When Ling Jingxuan saw that it was almost done, he touched Tie Wazi's head and said with a smile: "That's Big Brother Zhao Han, I also plan to send Xiaowen and Xiaowu to the private school, but I don't plan to send them to Old Master Ling's private school, just look at With his character, I don't believe that he can teach children well. I saved a little money, so I thought about sending my children to the town to study. Of course, because the distance is too long, I want to buy it first. A carriage, the big deal is that we have to work hard as fathers, pick up and drop off every morning and evening, it’s better than the child being taught badly, right? Then you know what, I have been stupid for the past few years, and in the past few years, I only knew how to study, right I really don’t know much about livestock, so I want to ask Big Brother Zhao and Big Brother Han to go to town with me tomorrow to buy a carriage. I don’t know if you have time? Also, I want you to think you can afford the cost of Tiewazi’s study in the town. If so, let's just let the three children be together, they also have company, don't they?"

After a long list of preparations, Ling Jingxuan finally stated his purpose. In fact, he is not incapable of choosing horses. As a killer in his previous life, he has basically dabbled in all walks of life, except for killing people, saving people and disguising themselves, and nothing else. How can he specialize, and he not only wants to buy carriages, but also cattle and sheep. He can choose horses, but cattle and sheep are not the same. Although he is also a farmer in the village in the 21st century, he has his own manor, but At that time, all the fields were infused with modern technology, and there was no need for cattle and sheep at all, so he thought about it, and the only one who could help him was Zhao Hanfu.

"The carriage is very valuable, why don't I send them with an ox cart every day?" Hearing this, Han Fei frowned in distress. Although he didn't spend his money, he subconsciously thought that he would spend dozens of taels to buy it. I couldn't help feeling sad.

"Is it more expensive to live a child's life? Brother Han, I don't know what other people think, but my children, as long as they want to study, let alone buy a carriage, even if I spend my entire family, I'm willing to give birth. ."

The smile faded, Ling Jingxuan said seriously, the money can be earned again, if the child's life is ruined, no amount of money can buy it back.

The words just touched their hearts, Zhao Dalong and Han Fei were stunned for a long time and did not recover. Everything was for the sake of the children. Ren Jingxuan could take care of the two children by himself. A child, have to lose to him?

"Okay, we'll go to the town with you tomorrow, but Jingxuan, we're just a small town here. If you want to buy a carriage, you can only go to the guarantor. The year before last, we bought the ox cart from Liu Bao from the town. As the guarantor of livestock, as well as the business of population and land, he is the largest guarantor in Qingyang County and has the best reputation."

After he made up his mind, Han Fei didn't talk to him secretly, all of them poured out, Ling Jingxuan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, that is, the intermediary of modern society? It seems that this ancient times are also quite fashionable, so it is better, although the intermediary has to earn some commissions, at least you can buy it with confidence, right? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of buying land. He wouldn't buy that half-salt land for a while, and it would be useless to buy it, but what about the homestead? Maybe he should plan better.

"Okay, then Big Brother Zhao, Big Brother Han, I will trouble you tomorrow." After turning around for several times, Ling Jingxuan raised his head and said, he has to go back and think about the land purchase, and? ? Ling Wen's stingy little face could not help but come to his mind, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but look helpless, and finally asked his little bun to agree.

"What are you talking about, you are always polite, and my Tiewazi will also take your ride to the town to study in the future."

Han Fei is a shrewd person, and he doesn't have so many twists and turns. What can I say, it's also comforting, at least I don't have to always be on guard, right? For this reason, Ling Jingxuan also smiled: "Okay, I won't be polite to you in the future."

"That's how it should be. Our two families are connected by the same fate, so what if we don't help each other out?"

The three looked at each other and smiled, almost the same fate brought them together. At this time, Zhao Dalong and Han Fei would never have dreamed that their good days began gradually. Only then did they realize that they were not connected by the same fate. Ling Jingxuan was different from them. He was simply a lucky star in their lives.

"One more thing, Big Brother Zhao, Big Brother Han, I know you don't have much land, and you don't have to be busy with farming. No, I took over a big business from Xinyuan Restaurant in the town today, and it will be done within ten days. I gave out a thousand catties of jam that I made myself, so I want to ask if you have time to help me go to the mountains to pick wild fruits, as for the wages, don’t worry, I will never treat you badly.”

Originally, he planned to give them how much a pound per pound, but after further contact, he felt that these two couples were people who could be deeply involved. In this case, he didn't need to worry about it.

"This is a good thing. If you don't get paid, you are only allowed to help us, but we are not allowed to help you? When will you start picking fruit, you can ask your child to call us."

When Han Fei heard this, he was happy for him from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't care about wages at all. Anyway, he was idle when he was idle.

"Haha... That's ok, the matter is settled like this. Jingpeng and the others are expected to be back soon, so I'll leave first." Ling Jingxuan didn't continue to argue with him about wages, and just stuffed it with them when the time came. .

"Uncle, I'm going too." Seeing that he was about to leave, Tie Wazi, who was obediently nestled in Han Fei's arms, sat up abruptly, his little hands tightly grasped the hem of his clothes, the three adults couldn't help laughing, Ling Jingxuan bent over Picking him up: "Okay, you can go back with your uncle, and you can be your uncle's son in the future."


"This kid?? Then you can go play for a while, and remember not to disturb Uncle Ling." Han Fei shook his head helplessly, got up and escorted them to the door, not forgetting Lala Tiewazi's clothes to warn him.

"Brother Han, come back, let Tie Wazi take a nap with me at noon, and I will ask Xiaowen to send him back in the afternoon."


Saying goodbye to Han Fei, Ling Jingxuan walked home with a smile on his face, holding Tie Wazi. Along the way, the little guy kept asking questions, and there were all kinds of weird questions. Ling Jingxuan didn't feel annoyed and answered them one by one patiently. Compared with the money slave and the foodie at home, Tiewazi is undoubtedly more like a five-year-old child, maintaining the innocence and innocence of a child.

Chapter 053 Ling Li's visit, something happened again

What Ling Jingxuan didn't expect was that when he returned home, an unexpected person was waiting at his door. Madam and those people kept kicking the door, but stood quietly at the door facing the sun. She was well-maintained in her 40s. Thinking of her age, she is obviously his mother's sister-in-law, but she looks much younger than his mother.

"Jing Xuan, you're back? I knocked on the door, but no one answered. I thought you might have gone out to dig wild vegetables or something. You should be back soon. I didn't expect it to be very fast. This is the child of Zhao Dalong's family, right? ? She looks so cute."

Seeing Ling Jingxuan approaching, Mrs Ling Li smiled and greeted her, her attitude was a little too gentle, as if Ling Jingxuan was not expelled from the Ling family at all, she was still his first cousin, and she naturally stretched out her hand to want to speak. Touching Tie Wazi's face, Ling Jingxuan turned slightly to the side and ducked. He opened the distance between them a little and said coldly, "Aunt Ling, is there something wrong?"

In the memory of the original owner, Mrs. Ling Li was indeed a gentle and virtuous woman, filial to her parents, worthy of the younger generation, and had a good relationship with several brothers and sisters. It can be said that she was a 100% perfect eldest daughter-in-law, but, Where is the perfect person in this world? The more perfect she is, the more Ling Jingxuan feels like a ghost. If nothing else, let's just say that he was kicked out of the house for the past few years. She never took care of him once. Now she suddenly appeared in front of him and brought out a With the attitude of the deputy auntie, there is something tricky to look at, right?

"Huh? No, it's okay"

Obviously did not expect Ling Jingxuan's attitude to be so cold, remembering what her husband and son said, Ling Li's hand hidden in his sleeve tightened, and once again raised a gentle and loving smile: "Yesterday mother, didn't they make trouble with you? ? I heard that the third sibling also called Xiaowen, so I just wanted to come and see you, by the way, look at the children, Jing Xuan, I know it's the mother and they are wrong, they shouldn't call the door without knowing what happened, your father also You have already taught them a lesson, so please forgive them, no matter what, they are also your direct relatives, aren't we? We are always a family."

What is this? Have a relationship with him?

Ling Jingxuan raised his eyebrows and squinted at her with dangling eyes. This woman is really interesting. Yesterday, Ling Qiyun's attitude made it clear that he would never get along with him. It was only one night. Baba came to the door. To say there was nothing in it, he didn't believe that he was killed. Thinking about the situation when he met her second son in the town yesterday, and Ling Jingpeng's hesitant words, Ling Jingxuan was almost certain. , they are definitely playing his mind, but right now he doesn't know exactly what it is.

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