"Tatsuno, your method worked! You are really awesome!"

Xiaoxia saw that the Kodak Duck was moving little by little towards the creek, and she admired Long Ye even more.

Long Ye hugged his shoulders with a confident smile on his face.

He could have guessed this result a long time ago, because of this The energy cube was made by himself, and it was prepared for Xiaoxia's Duck God. The energy cube he made made few Pokémon could resist such temptation.

The duck had already arrived at the stream, and suddenly hesitated. The fear of water and the temptation of food were fighting fiercely in his heart.

Squirtle had been mischievous under the leadership of Longye's Cammy Turtle, how to seduce a Pokémon. It really knew it best.

It swam in front of Kodak Duck, as if to hand it the energy cube on its back. Kodak Duck immediately stretched out its little hand, but things were far from that easy. When Koda Duck was about to catch the energy cube, Squirtle suddenly jumped out a distance, and the energy cubes that were so close opened the distance between them.

Koda Duck was so angry with Squirtle that he was so delicious. Temptation gained the upper hand, and he immediately chased Squirtle, regardless of the fear of water. However, as soon as it reached Squirtle, Squirtle swam away again, and the duck's goal failed again.

This is not what Tatsuno taught Squirtle, but this Squirtle made his own decisions.

As a member of the Squirtle Legion, being naughty is his strength, and this duck looks silly, Squirtle.

Naturally, the turtle wanted to tease it, but the effect of Squirtle's approach was surprisingly good.

The duck started chasing him in the creek without realizing it, and he had long forgotten the fact that he was afraid of water.

Ducks can swim, but because of psychological reasons, they will resist when they touch water.

This is purely a psychological effect, as long as they don't deliberately think about these things.

Watching Squirtle ducking in the stream by the stream was full of joy. It was really a lot of fun. Even Nazi had a smile on her face.


Always seeing the food in front of him always disappearing, Kodak felt a surge of anger rush into the top of his head, his eyes instantly glowed with blue light, and he immediately grabbed Squirtle.

Squirtle didn't expect that Kodak would suddenly rise up, and his limbs kept struggling, but he couldn't break away from Kodak's telekinesis!

"This is the strength of Kodakya!"

Xiaoxia couldn't believe her eyes. She knew Squirtle's strength very well. Ducky used telekinesis to make it unable to break free. This is not something that a newly conquered Pokémon can do!

"This Kodak Duck has super powers!"

As a water Pokémon, it is a very high praise to hear the word"very strong" from Nazi, a superpower. , grabbed the energy cube from its back and threw it into his mouth. After eating, he smacked his lips and floated in the water contentedly.

After Kodak relaxed, he naturally released the control of his telekinesis. Falling into the creek with a splash


This made Squirtle lose face. He let out an angry shout, and his round head hit the body of Kodak. Kodak was immediately knocked far away.


Gotha Duck climbed up from the water, tilting his head cutely and looking at Squirtle, with a puzzled face.......


Tatsuno almost fell to the ground when he saw this scene!

This temper is too good!

He doesn't fight back when he is beaten?

Such a character is not suitable for Pokémon battles at all!

Although Kodak didn't fight back, Squirtle His anger hadn't subsided yet, so he bumped into her again.

"Kodak, beat it up!"

If there is still no response, Tatsuno decided to let it go back to being a leisurely waste. Pokémon battle is really not suitable for it!

Fortunately, although the duck can react slowly, it still obeys Tatsuno's orders. The same He stretched out his little hand and slapped it, hitting Squirtle on the head. The duck god was immediately knocked underwater.

Tatsuno felt like he had discovered a new continent.......

Squirtle, who suffered a loss, was even more furious. He rushed up from the water and shot out with a water gun.

Neither Long Ye nor Xiaoxia stopped the fight between their two pets. As long as they didn't get really angry and turned against each other, there was no problem in two fights. It didn't make sense to keep fighting emotionally, the better!

Five minutes later, Squirtle looked at Kodak with fire in his eyes, but he didn't dare to rush forward!

These five minutes can be said to be the most frustrating five minutes in Squirtle's life!

The super power of the Duck is very strong. Often, Squirtle is caught and thrown away by telekinesis before it even reaches it. If a water gun is used to attack, the Duck will control the water gun to fight back. It is completely helpless!

The more Squirtle thought about it, the angrier he became. In his anger, his body glowed white and he began to evolve.

"Is Squirtle going to evolve into Cammy Turtle?"

Xiaoxia didn't expect such an unexpected surprise. Squirtle evolved into Cammy Turtle under the crushing of Kodak Duck.

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