Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 390 Restrictions are loosened!

Woohoo! !

Woohoo! Woohoo!

A short and rapid sound sounded in the venue.

Then, under the extremely high-speed capture of the ultra-high-definition camera in the venue, all the viewers saw the square-shaped silver cube that exuded a cold metallic luster spit out from the mouth of the Super Seadramon.

What is this?

They had never seen anything of this shape before, and there was no energy fluctuation on it. It was quiet and ordinary, like a simple cube of iron.

Or is this an item carried by Aoyagi's Pokémon?

But isn’t the way of carrying this prop a little too different? !

Aren't you afraid of accidentally swallowing it?

Even if the Pokémon's physical fitness is very unusual, and Aoyagi's Pokémon's physical fitness is even more special and powerful, it will definitely not work if it is swallowed.

Countless questions are constantly emerging in the minds of the audience.

But there is no doubt that the sudden appearance of this iron lump exceeded everyone's expectations, and this naturally included Sirona and Pokkisi who were standing opposite at the moment.

Watching the metal cube take off from below and feeling the cold air coming closer and closer to it, Togekis, who saw this attack method for the first time, quickly flapped his wings in a panic.

Until Sirona's voice sounded.

"Pokkiss, calm down and dodge with great speed!"

Hearing the voice of his trainer, Togekis quickly woke up and started to flap his wings vigorously again.

Up and down, he activates the speedy moves to increase his own movement speed, and at the same time speeds up the airflow of energy around himself, activating the energy to enhance his body to withstand their power, and trying to get rid of the metal iron attack from the explosion.

But many times, especially when the comprehensive level gap between the two parties is not big...

A slow step means a slow step.

Under the continuous superposition, it was finally completely pulled apart.

The same is true now.

Almost as soon as the energy started to activate, Pokkisi's own speed had not yet had time to show, and the explosive speed brought by the divine speed had not been fully unleashed. The next moment, the huge silver metal block directly broke through with force. The situation was ordinary, suddenly appearing in Pokkisi's field of vision, and it was getting bigger and bigger in Pokkisi's field of vision.

At the moment it reaches its maximum, it will probably be a violent impact.

Pokkisi couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this. He used all his strength to try to speed up his movement even a little bit, and tried his best to avoid the incoming metal giant.

Even if you can't dodge it, you should at least reduce the damage your body takes after being hit.

However, compared to its nerve reflex speed and physical reaction speed at this moment, it is obvious that the speed of the cube metal has exceeded the current limit state of its body.

So much so that even when Togekis is approaching with a speedy move, he can still only watch it getting closer and closer to him.

So that in the end... it was inevitable.


A heavy and fierce collision sounded.

The cubic metal block hit Pokkisi's body directly and in a straight line.

The collision between the two did not cause any pause. Pokki suddenly felt a terrifying force that seemed to have no power to change it violently shaking his whole body in an instant.

Afterwards, Pokkisi was pushed high into the sky by this force, heading further into the distance.

Such a scene made Sirona's expression surprised and her heart full of confusion.

Even she did not expect that Aoyagi's Super Seadramon would suddenly use such a completely unexpected move. Such a thing had never appeared in all the battle information of Aoyagi in preparation before the game. It was completely It's an unfamiliar move.

It can even be said that it is very likely to be a pioneering move in battles in the Pokémon world.

Moreover, can this really be called a move?

Sirona tilted her head in confusion.

Even though she knew a lot about Aoyagi's Pokémon information, and even carefully watched the battle videos and pictures in many details, Sirona still couldn't help but sigh "unbelievable" about what happened in front of her.

And there is also a very important related issue, that is, how this thing that can barely be called a move is initiated.

Has this been hidden in your mouth from the beginning?

Or is it driven by some kind of force?

So will the same mistakes happen again in the future?

Several questions in succession were negative in her heart, and Sirona didn't know the real answer at the moment, but this did not affect the growing vigilance in her heart.

As for Togekis at this moment, even she has no way to resist such an attack head-on. She can only wait for the opportunity quietly.


Even as he shivered, the sound of the giant metal block streaking across the sky showed no sign of diminishing.

Pokkisi's deep and angry screams continued to sound in the venue.

Soon, after the two collided together, their bodies were continuously squeezed by the terrifying impact force, and there was a heavy muffled sound as they stuck together.

Now, Pokkisi's figure seemed to be suppressed by the square metal block. Unable to release any energy fluctuations to resist, he was forcibly pushed all the way to high altitude.

But what shocked Sirona the most was that even though she felt all the energy fluctuations released by Togekiss, the momentum released by champion-level Togekiss did not have any effect on the cube of metal. .

It was as if the piece of metal that hit Pokkisi was not metal, but a real mountain. It could only be pushed along by the power contained in its huge body until it looked like it was completely suppressed. Lightning strikes usually fly backwards under the impact of violent energy and wind.

Until a certain moment, we reached the sky where the vision was completely empty.

Here, the huge impact disappeared, and after Pokkisi's figure had flown hundreds of meters away, the strong impact finally completely disappeared.

At this moment, the metal cube also lost the energy erupted during the Super Seadramon's swallowing, and its power gradually weakened and began to fall downwards.

Finally, it landed heavily on the ground, creating a square hole and causing a burst of overflowing yellow smoke.

And Pokkisi who finally stopped, even though he could still stabilize his figure and flap his wings to float high in the sky, he still looked like he had suffered heavy injuries.

At this point, Sirona also realized a certain situation.

Based on the actual situation that just happened, she fell into constant crazy memories without command conditions, and finally thought of a problem that she had ignored before.

Because she regards Aoyagi as her most powerful competitor and the trainer she has been following through various channels, although she has never seen Aoyagi use such a move now, she has probably seen similar situations. of.

Similar to this moment...a giant silver-white metal block!

Back then, when Aoyagi was fighting against the second-tier Pokémon of King Kikuno at the Dr. Yamanashi Research Institute, she had seen that Aoyagi also threw a piece from nowhere at a very critical moment. It looked almost the same as before her, exuding The same shiny silver cube metal.

This thing at that time seemed to have had some special reaction with the Greymon at that time, and thus produced special changes in its evolution. In the end, it was most likely that the silver armor on the chest and the silver machinery were formed during this change. arm.

The hardness of these two pieces of equipment has been certified by many parties.

Although there is no evolution phenomenon of Ultramarine, there is no doubt that if it is real and exactly the same, the value of this thing that can promote the evolution of Aoyagi's special ancient Pokémon belongs to a very important category. At the same time, It also represents a lot of unknown possibilities.

Many, many people are completely unfamiliar with the regular evolution of Pokémon, and even many special evolutions. However, after evolving and possessing the power brought by the metal hardness, there is no doubt that they are already powerful. The strength will most likely rise to the limit of an individual.

It’s unimaginable that such a Pokémon exists!

So, does Qingliu also have this idea and adopt a similar approach?

Sirona doesn't know.

But judging from the current situation, the Pokémon in front of him named Ultradramon shows no signs of evolution.

Then everything is fine and under control.

As someone who watched the match between Aoyagi and Dakdo, Sirona saw that after Flowermon evolved into Rosemon, it showed an almost transcendent power.

And now it has easily exceeded a hundred meters in length. It looks like a terrifying and unusually large Super Seadramon. What will happen if the same evolution happens?

What kind of steel behemoth is it?

Can the Pokémon in her hands be able to compete?

Sirona didn't know the answers to all the questions.

But at this time, the less panic you can have, the more you should really calm down and fight.

Then, Sirona raised her head and looked towards the sky.

At a very long distance, the figure of Togekis, who had been pushed high into the sky, slowly emerged from the clouds.

Even though Togekis was attacked from the front by Chronic Digizoid, due to his strong physical condition and championship-level physical ability to withstand attacks, he was not completely incapacitated after being hit by Chronic Digizoid from the front. Condition.

But Chronic Digizoid is Chronic Digizoid after all, and its power to hit people is something that has been verified by Yulongdu.

Pokkiss, who had already experienced it, flapped his wings, but he kept breathing heavily, and his breath was not stable. However, after feeling the emotions revealed in Sirona's eyes, he chose directly without any hesitation. Take action.

"Pokkiss, the divine bird attacks!!!"

Divine Bird Attack - a flying ultimate move with a power of up to 140.

Sirona's voice sounded, and Pokkiss in the sky gathered an aura that was extremely powerful. Then he no longer made a targeted attack just when he went to Qingliu to issue an order to attack, but activated it directly and decisively. Attack status.


There was a buzz in the air.

Togekis was in a state of despair, and the collaboration had suffered heavy losses, but he still continued to activate his power to make explosive advances.

During this process, Pokkisi looked extremely painful, but he had no intention of stopping.

"Super Seadramon..."

Qingliu glanced at the attack coming down from the sky and called out.

Then, the Super Seadramon, who had already understood, did not wait for the order to be issued, and directly raised the huge blade-shaped javelin above his head towards the place where the attack was coming.


A huge roar sounded.

Thunder and lightning were surging crazily, attacking the position where Togekis was rapidly advancing, and thunderous sounds continued.

But at this moment, Pokkisi, in a state of physical exhaustion and severe physical injuries, showed unprecedented super speed.

With the help of the "Super Speed" move, he kept tossing and turning in the air, bypassing the terrifying golden currents that came one after another. After dodging countless thunder gun attacks, Pokkisi's whole body was ablaze with energy. With an aura that was completely resigned to death, it aimed at Super Seadramon, folded its wings, and launched a suicidal attack that was completely unequal to its racial habits.

Seeing this, Qingliu said quickly: "It's disrespectful to come and not return. If they come, we will come too!"

As the originally envisioned future amphibious vehicle for sea, land and air, Super Seadramon completely demonstrated its extremely fast speed at this moment.

The faster the speed, the stronger the impact!

Especially under the instructions of Aoyagi, a human who agreed to help it possess the Digizoid of Time and even cover its entire body with Digizoid of Time, Super Seadramon didn't hesitate at all and even launched a fierce charge with all his strength.

Electricity condensed the blade above its head for attack, and the wall of freezing breath surrounded it for defense. Super Seadramon also launched a countercharge with a fearless attitude.

One dives from above.

One charges in reverse direction from bottom to top.

One big and one small, two completely different energies ushered in the final explosion of energy at this moment.

And after that, there is power and power, energy and energy, level and level, the simplest and most direct attack without any cover and explosion on both sides.

Boom! ! !

A circle of air waves erupted violently accompanied by a terrifying vibration.

It was at this time that Qingliu sensed that a certain level had reached the standard, but there was no prompt on the Holy Plan panel, and the restrictions that he finally identified as requiring severe stimulation began to loosen... strongly.

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