After learning about this task, Li Qingyue looked at the dense barrage in the live broadcast room, and said with a smile: "Do you have any impression of the previous Arataki Extreme Prosperous Drum Festival?

As Li Qingyue took the initiative to change the topic......

A neat and uniform "want" appeared on the barrage instantly!

For Genshin Impact's music tour activities, everyone also has a lot of impressions, mainly because of the music made by Mi Flicker~ The music is really good!

And because it's an audio game, many bigwigs who used to play music games will also upload the clearance video directly, and over time, these BGMs are out of the circle.

Of course......

For many audiences, it doesn't matter what Li Qingyue sings.

The important thing is that Li Qingyue is on the air!

To put it simply, as long as Li Qingyue starts the live broadcast, they can watch anything......

Li Qingyue doesn't think there is anything about this, after all, many people watch the live broadcast just to have fun.

But I definitely have to play it seriously.

After finding the accompaniment on the Internet, Li Qingyue picked up the shamisen again, adjusted her lower posture, took a deep breath, and began her performance with the rhythm of the accompaniment.

Zheng Zheng!

Different from the gentle performance before, as soon as the prelude to the flames appeared, everyone present instantly focused.

I saw the sound of the shamisen slowly rising in the live broadcast room, crisp and long.

Li Qingyue's fingers deftly jumped on the strings, and each note seemed to carry a unique emotion, like a mountain stream and a clear spring, jumping and flowing, with vitality and vitality.

Her fingers, like a lithe butterfly, dance on the strings of the shamisen, and each touch triggers a beautiful melody.

In her hands, the shamisen seemed to turn into a flaming sword of flames, and each note was like a spark jumping in flames, blazing and passionate.

Li Qingyue's eyes flashed with love for music and dedication to performance, and her face was illuminated by the enthusiasm of music, making her even more beautiful and moving.

As the music progressed, Li Qingyue's performance became more and more intense. Her fingers flew across the strings, dense and powerful like a storm. The music is like a raging river, rushing endlessly, with endless power and passion, hitting the hearts of every listener.

The audience seemed to be able to see Yoimiya's figure dancing in the firelight, her smile, her eyes, and her movements were so vivid and real.

And in this case......

The number of barrages suddenly began to skyrocket!

[, this hand speed??professional, professional!]

[If you listen to the fairy sound, the ear is temporarily bright!!]

[I used to think that this pure music was not bad, it was very good, but now it suddenly feels like it contains some kind of emotion? 】

[I'm going to burn!]

[If you don't understand, just ask, is this the liveliness of the fire-based characters?


"Gunfire Flame" was originally a rather passionate song, but Li Qingyue was quite cheerful when she played it.

Music is such a thing......

In the final analysis, it is related to the current mood, and I always want to express something I can't help but express, and the same is true for Li Qingyue.

She hadn't experienced anything particularly big, whether it was the twists and turns in the novel, the suffering, or some major life decision......

None of them have anything to do with Li Qingyue.

If you want to say that the only knot in my heart is probably that I have become a girl.

However, Li Qingyue's life in her previous life was not very good, and she began to go to school day after day, year after year, since she could remember, worrying about the college entrance examination.

I thought that if I was admitted to a good university, it would be easy after graduation, but who knew that the job after graduation would be even more uncomfortable, and it would be better to go to school.

No one is born to want to endure hardship, of course she doesn't want to, but there is nothing she can do, so she slowly got used to staying up late, and finally died suddenly.

Now, though, it's different.

Li Qingyue lived a very easy life.

You don't need to worry about money, you don't need to think about what you're going to do tomorrow, you just need to be happy every day. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So the sound of the shamisen is also more relaxed and more leisurely.

Especially with Li Qingyue's smile at the moment......

As a result, the entire "Gunfire Flame" seems to be given a completely different meaning!

The shamisen is still playing.

Li Qingyue's fingers jumped on the strings of the shamisen, like a small fish swimming freely in a mountain stream, and every touch stirred up a circle of ripples, and the melodious melody was like the sound of spring water, crisp and pleasant, and people's hearts were relaxed. []

Her smile is like the warm sun of spring, sprinkling a cheerful atmosphere throughout the live broadcast room, as if injecting a new soul into the song "Nitrate Flame".

Under her interpretation, this piece is no longer just passionate and enthusiastic, but also adds a sense of relaxation and leisure, as if telling a story about growth and freedom.

The audience was captivated by her performance, and it was as if they could see Yoimiya leisurely strolling through the flower-filled courtyards, enjoying the beauty of life.

Li Qingyue's shamisen seems to have become a paintbrush, outlining vivid pictures on the canvas of music, making people immersed in it and lingering.

With the advancement of music, Li Qingyue's performance became more and more handy.

Her fingers slid swiftly across the strings like butterflies, each flap of her wings triggering a beautiful melody.

The music is like a clear stream, flowing happily, with endless vitality and vitality, washing the hearts of every listener.

When the music reaches its climax, Li Qingyue suddenly swings the shamisen vigorously, as if to pour all the joy and freedom into this blow.

At that moment, the entire live broadcast room was boiling!

Countless viewers in front of the live broadcast room screamed and cheered, they were infected by Li Qingyue's performance, as if they were also in that world full of passion and freedom!

There is no doubt that at this moment, in this live broadcast room, a short-lived utopia has been formed here infected by music, which is enough to make everyone linger!

It wasn't until the last note fell that Li Qingyue slowly lowered the shamisen, and her face was still filled with a gentle smile.

Such a scene made everyone almost suffocated.

It's as if I've forgotten how to evaluate a song......

In front of everyone's eyes, there is only one free and easy, as gorgeous as a fireworks.

"Hoo ......"

Li Qingyue breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to say something when she suddenly saw a prompt that the side quest was completed, and blinked her eyes at the moment.

... Big....

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