After taking a hot bath, Xu Qiansu wiped the cubs clean, then picked up the elf eggs while wiping their hair, and sat down by the window.

Six Tails spat out some sparks from its mouth, trying to dry Kirulian and the little marsupial who were still a little wet.

It ended up almost setting the little marsupial's chubby tail on fire.

Xu Qiansu put down the elf eggs, nodded Liuwei's little head, and then picked up the towel and wiped them carefully again.

Then he sat on a chair and massaged the elf egg meticulously.

Liuwei and the little marsupial climbed onto Xu Qiansu's lap, and lay down on his lap to take a nap.

Kirulian stomped downstairs with Xu Qiansu's mobile phone, asked Dr. Kukui for a printer, and printed out the meditation learning method... Dr. Kukui laughed and added a lot of his own research experience on "meditation" when he saw this.

When Kirulian came back, the little marsupial and Six Tails had already fallen asleep.

Kirulian pouted dissatisfiedly, then sat on the bed and looked at the 'meditation' learning method.

For this skill, she also wants to learn a lot.

About ten minutes later, after completing the daily task of massaging the elves' eggs, Xu Qiansu picked up the little marsupial and six tails, put them on the bed, covered them with a quilt, and hugged Kirulian himself, and studied this skill with her.

Mastering skills...Xu Qiansu usually relies on his own little boy to learn without a teacher. This is the first time that he has studied in such a detailed way.

Thinking about it, I was still a little unqualified as a trainer.

But Kirulian obviously didn't think so. She sat on Xu Qiansu's lap, squinted her eyes comfortably, raised her face and kissed Xu Qiansu's side face, and then leaned into his arms, looking at the documents.

Xu Qiansu roughly read it, thinking that the alliance is worthy of the alliance, and for each super power Pokémon, it has listed the methods of learning meditation based on its own characteristics.

For Kirulian, because she can perceive emotions, meditation, a skill that involves the brain, is easier for her to master.

Specifically, the most efficient way for Kirulian to learn to meditate is to exhaust one's mental power first, and then use the trainer's emotions as an introduction to the "empty brain" to perceive the touch of being one with the trainer's mind...

Although Xu Qiansu didn't know how Kirulian's connection with her mind would be helpful for learning meditation, but according to the information, it was to ensure that she would "travel into the void" during meditation without losing herself.

It's a bit of cultivating immortality.

However, it is better to believe in the knowledge of professionals than Xu Qiansu's own thinking.

According to the method above, you can fully master it within a week. As for improving the efficiency and speed of meditation, you need to rely on persistent exercise.

Xu Qiansu and Kirulian studied until 5:30, and Kirulian tried a few times before falling asleep while learning meditation.

It's not a good feeling to be exhausted of mental power.

But after only a few attempts, Kirulian felt that she had a little understanding... She thought that she might be able to master it in a week.

Xu Qiansu caressed the back of Kirulian who was sleeping in her arms, thought for a while, took the phone, clicked on Miss Dale Joy's profile picture, and said:

Xu: [Miss Joy, the Galer particles are not stable recently, and they tend to go berserk. You should pay more attention in Cuixue Town, and always bring Ai Guanshi with you... If Ai Guanshi is affected by Galer particles, don’t hesitate to run away and seek the protection of the alliance. 】

Dale: [Know~] (Doron Mesia sleeps on the head of Doron Baruto)

Dale: [But... New Year's gift, why did you give me safety pants? ] (Meng Yao opens her eyes wide and looks at you suspiciously)

Xu Qiansu's New Year's gift to Miss Dale finally arrived after slow logistics.

Xu: 【Safety pants, the worst invention in human history, but if it is used on you and Miss Mary, it is the greatest invention! 】

Dale: [Huh? Have you seen someone's fat times? 】

Xu: [No. 】

Dale: [If you lie to me, and return to Cuixue Town in the future, don’t expect me to heal Kirulian and the others. 】

Xu: [... I saw it. 】

Dale: [Who? 】

Xu: [Your sister is pink. 】

Dale: 【 won't hide it from me, and you don't need to explain it in such detail】

Miss Dale Joy was so angry that she didn't even punctuate.

Xu: 【Honesty has always been my greatest strength. 】

With that said, Xu Qiansu reposted the [No. 】withdraw.

Dale: […]

Then Miss Dale Joy sent a picture.

The angle was shot from the bottom up from the side. Wearing a gray uniform, she gently raised the corner of her skirt with one hand, revealing her well-proportioned and perfect calves, high-quality white pantyhose...and a touch of white safety pants.

Xu Qiansu narrowed his eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and he saved the picture extremely quickly.

Dale: [The fabric is quite comfortable, but you only gave me one... It may not be enough to wear for a week, in case any man with malicious intentions sees my skirt...]

Xu: [I'll place an order now. 】

After the mobile phone, Miss Joy smiled happily, her pretty face was a little imperceptibly rosy.

The female patriarch who took the picture of her has long been used to this. Since saying goodbye to the human, Joy often giggles at the phone, or rolls around in excitement on the bed.

She even suspected that her trainer was sick, and often said that a doctor cannot heal himself, so the caretaker once secretly diagnosed Joy while she was sleeping, but found nothing, and she was very healthy.

Xu Qiansu chatted with Miss Dale Joy for a while, then put down her phone, touched Kirulian, and massaged her gently.

Kirulian turned over and was still asleep.

After learning the unique massage method of little master Caidou tonight, I hope it can relieve some of the fatigue of the little ones.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Xu Qiansu woke up the cubs and jumped out of the window again.

Just seeing a flash of fire in the sky, the fire-breathing dragon came back with Kaqi and Xiaozhi.

After a whole day of surveying, even the energetic two could not help but feel a little tired.

"How?" Xu Qiansu asked.

Xiaozhi jumped off the Charizard, yawned with Pikachu, but said excitedly: "Galer, that's amazing! There are so many powerful new Pokémon, and Pokémon that can become very big..."

Xiaozhi opened his arms exaggeratedly, it seems that he also met the Gigantic Pokémon.

But with Xiaozhi's strength, it is obvious that Xu Qiansu will not be in such a mess.

But that's not what Xu Qiansu asked.

He looked at Kaqi.

Kaqi still needs to be more reliable in business. He shook his head, saying that he had not found the enemy's base, but he informed Xu Qiansu of all the places he had investigated.

These places can be skipped when he and Lillie go to investigate again tomorrow.

The three of them walked into the wooden house, and Mao had already cooked an extremely sumptuous meal to celebrate Lillie's overcoming Pokemon phobia.

Xu Qiansu was sitting next to Ma Li, but Ma Li gave Xu Qiansu a sharp look, 'Did you do something to Lilia? '

'how come? ’ Xu Qiansu blinked, indicating that she was innocent.

'She's been watching you secretly. '

Xu Qiansu was slightly taken aback, paused the team voice with Miss Mary, and looked at Lillie.

Lilia's snow-white pretty face blushed, she quickly looked away, lowered her eyes, and looked at her plate.

‘Mostly she wanted to thank me for curing her Pokémon phobia, but she was too shy to speak. ’ Xu Qiansu explained in this way.

'You know her well? ’ Mary looked at him calmly.

"Judging the level of Pokémon's qualifications and personality traits at a glance is an essential homework for a trainer, and I am destined to become a great trainer in the future. Therefore, it is not so incomprehensible to extend this skill to the art of knowing people."

Xu Qiansu didn't make eye contact any more, but approached Miss Mary, and whispered confidently.

Caidou glanced at Xu Qiansu, thinking that self-confidence is a good thing, so she didn't speak.

Xu Qiansu and Ma Li didn't know that their private conversation would be heard by a third person.

"Really? Then what kind of person do you think I am?" Ma Li squinted at Xu Qiansu who was very close to her, and asked in a low voice.

"...the cutest person in the world."

"Why did you hesitate for two seconds?" Mary asked in a low voice.

Xu Qiansu stopped talking. Would he tell Ma Li that what he originally wanted to say was 'his favorite person'?

Mary glanced at him, snorted, and ate in silence.

Satisfied with wine and food, Xu Qiansu was dragged to the grove by Caidou, where she continued to ravage her.

His cubs also exercised with Xu Qiansu.

After being ravaged for a while, Cai Dou taught by precept and example, while massaging Xu Qiansu, he taught Xu Qiansu massage techniques.

After eating at seven o'clock, finishing eating at half past seven, and training until half past eleven in the evening, Cai Dou let Xu Qiansu go back to the house.

Martial arts requires hard work, and Xu Qiansu would not complain too much. If his body didn't allow him, he would even want to practice for a while.

Because Little Master Caidou's training is really effective.

No one is more aware of the changes in his body than Xu Qiansu.

Although he had only trained a few times, if the current him and the him three days ago were to fight with bare hands, he would be able to directly bring down the self three days ago with just three moves.

Seeing your progress visually is always reassuring and enjoyable.

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