The Flying Mantis, which was already unconscious, did not have the slightest ability to resist, and was easily subdued by Jiang Yuan.

"This is your experiment?"

Nazi watched all of this and asked with a big face.

"That's... Ha ha.. I used my strength a little harder. Jiang Yuan smiled awkwardly.

He didn't expect that he would be able to stun the Flying Mantis all at once, is this to blame him for being too strong? Or is it to blame that the Flying Mantis is too stupid?

Smashing the Pokémon with a ball and then subduing it, this way of subduing Jiang Yuan himself felt very strange.

Taking out a hunting ball again, Jiang Yuan simply used his own strength to throw it at Nidorang, who had just been bullied by the Flying Mantis.


There was no accident this time, Nidoran was directly subdued, and with Jiang Yuan's trainer level, it was almost easy to deter this weak chicken.

Picking up two hunting balls from the ground, Jiang Yuan directly released Nidoran among them.

Looking at Nazi's puzzled expression, Jiang Yuan explained: "Nidoran just now was too timid, he didn't even dare to run away after being bullied, which is inconsistent with my concept of cultivating Pokémon, so it's better to release it directly than to stay." "

It's the Flying Mantis, although the level is lower, but it still seems to have some cultivation value.

However, the reason why Jiang Yuan didn't release it was because he hadn't caught any Pokémon since his trip and sent them to Dr. Ohki's research institute.

This flying mantis was sent over, and Dr. Ohki of the province talked in his ear every day about how many Pokémon Xiaomao had subdued, and how many Pokémon Ash had subdued.

While taking out a drink from the inventory and handing it to Nazi, Jiang Yuan asked:

"Do you have any Pokémon you'd like to take?"

It's hard not to come to the wilderness area, and you can't go home empty-handed.

Although the quality of the Pokémon in this is not particularly high, the base is here, and there will always be some Pokémon with outstanding qualifications, otherwise why would those poachers frequent here?

"My words.... I want to take in a sucker puppet, but I don't know if there is a Pokémon wild wilderness area. Nazi hesitated.

"Wouldn't you find out? There's no time limit anyway, so it's good to take a stroll around here. Jiang Yuan looked at the location of the treasure on the map, and it was not very far from here.


"It's the Kentero group, let's wait for them to go over first!"

Smoke and dust billowed ahead, and the earthy yellow Kentaylo was running wildly on the grassland, and although the appearance of dozens of Kentaro running wildly together was not as spectacular as the Stinger Jellyfish and Stinky Muddy Incident, it also had a different taste.

"Do you want to catch a Kentero, if you have a Kentero, it will be much easier to travel in the future?"

"Interpol riding a bull?" Jiang Yuan imagined this picture for a moment, and his head shook like a rattle.

"Really, don't you think, if you have Kentaro, you don't have to work hard when you're in a hurry, and you don't have to use your superpowers to float in the sky when your feet hurt. "

"That's right, why don't you catch one? "

Nazi stopped talking, although she had been encouraging Jiang Yuan to catch Pokémon, but if she really wanted her to be a bull riding girl, she still refused in her heart.

Fortunately, the empathetic Kentello soon ran away and disappeared without a trace, and the embarrassment was blurred before it began.

The two of them followed Jiang Yuan's direction, and in addition to the Kentaro group, they also saw the group led by King Nido and Queen Nido, the group of dragons with babies stuffed in their bellies, and the eagles and large-billed sparrows who were engaged in daily battles.

In short, the daily life of wild Pokémon in the Wild Fields area is really rich.

"I feel it, it's over there!"

Nazi's eyes lit up as she was hurrying, and a faint blue light flashed, pointing to a forest by the lake in the distance.

"Is it there?" Jiang Yuan looked at the location of the treasure in his mind, although it was not the direction that Nazi was pointing, but the difference was not too far.

"That's right, it's the fluctuation of superpowers, I can't feel wrong!"

Jiang Yuan very much believed in Nazi's judgment as an expert in the Super Force.

"So what are we going to do next? Walk over there? or..."

"You can't go up recklessly, and you have to be 120,000 cautious when dealing with superpowered Pokémon. "Every Pokémon with superpowers is very timid. They are very wary of everything in the outside world!"

"So how?"

"Do it with me, inhale, exhale............. Finally control your telepathy and let it wrap you up!"

Jiang Yuan did so, so the two of them floated towards the woods like ghosts.

The strange thing is that no Pokémon has noticed Jiang Yuan and Nazi, two big living people.

Holding back the idea of asking Nazi what the principle is, Jiang Yuan looked at the forest, and the super-powered Pokémon in it were too rich: "Casey, Yongjira, Sulip, and Sucker Puppets!"

Seeing this group of super-powered Pokémon in front of him, Jiang Yuan was simply shocked, is this all the super-powered Pokémon in the wilderness area running over?

The surprise did not make him feel confused, but made his counter-speed up, and in the first moment, Jiang Yuan used his telekinesis to envelop the audience, interrupting the teleportation that many Pokémon were preparing.

Of course, it's not that there are no Pokémon running out, fast moves such as Yongjira and Casey have already taken advantage of the chaos to escape, and Sulip is secretly preparing to leave, leaving only the sucker puppet to be played with by Nazi, and finally succumb to Nazi's telekinesis.

"Superpowers really have a great advantage when they come to visit the wilderness area!" Jiang Yuan said that although Pokémon cannot be used in the wilderness area, the superpowers themselves are just as buggy as Pokémon!

For example, Nazi, with just one hand, she is no longer inferior to the Super Pokémon.

============ dividing line ===========

Update, emmmm, go to bed first, have important things to do tomorrow.

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