Li Zijin looked at Xinchuan Wuhuazi calmly.

He was too lazy to resist anymore, or he didn't want to resist at all.

"In my heart, I have regarded you as my woman, thank you for not killing Fenghuazi."

"She's my sister..."

Although incarnated as a demon, the good thoughts are far stronger than the evil thoughts of the devil.

Li Zijin felt that Xinchuan Wuhuazi woke up after Ya Yinyue left, and she definitely had her own deep meaning.

"Can you unleash my power?"

"I said, you are a wolf, and I want to keep you by my side forever. The best way is to tie you up."

"In that case, why don't you **** blood, pierce my heart, and see what I think of you?"

"I know what you think of me, you've seen me as your woman, despite my dominance."

Xin Chuan Wuhuazi pressed her pale body on Li Zijin's body, her sharp teeth looked extremely coquettish and weird under her flaming red lips.

"I won't let you suffer any more, unleash my power."

"No, I want to keep you by my side forever."

"Even if you liberate my power, you can still keep me by your side forever, even if you let me go, I won't go, I'm serious."

Since seeing the past of Xinchuan Fenghuazi, Li Zijin has only one thought, and that is to make the two sisters happy again.

At first, because of Aishwana, he had no idea of ​​dating other girls.

But now that so many things have happened, Li Zijin no longer has the concept of monogamy in the past.

First Ivy, then Feng Huazi, and the girls from Feng Mo Ren, Aishwana didn't care that Li Zijin was dating so many girls at the same time.

He also didn't want to rest on his laurels by the standard of a righteous gentleman.

If you love, then be brave to love.

Xinchuan Wuhuazi drank Li Zijin's blood, and the two lay on the loess like this until a gunshot broke the silence of the two.

It is the army of the North Sea Parliamentary State.

They came from afar, stepping through the sky step by step.

"Zijin, they are your enemies, right?"

Xinchuan Maihuazi asked softly.

But before Li Zijin could answer, Xinchuan Maihuazi rushed into the Beihai Parliament National Army composed of nearly a thousand people alone.

Seeing the pale-skinned beauty in front of them, the soldiers of the North Sea Parliamentary State showed wicked smiles.

On the battlefield, most of the soldiers have not vented for a long time. Although she looks like a woman from the Eastern Continent Empire, if she is "used" and then killed, others will not know.

However, just as the soldiers had such an idea, the blood-colored sickle was swung down, and hundreds of heads landed at the same time.

With Xinchuan Maihuazi's current strength, killing a group of soldiers armed with firearms is as easy as stepping on a bunch of ants.

The evil spirits feasted on the flesh and blood of human beings. A black evil spirit with thick arms grabbed a person's shoulders and dragged it into his mouth alive, crunching the bones together.

The tongue of the long-tongued ghost strangled the necks of dozens of soldiers.

Each goblin takes a terrifying and disgusting way of cannibalism to the extreme.

Li Zijin watched all this calmly, walking slowly through the sticky yellow sand wet with blood.


"Zi Jin, do you want to blame me?"

"Why should I blame you? There is nothing wrong with killing the enemy."

"Maybe there are good people here too."

"There must be, but small kindness is not kindness, it is weakness."

Looking at the whole corpse, Li Zijin was expressionless.

He is also a demon, and there is a giant white wolf hidden in his heart, and it is only the same for the misfortune of most people.

Growing up in the Middle East, he has been through **** since childhood.

"But I have something to blame on you, Wuhuazi."

"Please say."

"As my wife, don't do vulgar things like murder anymore. Why don't you let me do the thing of killing the enemy?"

"Do you want power that much?"

"Mikoko, I'm a man."

Accompanied by the blood and rain, Shinchuan Maiko looked at the man calmly.

Footsteps were also heard from the other direction around.

"Someone is here again."

"I know."

Holding a machete, a cat-eared man in a white robe led a group of horses to appear in front of Li Zijin.

Li Zijin looked up and saw him, and he also saw Li Zijin.

"Long time no see, Kutak, it looks like you're doing pretty well in the international column."

"Li Zijin, are you free?"

Li Zijin put his arms around Wuhuazi's waist:

"Yeah, I'm free."

PS: 1 is deducted for those who are still reading old books.

Chapter 145 Seeking help from friends in the world

"Li Zijin, and this young lady..." Kutak's eyes became a little sharp, he drew his machete and asked, "Are you Xinchuan Fenghuazi?"

Xinchuan Wuhuazi shook his head with a dull face, indicating that he was not Xinchuan Fenghuazi.

"Kutak, she is Maiko Shinkawa, one of my wives."

"What about you and Aishwana?"

"Aishwana is also my wife."

"okay, I get it."

Kutak made the international column members behind him not need to be vigilant.

The soldiers of the North Sea Parliament just now should be wiped out by the international column led by Kutak, but now they don't have to do that, because those soldiers have been turned into blood and flesh, and their death is extremely tragic.

"Miko, can you now let me meet my long-lost friends?"

"Of course." Shinchuan Maihuazi said with a light smile, "I'm here for this."

"Have all the memories you lost in the past come back?"

"Yes." Xinchuan Wuhuazi took Li Zijin's arm and said, "Including those memories we spent in the snowy East Ying during the first assessment, I remember all of them."

"I remember too."

The days when Li Zijin and the Xinchuan sisters temporarily lived in the hot spring hotel in Dongying are still vivid to this day. I remember that when Wuhuazi was sick with a fever, Li Zijin and Fenghuazi also took Wuhuazi to the medical center.

"You're not going to shoot at my friends, are you?"

"Of course not, as I said, I came to Sri Lanka to fulfill your wishes."

"If that's the case, why won't you help me take off the collar around my neck?"

"Because I prefer the feeling of protecting you rather than fighting side by side."

Following Kutak over the mountains and mountains, and then saw Kutak using a portal magic, in a blink of an eye, the group teleported from one cliff to another through the portal magic.

It feels that since Kutak joined the international column, the international column has unconsciously become a superpower that neither the Shengluer Kingdom nor the North Sea Parliamentary colonial army can provoke. I heard Kutak say that in the colonial country Within the sphere of influence, there are also infiltration of members of the international column, and even in the officer groups of the two countries, there are officers who communicate with the international column.

Li Zijin was very happy to hear so much good news. Now, even if the two countries join hands, it is absolutely impossible to completely swallow the territory of the international column.

In fact, Li Zijin had expected victory as early as the beginning. The beliefs from all corners of the world were condensed together, and it was an infinitely sharp sword, enough to cut everything.

Xinchuan Wuhuazi quietly followed behind Li Zijin, like a virtuous wife who perfectly obeyed the three obedience and four virtues, without any intention of arrogant.

From this point of view, Xinchuan Maihuazi broke through the confinement, but in a certain way, it actually gave Li Zijin a certain degree of freedom.

At least with Wu Huazi's company, Li Zijin's scope of action is no longer limited to the deep palace.

"Zijin, our camp is in front. Are you going to my hometown of Gujarante next?"

"Okay, let's go."

Under the leadership of Kutak, Li Zijin was welcomed here like never before, with the wheat-colored residents holding flowers high.


Li Zijin suddenly felt a pain in his head.

"What's the matter, Zijin?"

Xinchuan Wuhuazi gently took Li Zijin's arm and helped him not to let him fall.


It always felt like this scene seemed familiar.

Some memories began to flow into Li Zijin's brain. He looked around blankly. This place was both familiar and unfamiliar. Between the cracks in the world, there was a wasteland without sky.

The cracked earth was as hard as armor.

Li Zijin stood here alone, watching the tombstones of all the beloved girls fall into silence.


All the girls died before the end of the battle, and no one was left behind, trying to swallow all the gluttonous goddesses and put human souls as a delicacy in their mouths. When people are more desperate, their faith will become more and more pure. .

Li Zijin was defeated.

"I have failed."

He saw his own memories before the reincarnation.

This shows that the other body is dying step by step.

In a different world, a man wearing a black military coat with a face as pale as paper, with a hint of decadence in his eyes, has a slightly serious expression.

"I have one last thing to ask of you."

"Please tell me, Brother Li, looking at your exhausted appearance, as long as you bring it up, we will definitely find a way to solve it for you. Even if it can't be solved, we will try to solve it for you in a different way."

The one-armed man who was playing with the wine glass said.

The man was wearing a navy blue marshal's uniform. Although he looked a little frivolous, he gave him a very shrewd feeling.

"Ranikov, you are the best military man in all the different worlds I have traveled, I hope you can go to the Stigma Academy to help me train a group of outstanding officers with firm will when the final battle is approaching. ."

"I still want to go on vacation with my wife."

The otherworld marshal known as Ranikoff was a little embarrassed.


The Marshal of Another World glanced at the gentle-looking man beside him.

"Help him."

"Forget it, my mistress's husband has already spoken, so let me help."

"Brother Tang, I have something to ask you too."

"Just say it."

The man surnamed Tang looks very ordinary, but his face is very soft, without the slightest bit of cruelty, and getting along with him makes people feel like a spring breeze.

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