Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 790: Players and Garbage Disposal

Xu Huo tore open his sleeve, and found that his entire left arm had bluish-black meridians, and his skin had become as dry as old bark. But the good news was that although the left half of his body was stiff, his left leg was only a little numb. I can still walk.

The gallery was about to disappear, and the surrounding voices were getting closer. He opened the "five-five transom" and jumped in.

The gallery disappeared in a smoke-like color just like Jiang Jiang did before. After discovering the body of the bodyguard beside her, the players flocked to surround the person standing in the ruins of the haunted house, "What happened? Where is the enemy? ?”

Some people searched for possible players, and someone arranged for Jiang Jiang to leave. After getting in the car, Jiang Jiang leaned against the window and looked at the ruins on the ground.

Xu Huo didn't know how long his situation would last. Going back to Area 011 was one way. Of course, staying in Area 009 was also possible. There were risks on both sides, but he didn't intend to leave.

Jiang Jiang obviously knew something inside. Even if the doctor who trained her in the Seventeenth Hospital was not the real Shang Shuming, there was a relationship between them and that doctor. He couldn't miss this clue.

"Bang!" The transom bounced open in an old residential building, and he was thrown from a high altitude as usual. Xu Huo grabbed the strings to slow down the speed of descent, but when he landed, he kicked his left foot, and he just happened to lose his balance. It bumped into the trash can next to it, scaring the little girl who was picking up the trash next to her and ran away, squatting down and screaming: "Don't hit me, don't hit me, I won't dare again!"

Xu Huo looked to the side, and there were a few homeless people staring at this side. They seemed to have taken a fancy to this pile of garbage, but they didn't approach him because of his presence.

This is a small mountain of garbage, with boxes of high-end snacks mixed in the garbage dump, obviously not affordable in such a slum, so it was pulled from other places.

Xu Huo took out his mobile phone and checked the location. It was very good. Transom did not send him abroad, but just dumped him in a small town on the border.

He got used to the unconscious half of his body, and stood up holding the strings with his right hand. It’s okay if one leg can’t walk, but the half of his body can’t work together, so it’s hard for him to walk steadily. skateboards on the ground.

Now that he was able to move, he walked along the not so smooth road.

The homeless men flocked to the garbage dump immediately when they saw him go. The little girl was punched just in time to snatch two plastic bags with a little bit of snack residue left, but even though she was beaten, she still managed to get out of it. A person ran away with some messy things in his hand.

The smell of sweat from not taking a shower for a long time and the smell of spoiled food drifted past quickly. Xu Huo saw the little girl who ran away, and turned his head to glance at the two homeless men who were catching up.

The two shrank back in fear, and after spitting on the ground, they turned back and continued digging through the trash.

Xu Huo walked forward slowly, and soon realized that this place was not just poor and backward. Apart from the dumped garbage mountains, there were obviously too many people of the same rank and low, and anyone who walked on the street would have to accept at least a dozen people Surveillance, people are walking next to the wall in broad daylight, except for those wandering children.

I found a place to stop and rest, and checked the information of the city by the way.

This was originally a tourist city with a small place but beautiful scenery. However, after the game incident broke out, there was a massacre here. Almost all the people who lived here died, and the city was abandoned for a few years until the nearby big city was established the year before last. safe zone.

There are quite a few safe areas in District 009, most of which are concentrated in more populous and prosperous places. It would be great if one or two cities in remote places can be designated as safe areas. People who cannot fit in the safe areas will be forcibly evicted.

It is said to be expelled, but it is not to force them to be confined in a certain place and not allowed to approach. The nearby cities have not been abandoned, but they do not have so much power to protect them. The place is fairly stable, if you are unlucky, you have to admit that you are unlucky.

However, each city is very strict about identity verification, which leads to people who originally belonged to black households or who were excluded were driven from medium-sized cities to smaller cities, one by one. This small border town is basically At the bottom, people who have nowhere to go come here.

The environment can be imagined.

"After the game started, these people don't even have the time to dispose of garbage..." Xu Huo looked up at the gray sky, it was going to rain.

"Are you a player?" The little girl who ran away went back and forth, standing a few meters away from him, holding a rotten umbrella in her hand, "It's going to rain, aren't you afraid of getting caught in the rain? Do you want an umbrella? "

"I have an umbrella." Xu Huo said.

The little girl stared at his left leg, and said in a trembling voice, "Don't you have a place to go? Do you want to come to my house? I can carry you on my back and cook you food. Do you have money?"

"Can your family live in adults?" Xu Huo smiled, "Let's go quickly."

After he finished speaking, he walked down the street to find a place to stay, but the little girl did not give up and followed him far away.

Because he didn't chase them away, after a while there were a few more children, and the brave ones approached and said, "Uncle, are you looking for a place to live? I know where it is. Give me ten yuan and I will take you." go!"

The little girl also squeezed over and said, "Uncle, I can dress you, put on shoes, and bathe you. I don't need money, just give me something to eat!"

Several children quarreled, but Xu Huo had already parked in front of a dilapidated hotel. The boss enthusiastically came out with an old wheelchair and invited him in, and waved all the children away.

There were bloodstains on the wheelchair, so Xu Huo sat on it and asked, "Do players come here often?"

"No, those who are seriously injured, those who are waiting to die, and those who have nowhere to go will come here. There are also two or three who fell from the sky like you, but they are unlucky, and they are directly disabled when they come down." The boss smiled I looked at him carefully, "You look fine!"

"One hundred white bills a night, this is an affordable price, how many days do you come first?"

Xu Huo put a hundred white bills on the table, "One day counts as one day, and you may enter the game someday."

"Yes, yes." The boss said again: "But we don't provide meals here. If you want to eat outside, it's better not to order takeaway. You know, in this world, who dares to eat without seeing the food go to the pot."

"Especially don't let those little bastards outside run errands for you, they will steal food and maybe even pee in it."

"Your legs and feet are inconvenient, why don't you live on the first floor?"

"I'm going to the second floor." Xu Huo stood up, "Please move the wheelchair to the second floor."

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