Police Chen Shu

Chapter 172 Unexpected

"Chen Shu, wait for me at the office at nine o'clock in the evening." Zhao Feifei made a decision for tonight's action in an unquestionable tone.

Before the person involved could react, Chen Chuan pulled Chen Shu's shoulders and agreed, vowing:

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao! We'll see each other tonight!"

"Hmph!" Zhao Feifei left satisfied.

After the three watched her leave, Chen Shu shook off Chen Chuan's arm that was still hanging around his neck: "What does she want?"

Chen Chuan squinted his eyes and continued to look at the direction Zhao Feifei was leaving: "Tsk tsk, she should

It's time to get ready to take the place. It seems that the title of 'Sister Pretty' is not false. "

Zhao Feifei, her nickname of "Sister Man", has never heard of Chen Shu, who is a sub-bureau. Now it comes out of the mouth of a person with a deep background like Chen Chuan, and it is very likely that it is the leader of the city bureau. evaluation of her.

Chen Shu recalled again that Chen Chuan, who was drunk yesterday, slipped his tongue and said with a smile that Chen Shu was "a mere deputy director" who wanted to handle the EME case, and he was worried about solving this case of paid escort. point.

Cheng Mian, who was unfamiliar with Chen Feifei, didn't think about it so much, and still shook his head about the case: "This case is probably not easy to handle. Judging from the cases I have handled, it will be very difficult for you to obtain evidence. Well, it is very difficult."

Chen Shu nodded and echoed, "According to this method of off-site transactions and on-site escorts, I'm afraid if we want to punish this entertainment venue."

"Stop!" Chen Chuan rolled his eyes at the two students who were seriously discussing the case, "KTV, known as the top mass seller in the city, and the most brutal policewoman in the branch, don't you have any ideas?"

"What are you thinking?"

Looking at the suspicious eyes of the two, Chen Chuan had the illusion of Niu playing the piano, shook his head and left without saying a word.

"Chen Shu, I'll look for you tonight!"

At nine o'clock in the evening, at the gate of Zhongshan Police Station

In terms of geographical location, although Dongzhou is on the coast, it is also in the south. But unlike the bone-scraping cold wind in Shangjing, the cold in Dongzhou sticks to the skin and penetrates into the pores.

This time the dress was simple and plain. Chen Chuan in black folded his arms and stomped his feet, panting, and said, "Chen Shu, how many people do you think Sister Man will bring this time? Tsk tsk, it will take them Tomorrow, ah no! Dongzhou will be shocked tonight!"

Chen Shu nodded in agreement: "It is possible to bring the special police over. After all, there are so many targets that the people from our two units alone can't handle them."

He has only handled a few small tearoom cases, and he was lucky to give a KTV "a long vacation" last time. When he rushed in, someone in a room actually did some indescribable things in the toilet of the private room.

In fact, for most KTVs, more punishments are the crime of organizing sales (three-point water yin) or introduction, detention, etc., but the security punishment of paid escorts is a little less. The more reason is that apart from some objective factors, it is still paid escorts. Obtaining evidence is too difficult.

He really wanted to see what the legendary pretty sister did!

"Squeak! Creak!"

A police car stopped at the gate of Zhongshan Institute.

The window of the driver's seat was lowered, and a policewoman raised her forearm and leaned against the frame of the car, shaking her head: "Why are you two still standing there? Get in the car?"

Chen Chuan stood on tiptoe and looked behind for a long time: "Zhao Da, where is he?"

"Who is it? What are you talking about, get in the car!" Zhao Feifei urged, frowning.

Chen Shu and the other two dared not continue to ink, so they quickly opened the rear door and sat up.

The police car speeded up immediately and rushed out!

Even a broken police car can give the illusion of pushing back, this Zhao Feifei is really pretty!

Zhao Feifei: "Why are you wearing casual clothes?"

"It's convenient for the assault!" Chen Chuan hinted with a smile, "By the way, are we joining the big army in the past?"

This time and again, Zhao Feifei immediately understood what he meant, and said helplessly, "Where are you going, it's just the three of us!"

The three of us go to this kind of case!

What to do?

What kind of medicine is sold in her gourd?

Chen Shu was full of doubts, looking at Zhao Feifei who was wearing a police uniform and driving a police car, it didn't look like she was going to investigate in plain clothes.

After about ten minutes, we arrived at our destination.

Zhao Feifei called to the two people in the back row who were about to open the door and get off the car: "Sit in the car and wait!"

Then turn on the lights.

Chen Shu leaned on the back of the car seat, looking at the familiar EME PARTY building outside the window, and glanced at Zhao Feifei, the deputy captain of the security brigade in the driver's seat. The unflinching policewoman, at this moment restrained her depressing official position, with a relaxed and natural demeanor.

He waited, and turned on the lights again.

Isn't this a clear way to tell others that the police are coming?

Wait, who are you waiting for?

Chen Shu and Chen Chuan looked at each other in blank dismay, and the carriage suddenly fell into silence.

Knowing that the two people behind had doubts in their minds, but Zhao Feifei, who was used to being swift and decisive, didn't want to make unnecessary explanations, she just waited quietly.

Twenty minutes later, all three people in the car saw a man in a suit coming out of the door of the EME building. He trotted all the way to the window of the passenger seat and tapped lightly a few times.

The car window was lowered slowly, and the first thing the man saw was a female police officer in police uniform. He was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a flattering smile: "Officer, you have worked hard at night. These two packs of cigarettes are our wishes."

As he spoke, he threw two packs of red Hanako into the unoccupied passenger seat, nodded and bowed, and walked backwards.

Zhao Feifei closed the car window, took the cigarettes from the passenger seat as if no one was there, and threw a pack to the back seat. I also tore open a pack, took one in my mouth and smoked it.

Chen Shu took the cigarettes. Although he had never taken a stitch from ordinary people, he hesitated for a while seeing Zhao Feifei's behavior, and took two out of the cigarettes, gave one to Chen Chuan, and Click on one.

Seeing all this from the rearview mirror, Zhao Feifei showed a satisfied WeChat message, lowered the window on one side of her car, cleared her throat, and began to speak slowly: "You must be wondering why I parked the police car at the entrance of the KTV so blatantly." ? It’s very simple, it’s just for them to see.”

Chen Shu noticed that the word "they" in Zhao Feifei's words was very heavy.

She continued to ask: "Chen Shu, let me ask you, have you ever cracked down on any high-end entertainment venues in the city?"

Chen Shu rubbed his nose, carefully recalling his attacks on high-end entertainment venues in the past few years. After a while, he shook his head with a gray face.

He remembered that a few years ago, taking advantage of the opportunity of patrol, he randomly picked a four-star hotel in the jurisdiction to go in for routine inspection. Unexpectedly, the person was still waiting at the front desk for the waiter to get the universal card, when his cell phone rang.

Over time, I don't bother to take care of these high-end places. After all, my time is limited, and I can't finish the cases with clear clues at hand, so I don't pay attention to these anymore.

Zhao Feifei took a puff of her cigarette and didn't go to see Chen Shu. After working in the security brigade for so many years, she knew the answer.

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