Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 801 One day I will die in front of you

Jiang Jiang was indeed trapped.

She used all the props that can be used, but the one that can open the spiritual world is the same, because it is herself who is affected. She seems to be destroying the library building, but it is also possible that what she is facing is not the real spiritual world at all. Or she thought she used props, but she didn't.

Under the effect of mental interference, players sometimes cannot distinguish between reality and illusion.

Jiang Jiang also knew a little bit about this, so she also understood that the longer the time, the worse it would be for her, so she used the props for spiritual power for the second time.

The room did collapse, but it quickly closed again, not giving her a chance to get out.

The facts are in front of us, either Xu Huo's spiritual world is larger than imagined, or his super-evolution in the spiritual aspect far surpasses the spiritual evolution of the same level.

Either way is not good for Jiang Jiang.

She actually knew him earlier than Xu Huo knew. Although she had never seen him before and did not know his name and identity, she had vaguely seen him when she first foresaw death.

Indeed, as she said, her death painting is a scene seen by using special features. Once seen, it cannot be changed. The time of death may be changed, but the method of death cannot be changed. She has predicted her own death scene more than once. She still chooses to stay here after it is clear that the place of death is Area 009.

Until the fusion of District 009, she saw her own death scene in its entirety. She died in the gallery, and the man standing beside her was Xu Huo, whom she had seen in the hotel before, not the ugly face now. .

Jiang Jiang is waiting to die, but she will not take the initiative to die. She is a C-level player, and Xu Huo's evolution rate can support D-level players. Judging from the previous fight, he is a combat player. Great, but not too outrageous, as long as the gallery can be opened, her chances of winning are more than half...

It was supposed to be like this, but who would have thought that a combat player would have super-evolved mentally and just restrain her, so such a good item like the gallery is not very useful.

Smiling, she took out the ring props around her waist that could release shock waves, untied the necklace around her neck, and took off the black square that was as big as a finger on the pendant. The two props began to resonate as soon as they approached, like ripples. When the shock wave is released, it is accompanied by a buzzing vibration.

Jiang Jiang let go, and the two mutually attracted props were automatically suspended in the air, and the shock force released was higher than once. After a few vibrations, the ring and the black square suddenly turned red, and the shock wave smashed the entire floor in one fell swoop!

Of course, the building in the spiritual world will not collapse, but countless books are flying in the air, smashed into slag by the shock waves again and again, completely disrupting the library building!

At the same time, the two props are also like red-hot irons, turning from red to bright, gradually becoming dazzling!

As soon as the thing turned red, Xu Huo realized that something was wrong. He pulled Jiang Jiang down from the upstairs in a second, hid the paintbrush from her hand, and led people into Vault 101, but he didn't expect the small space Instead, it caused even greater shocks. When he put away the shelter, the floating rings and cubes burst out with strong light, and the last shock wave crushed him!

Xu Huo immediately activated "The Truth Surpasses Everything", took back his spiritual world and ran away at the fastest speed, trying to distance himself as much as possible within these three seconds!

But in less than a second, the two were knocked out.

In fact, when Xu Huo was hit on the back, he felt a little relieved. The characteristics offset the impact, and he was not affected much. In addition, according to the speed and strength of their flying out, as long as they escaped from the center of the shock wave, there was no need to attack him. Open the copy to avoid.

In a blink of an eye, he put a protective suit on himself, and covered Jiang Jiang's body with a protective suit, barely covering most of his body.

The shock wave lasted for about seven seconds. Xu Huo carried Jiang Jiang through several paintings and fell into a gallery. He was not seriously injured, but Jiang Jiang vomited blood when he landed.

Xu Huo let her lean against the wall, frowned and said, "Do you want to die?"

Jiang Jiang gasped for a while before he said weakly: "Can't you see?"

"I can see that your injury is not serious." Xu Huo took back his protective clothing.

"Without you standing in front of me, it's almost as if I'm not dead..." Jiang Jiang tried his best to straighten his body, leaning his head against the wall and lowering his eyes slightly, "Your face is not good-looking now... I want to see that picture two days ago ..."

Xu Huo took off his fake face.

Jiang Jiang looked at him for a few seconds before smiling, "This is how life should be, kill me..."

The bright red sword rested on her shoulder in the next second, "Is the death you foresaw like now?"

"It seems to be..." Jiang Jiang opened his eyes again, as if he wanted to see something, but finally closed his eyes without saying anything.

Two seconds later, the weight on the shoulders is gone.

Xu Huo said: "It shouldn't be difficult to predict the future in the game. The dimensional rift is called a high-dimensional game. You decide to die after looking at the picture of traveling through time and space?"

Jiang Jiang opened his eyes again, and instead of answering his question, he asked, "Do you know the paradox of traveling through time and space?"

"The grandfather paradox." Xu Huo said.

Simply put, the grandson goes back in time and kills the grandfather so that his father will not be born, then he will not be born, but since he will not be born, no one killed his grandfather, his father will still be born.

"So for the future, everything I do will be futile." Jiang Jiang's tone was indifferent, obviously accepting this fact.

"Time is just a word invented by humans for the convenience of measurement. How can you be sure that time in all spaces follows a straight line? If there are other forces that can interfere with this 'time', then the so-called grandfather paradox does not exist." Xu Huo After finishing speaking, he asked again: "Have you ever been to a higher-dimensional time and space?"

"No, but someone has been there, and he failed." Jiang Jiang's eyes were filled with emotion, "Not long after he came back, he died like a prophet."

"But you are not dead." Xu Huo said.

Jiang Jiang pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, "Then maybe one day I will die in front of you."

"Since you won't die for a while, tell me about your teacher." Xu Huo knelt down and looked at her.

Jiang Jiang smiled again, and said with a little playfulness: "But I don't want to tell you at all, what should I do?"

Xu Huo's face darkened.

The gallery began to change, Jiang Jiang continued: "Haven't you ever thought that I'm the one who answered your question on the reward platform?"

"Come to District 009 to find me when I have time, maybe I will be willing to talk to you after a long time."

"That pen is for you..."

With the disappearance of the voice, the gallery, together with Jiang Jiang, disappeared from his sight, and Xu Huo stood in the ruins, kicking out the person who flew into him without moving his eyelids!

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