Police Chen Shu

Chapter 119 Her Boyfriend

At ten o'clock in the morning, outside the gate of Zhongshan People's Hospital.

An hour had passed since the agreed time, yet Chen Shu and Li Meng still did not see Liu Wanying at the hospital gate.

Previously, the two of them also considered that Liu Wanying didn't sleep until the early hours of last night, so she might have overslept a little, and couldn't bear to disturb her.

But now this...

Chen Shu took out his mobile phone and called Liu Wanying according to the recorded information.

The phone beeped for a long time before being picked up.

"Hello? Which one?"

Liu Wanying's calm voice came out from the phone, as if she had just woken up.

"Liu Wanying, I'm a policeman from the Zhongshan Institute. We made an appointment to come to the hospital at nine o'clock today. Have you arrived yet?"

The receiver was silent for a long time, and Chen Shu also waited patiently.

"Hello, officer. Are you going to the hospital today to get out the gold leaf of the man who killed me from under me?"

"Yes. In addition to what you said, a full body injury examination is also required."

".The police officer is like this. After I was hit by that that night, um, I went back to the room with my boyfriend, and then, um, the two of us got that."

Chen Shu gasped, and thought that the boyfriend and girlfriend were a perfect match, and after such things happened, they could still be intimate.

He stabilized his mind and reassured him: "It's okay, anyway, wearing a condom will not affect our evidence collection.

"...not wearing a condom."

"...shot in?"


Chen Shu stared in surprise, opened his mouth, and looked up at the sky in a daze, without moving for a long time.

is it possible?

This is impossible!

Not to mention that the woman has just experienced the psychological trauma of being violated, even her boyfriend, who participated in the whole process of the case, can he "hands off" in this situation?

After Chen Shu hung up the phone, he let out a long sigh, and repeated Liu Wanying's words to Li Meng.

The two looked at each other.

Li Meng: "Although there are a little extra stuff in it, I still suggest to come to the hospital to get it."

Chen Shu shook his head: "You have to grasp the key point. What Liu Wanying said obviously means that she doesn't want to come to the hospital. I'll make another phone call to find out."

Immediately, the call was made again, and Chen Shu asked Liu Wanying for a physical examination.

Liu Wanying said that she has no injuries and does not need to be checked.

The meaning is already very clear.

At this time, Chen Shu already felt a little awkward, but he still told the other party to take the contraceptive pill early, and went to the hospital to check for AIDS, gonorrhea and other diseases that could be transmitted by bodily fluids.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Shu suddenly felt sorry for his staying up late last night and his dizziness this morning.

He patted Li Meng awake who hadn't recovered yet, and the two walked to the parking spot.

Li Meng's first sentence: "What did you tell her in the end? Do you think she still needs you to tell her these things?"

The second sentence: "No matter what, since there is a report and a victim, we have to arrest the suspect Xu Long first."

Chen Shu glanced at Li Meng, who was suppressing his disgust and vowed to arrest him, and stretched out two fingers: "We now have two policemen, so just as you said in the car before, you arrest people, I'll look for other evidence and clues. Let's split up."

As soon as Li Meng heard that Chen Shu finally agreed to arrest him, he was about to agree when he suddenly reacted, shaking his head like a rattle: "I'm not familiar with this case, how do I investigate it? You should come, and I'll fight for you."

Chen Shu was delighted. In this world, there are no leading cadres who would help the police. They ran from the Criminal University to the Zhongshan Institute early in the morning. It would be strange if the deputy team leader had no ghosts in his heart!

"Then let's find the victim's boyfriend next."

Chen Shu took out the case file bag, and pulled out all the information sheets of the persons involved that he had queried in the office.

"Well, I'm still a native of Dongzhou, and my address is... This place seems to be demolished, and the social security is paid in the city. Hey, I'm still an employee of a state-owned enterprise, which is interesting."

After confirming the personnel information and work unit, the two drove straight to the location of Chengfa Group in Zhengming District.

The two arrived at the gate of the group and made a phone call.

The other party knew on the phone that two policemen had already driven to the door of his unit, and they were going to ask him about his girlfriend being kidnapped the night before.

He quickly said that he would immediately put down all the work in his hands and go downstairs to find the police in person, hoping that they would not come to the unit.

Chen Shu hung up the phone and glanced at Li Meng.

The car was quiet, and Li Meng listened to every word the other party said. Seeing Chen Shu looking at him now, he also smiled with sympathy.

This kind of person who has a handle and is afraid of things, basically the police will say whatever they ask, and there is no difficulty in investigating.

Liu Wanying's boyfriend got into the car and sat in the back seat, very honest.

Chen Shu thoughtfully drove the car to a far corner and parked it.

Li Meng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, cooperatively took out the law enforcement recorder and the question paper and pen, and sat upright while holding the pen.

Chen Shu deliberately asked with a smile: "Young man is not bad, do you have a plan here?"

Liu Wanying's boyfriend laughed a few times and nodded, knowing that such things cannot be hidden from the police.

Chen Shu gave a thumbs up: "Career establishment, yes!"

Liu Wanying's boyfriend scratched his scalp and smiled embarrassedly.

No bullshit from angry cops?

Without questioning the progress of the case?

Facing the smiling policeman handling the case, he also laughed.

The victim's boyfriend is very unqualified.

I don't know whether the "victim" is unqualified or the "boyfriend" is unqualified.

It should not be the case of Gong though.

I don't know if it's fraud or extortion.

Or just the third party, the fourth party

Chen Shu made several turns in his mind and had more and more questions, but he had a preliminary opinion on the nature of the case.

He straightened his expression, with a serious expression, and began to ask.


"Wang Fan."

"Work unit?" Chen Shu deliberately emphasized it again.

".Zhengming District Chengfa Group. Police officer, can we not notify the unit about this matter?"

Chen Shu raised his hand to press down, and continued to ask questions.

In the carriage, interrogation of witnesses in Xu Long's suspected Gong case began. Wang Fan knew everything, and Li Meng wrote like a fly.

In Wang Fan's statement, that night, after a group of them finished their party, he took Liu Wanying and two other friends to Wanwang Hotel on Shangqiao Road and opened two rooms.

After the two entered the room, they had an in-depth exchange. After the exchange, Liu Wanying went to the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower, she greeted Wang Fan and went to the second floor of the hotel.

At first Wang Fan didn't care too much, but after waiting for nearly an hour and seeing Liu Wanying return to the room, he became worried.

Wang Fan called his friend on the second floor. After knowing that Liu Wanying had already left, he went to the first floor of the hotel to find the waiter to check the surveillance, only to find that Liu Wanying had been dragged to the fifth floor.

After watching the video, he immediately ran to the fifth floor, yelled in the corridor, and heard a sound from the fire stairs outside the house.

He ran to open the door, and saw a middle-aged man and Liu Wanying standing outside in the dark fire corridor.

Liu Wanying was naked, and the bath towel she was wearing was thrown on the steel stairs three or four meters away.

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