Police Chen Shu

Chapter 197: The Past of Zeng Hong

In the early morning of the next day, the duty hall on the first floor of Zhongshan Institute was crowded with people.

Comrade Xiao Wang, the "King of Gossip" of the Zhongshan Institute, stood straight on the chair behind the desk on duty, holding a rolled-up cylindrical notebook as a microphone, and said righteously:

"I, Chen Shu, stand here today! With me without you, with you without me. Either you obediently put down the kitchen knife and catch him without a fight, or you and I will let go of our arms and legs and fight twice."

"Do it!" Xiao Qiang, who was standing below, shook his fist vigorously and shouted.

Not to be outdone, Zhu Chaoran said, "Xiao Wang, what about me? Why hasn't it been my turn yet!"

Xiao Wang's eyes widened, and when he was grinning and preparing to speak, his face suddenly changed and he returned to calm. He threw away the "microphone" and walked off the stage. He stretched out his arms, embraced the shoulders of two colleagues, and half pushed and half pushed them out. Leaving the front hall: "What's going on! Don't you know it's time to go to work?"

When everyone turned their heads, they saw the trainer Zeng Hongzheng standing behind and looking at everyone without saying a word.

"Eat, eat!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Go to the cafeteria and eat noodles!"

With a bang, the crowd dispersed immediately.


As soon as Zeng Hong let out his nose, he scanned the surroundings majestically. Seeing that the duty hall had returned to its usual order, he walked up to his office upstairs.

At the corridor on the third floor, seeing that the door of Chen Shu's office was ajar, he was thinking about the follow-up publicity report of yesterday's hostage-taking case, so he opened the door and walked in.

"Chen Shu, what's wrong with you!"

Zeng Hong couldn't believe his eyes. He saw Chen Shu lying on his desk in the early morning and sleeping with his head buried?

Chen Shu raised his head, opened a pair of panda eyes, and said hello feebly: "Oh, Zeng Jiao."

Zeng Hong went to the desk, pulled out a chair and sat down, wondering, "You weren't on duty last night, were you? Why didn't you sleep?"

He probed and sniffed: "Didn't you drink?"

Chen Shu shrugged: "Yesterday was a working day, how dare you drink."

The document "Regulations on the Strict Prohibition of Drinking Alcohol at Illegal Banquets" issued by Huaguo just this year, the first article is to strictly prohibit the police from drinking alcohol on working days. Therefore, the police internally ridicule those colleagues who have left the public security system or resigned, using "freedom to drink" as a celebration phrase. This is not only the envy of others, but also the helplessness of one's own status quo.

Zeng Hong stared at Chen Shu suspiciously for a long time.

Chen Shu propped up the table, staggered to the coffee table, took an AIDS test strip and threw it in front of Zeng Hong.

"Teacher Zeng, yesterday I was injured and bled a lot, I'm afraid of that guy"

Zeng Hong understood what was going on as soon as he heard it. It's all the old policeman, knowing that the test paper can't find anything at the moment, he took out his mobile phone and made a call: "You asked if the criminal university is there, and if the partner has any illnesses."

Chen Shu had a bitter face: "They are all sleeping now. When I called last night to inquire, they all said that they would drop by the CDC when they were sent to the detention center today, and they would reply me after checking."

Zeng Hong nodded, it is such a good case handling process.

"That's why I couldn't sleep last night." Chen Shu said more and more lightly, for fear of being underestimated by the old An, who has been working in the wind and rain for decades.

After listening, Zeng Hong pondered for a while, then suddenly talked about his own past:

"In 200X, I just retired from the army and moved to the local area. It was the time when I had the most motivation but also the least experience. That time I participated in the arrest of a Gongsi (female-gan) case. The victim was a An 18-year-old girl, the suspect is the neighbor uncle who brought her out to work. During the process of controlling the suspect, my right hand was scratched by the victim, and the wound was about three to four centimeters.

Well, it was bleeding.

During interrogation later, the subject claimed to have AIDS. After the interrogation, we took him to the CDC for examination and the result was positive. I didn't care about it at the time, and I didn't know much about it.

But soon after, I caught a cold, and it didn't get better for a week. Thinking of this, I secretly went to the CDC for an examination. I learned that it would take a month to get the result, and the cold has not recovered for this month.

Two things happened this month. First, insomnia, insomnia and hair loss all night; second, alienation from family members. The road I have traveled this month is the darkest, coldest, and most frightening I have ever been. "

Chen Shu was fascinated by what he heard, and couldn't help asking: "What happened next?"

Zeng Hong laughed, and changed the subject: "Later, I met you bastards who often caused trouble for me."

"That's all right?"

Zeng Hong took out a pack of blue Liqun from his jacket pocket, thought for a long time before tearing it open and stuffed one into his mouth, then handed the cigarette case to Chen Shu.

As an old smoker, Chen Shu naturally knows the goods, knowing that this is a rare and good thing, he stretched out his hand to smoke two, and kept one on his head.

Zeng Hong lit a cigarette, smoked for a while, and continued to tell his own story:

"While patrolling in casual clothes in the middle of the night, I saw a woman stealing a car. I yelled to show my identity as a policeman and rushed over."

Having said that, Zeng Hong stopped talking, and shook his head mockingly, "I still haven't learned my lesson. Well, I was the first one to rush over at that time. When the woman saw us rushing over, she took it out of her arms immediately. knife.

But it's still a hand job, and I pinned the person to the ground when I took out half of the knife. Later, when she returned to the clinic, she was interrogated, and she was also an AIDS patient. She didn't draw out the knife to cut us, but to scare the police by cutting herself to bleed first, and then escaped.

When I was in the unit, there were colleagues standing next to me, so I didn't feel anything. When I got home from get off work at night and was lying on the bed alone, I tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep. When I got up in the middle of the night, the sheets were all wet.

Hey, I'm afraid of that. "

Chen Shu frowned: "I have taught you so much, does it imply that insomnia is normal when I encounter this situation?"

Zeng Hong raised his brows immediately, leaned over and patted Chen Shu's shoulder with his big hand: "That's right. It's normal to be worried. It's okay. As policemen, we have to come here several times in our lives." handy."

Chen Shu was speechless with a bitter face.

Zeng Hong got up and went to the water dispenser in the corner of the room, poured two glasses of water, handed Chen Shu a cup, took one and drank it with his head raised, feeling his throat much more comfortable.

After talking for so long, my throat really needs some water to moisturize it.

Putting down the cup, he asked with a smile: "Listen to Xiao Zhu, you knew that the gangster inside was carrying a kitchen knife yesterday, but you didn't wear anti-cut gloves when you rushed in to arrest him?"

Chen Shu nodded, and answered the second half of the sentence for him: "You deserve it."

Zeng Hong walked out of the door with a "hmm". When he opened the door, he turned around and said in a deep voice, "When you go out on a mission next time, remember to protect yourself. We police are also human beings, and we will get hurt."

A buddy's master accidentally broke a hole when he was arresting someone in a bar. After a while, the sub-shares were successfully raised, and everyone didn't ask about it on the surface, but they still felt that it was not worth it in private.

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