Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 204: The Good Seedling of Evil Beast! Gods of the Lake Flooded in Darkness (2 in 1)

For such a discovery, Qingliu was a little helpless.

Among the several routes predicted before, except for the mud beast, the other evolutionary routes, whether they are Pluto, Anubis, Four Holy Beasts or Ten Warriors, are either Guang Weizheng or It is long black but the heart is pink anyway.

As a result, now, a cunning beast that has not been born from its shell already possesses dark energy, and can at least basically control this energy. What does this mean?

Qingliu's eyes fell on the two red eye-like spots on the yellow digi-egg in front of her eyes.

This shows that this guy is destined not to be a good egg, and the cunning beast is also destined not to be a good beast.

"And if you use dark energy so precociously, then there is a high probability that it is that evolutionary route.

"Hey... I am such a sunny and cheerful boy, but I have an evil and awe-inspiring Pokémon. Doesn't it fit the image..."

Perhaps the only advantage is that the difficulty of that route will be lower, but the combat effectiveness will not be weakened.

Cunning Beast → Pagu Beast → Little Evil Beast...

After that, it was the boss who dominated Falouie Island in the early stage—the evil beast.

"I just don't know what the route after Evil Beast will be like."

Although theoretically it is possible to evolve towards the Demon King Digimon of the Seven Great Demon Kings, but...five of the Seven Great Demon Kings are ugly monsters, and it is really difficult to accept that Qingliu's face control is true.

"Just now, the voice seems to be biased towards men, although it is asexual in terms of setting."

However, the fact of the perfect body and the ultimate body is still too far away for the current self, and the specific route and form will be a matter of later.

And... mature Evil Beasts, even among Digimons of the same stage, can be said to be the most powerful type. At least the strength of Tyrannosaurus and Blue-Eyes White Dragon at the same stage must be stronger than that of Digimon. not on.

Not to mention that he has mastered the dark energy in advance, or... fell into the darkness in advance?

Thinking of this, Qingliu felt that it was necessary for him to give prenatal education to the cunning beast. Even if he was born a bad breed, he couldn't be too bad, otherwise it would be embarrassing if he turned against him.

Oh... No, Digi-eggs should be called "Digital Eggs".

"Qingliu, it seems that someone is coming."

The Tyrannosaurus, who had been paying attention to the surroundings, suddenly reminded, and the two heads of the Blue-Eyed Explosive Dragon also retracted from one direction at the same time, and nodded in agreement with the Tyrannosaurus.

Qingliu glanced over there, and there was no illustration book popped up on the panel, but he remembered that the direction was the direction the Four Heavenly King Juye had left before.

Qing Liuxuan put the sacred plan pattern on the digital egg, and said quickly and solemnly while absorbing it: "It won't hurt you, don't resist, or it will easily cause problems later."

I don't know if it was Aoyagi's words that helped, but the Sly Beast also sensed someone, this time it didn't respond at all, just like when Aoyagi stored the Digizoid for the first time, he easily pulled it in.

With the end of the attraction, an aged but thick and powerful voice came from not far away: "Qingliu, what happened?"

Ju Ye, who was wearing a white woolen coat, walked over slowly, and asked Qing Liu, who was half squatting on the ground.

"It's okay, Ms. Juye, what can I do for you?"

"That guy from Yamanashi said he's going back to the institute if he's okay. I saw you've been here for a long time, so I told you to take a look."

While speaking, Juye's eyes quickly glanced over the blue-eyed bird and the blue-eyed double-exploding dragon, and after staying for a moment on the Balumon with a flower on its head, it finally landed on the "horned head" Tyrannosaurus.

With her vision, she can naturally tell how powerful this strange Pokémon is physically.

"This is the child who stayed in the elf ball before?"


Qingliu nodded and replied.

"Whether it's color, muscle lines, and density are good, nutrition and exercise have kept up. It must have gone through a lot of battles, right?"

Juye approached the Tyrannosaurus slowly, without reaching out to touch it, but simply looked at it a few times and asked again.

"Yes, Tyrannosaurus is my initial partner. Although I haven't been traveling for a long time, I have already fought hundreds of times."

"Hundreds of times..."

Juye was slightly surprised, but didn't say much.

For her, hundreds of battles are not too many, and even every Pokémon in her hand is above this number.

What surprised her was that she was able to achieve such an aura and far exceed the physical strength of her same batch of Pokémon after only hundreds of times.

The talent of this Pokémon, which I have never seen before... is really terrifying.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Juye's mouth.


That's good!

It is only when more and more young and powerful trainers appear that she can retire early.

"If it's okay, let's go together. The water mist here is a bit heavy, and it's not very friendly to the body of an old man like me."


Aoyagi took out the poke ball, collected all the Pokémon into the ball, and walked towards the location where Dr. Yamanashi and Miss Junsha were not far away.

Juye also followed immediately.

However, the moment she turned around, a blackness entered her eyes.

A black area appeared on the lush green grass, except for the bare black ground, there were only some fine fly ash on it.

"This is……"

Ju Ye frowned slightly, even with her experience, she couldn't tell what caused it for a while.

"If I remember correctly, Qingliu was squatting near here just now, did he find anything? Or..."

Juye turned around, looked at the wide lake in front of him, his expression gradually became serious.

"Or... it was caused by Emrido in the lake."

Juye looked at the lake, and after a moment of silence, he didn't pay much attention to it, and started to follow Qingliu.

But, not long after she left...

Ding dong!

There was a clear sound of water droplets falling on the lake surface, and the lake water began to fluctuate slightly, and the faint mist surrounding it moved with the wind, as if some unknown movement was blowing.

A transparent and illusory Pokémon emerged from the lake and came to the top of the black area. After staring at it for a long time, it raised its head.

It looked far away, and the space seemed to be unable to block its gaze, and finally... its gaze fell on Qingliu who was talking with Dr. Yamanashi, and then...slowly turned to the faintly visible line on the palm of the right hand.

It's just... No matter how it mobilizes its energy and concentrates its attention, it can't see anything wrong it feels.

"Bai Chiu?"

Emrido tilted his head in doubt.

This is the first time it has encountered such a situation since it was created with the ability to give humans "emotions".

It can't see through a human?

But the more this happened, the more curious it became.

The energy of the terrifying superpower surged, and the gemstone between the eyebrows on the original illusory body gradually returned to a bright red color, and even the pupils of the eyes were completely dyed red.

Superpower moves - predict the future.

Along with the performance of predicting the future, there is also a mysterious force haunting eighteen attributes.

As a second-level god created by Arceus, the god of creation, the Gods of the Lake have special abilities that most second-level gods do not have.

Maybe not very good at fighting, but very good at other things.

Like... now.

With the blessing of the two energies superimposed on his own energy, Emrido's gaze passed through the barrier of time and space, surpassed everything, and finally... came to a place that was not very big but felt very wide at the same time.

The first thing that catches the eye is a number that exudes a holy white light, which makes it feel very comfortable, and then there is a huge piece of silver metal.

Before Emrido had a closer look at what this completely unknown thing was, suddenly the holy world... changed.

The light that made it feel comfortable disappeared in an instant, replaced by an energy full of negative emotions.

After a strong sense of rejection, all kinds of extremely uncomfortable emotions emerged in his mind, even Emrido's illusory and transparent body was gradually dyed black at this moment.

And Emrido was horrified to find that these things not only invaded its body, but also devoured its soul body power.

The most important thing is... Emrido found that no matter how it mobilized energy, those areas that had been infected did not respond.

Can actually devour its soul body? !

Such a thing is simply unheard of.

At this time, in the surrounding world that had completely turned black, a pair of blood-red eyes slowly emerged.

Just by looking at it, Emrido could feel the feeling that his body was about to collapse. Obviously, his strength didn't feel very strong, but the strange black energy of the other party... seemed to be very restrained by its current soul. body posture.

Just when Emrido was hesitating how to deal with it, those blood-red eyes from a distant place burst out with a piercing red light.

The world that felt so vast just now shrank suddenly, leaving almost only the piece of silver metal, the nearby floating body areas, and... the pair of eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a childish but icy-cold voice echoed around.

"Get out... get out... go..."

The voice fell.

hum! ! !

The world buzzed, and Emrido's vision gradually became dizzy.

Not far away, at the bottom of Xinqi Lake, there is a space that seems to be connected to the lake and seems to be in the gap between two worlds. A Pokémon with a ruby ​​printed between its eyebrows and two tails behind it shakes involuntarily. for a moment.

It is the real body of Emrido in the subspace of Xinqihu, a legendary Pokémon that no one except Arceus and the space-time dragons can actively wake it up.

At this moment, it suddenly opened its eyes.

Those yellow eyes were full of doubt, fear and bewilderment.

Because it found that most of its soul body had lost contact with it, and was completely submerged in that weird black energy.


So... what is it...


At the same time, within the space of the divine plan.

The silvery Digizoid of Time still lay there quietly, tiny and digital data exuding holy light shuttled and wandered around.

Not far away, on the yellow digital egg, the eye-shaped red spots became more intense.

And with the slight tremor of the egg body... a breath that was dozens of times stronger than before overflowed from the Digi-egg, and at the same time, black negative energy also drilled out, enveloping the entire Digi-egg, as if wanting to Dye the egg body completely black.

At this time, a string of data lingering with a holy atmosphere fell from the sacred planning space, easily purifying the black energy to reveal the original yellow egg body, and then slowly blending into the digital egg.

Everything returned to calm again.


Masago Town, the backyard of the Yamanashi Research Institute.

Qingliu sat on the grass, looking at several figures not far away.

The Tyrannosaurus was holding its head in both hands, and was running non-stop, while the green bird flew on top of its head and kept using "peck" to attack the part below the carapace of the Tyrannosaurus.

At the same time, he was cursing "Jiu Jiu Jiu" in his mouth.

It is very unhappy that the team has one more companion, and the other companion has evolved without knowing it or even being told about it.

It's okay for Qingliu to be busy, the tyrannosaurus beast doesn't make a sound, and Qingmianniao vents its anger frantically.

The Blue-Eyes Twin Explosive Dragon hovered in the air, and some bird Pokémon raised here by trainers were full of curiosity about such a flying guy, and wanted to catch up with it.

But how could it concede defeat with its haughty character? After throwing all the unyielding Pokémon round and round, it showed a disdainful expression that you little birds are not very good at it.

Balu Beast stood not far from Qingliu, a little restrained and didn't know what to do.

Originally, it wanted to take advantage of the good sunshine here and start to take root to absorb energy, but not far away, there are two unicorns that look exactly like unicorns, but the horn shows a heart-shaped Heracross lying on the side of the tree stump, staring blankly. it.

In other words, it was obsessively looking at the flower above its head, which made the somewhat timid Balu beast unable to concentrate at all.

Seeing this, Qingliu smiled and said, "Don't worry, they are both female Heracrosses, so don't be too shy."

There was a blush on the green face of Balu Beast, and he said quickly: "This is not about females and males at all, this... this..."

Seeing that Balumon's face became more and more red, and even the whole face turned from plant green to red, Qingliu smiled and asked Tyrannosaurus to drive the two Heracross away.

If he continued to tease him, he might just be teased dizzy by Balu Beast.

On this occasion, Qingliu didn't want to see another Balumon come out with a idiot-like smile, stretch out the vines in his hand, and make strange noises while slapping the Pokémon that the trainers have stored here.

If it was trained as a strange hobby at that time, it would be passed to the trainer through the Yamanashi Research Institute, and then used to fight.

That picture... I can't even think about it.

After more than half an hour of silence, Dr. Yamanashi, who was wearing a white research uniform, came slowly.

First, after taking a look at the Pokémon surrounded by green willows. Slowly said: "Although the potential and combat power of each one are amazing, isn't it too early... about your plan to challenge Juye."

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