if we discover a new ore, will there be a reward?"

Cai Xiangxiang laughed at the side, "Why do you think about such a good thing every day? The reason why you can't scan it out is probably because there are many elements in it, and elementary instruments can't classify it. You need to use more sophisticated instruments to test it."

"For those that can be classified with the instruments in our hands, usually a certain element accounts for more than 30 percent. The classification is actually not accurate, but we are good enough for the primary screening."

Wan Tingfang sighed, "I knew it."

"But the ore that can affect the orbit is also very powerful, haven't you found it before?" She thought for a while and said: "If there are such ores everywhere, the orbit can't run, don't we need to make a copy?"

"You forgot the first trial train?" Xu Huo asked beside him.

They didn't enter the station when they got on the train for the first time.

Wan Tingfang came to her senses and shook her head helplessly, "That's right."

"Since trains can be smuggled, will someone transport weapons by train?" Xu Huo asked.

"It's different." Shi Youzhi replied: "Players are not allowed to bring some weapons on the train. This is a mandatory regulation of the train. Even if you carry it, it will be scraped off when you enter the station."

"The game's detection of weapons and ores is different. Even if someone brings weapons into the car through special means, they can't run very far on the track."

"If the number of weapons is large and the lethality is high, the game government will send people to deal with it as soon as possible. Maybe they will be arrested before going from one station to the next. The loss outweighs the gain."

"If the quantity is small, it won't be very useful if you bring it into the car. It's not as good as an ordinary prop."

What Shi Youzhi said was right, the higher the player's level, the more props and characteristics he would get, and ordinary thermal weapons would be useless, let alone dodging bullets at 360 degrees, it would not be a problem to pick them up with bare hands.

On the premise that weapons cannot be placed in the luggage compartment, the weapons that players can carry with them are very limited.

"It's better not to have guns than to have props." Wan Tingfang said: "Don't have two guns on your waist to drop the price on the train. It's better to bring props. It's small and convenient."

"In the future, when I become an advanced player, I must buy two advanced props, so that they look good and easy to use on my body. I don't need to hang all the props on my body like I am now, and go out like a Christmas tree."

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