Police Chen Shu

Chapter 211 Little Deng of the Inspectorate Brigade

Zhongshan Police Station, duty hall on the first floor

With his hands behind his back, Zeng Hong inspected the sanitation inside and outside the police station. If he didn't sweep a house, he would sweep the world. This is a habit he has developed over the years, and it is also the favorite thing for many instructors in the public security system to do.

Especially the cadres transferred from the military in the public security department, they are particularly obsessed with high standards of hygiene. It cannot be said that this is a formality, or that good hygiene is equal to a good style.

But on the other hand, as far as most of the actual situation is concerned, for a unit or collective, if the internal hygiene is not good for a long time, the work style will not be very good. Of course, these usually do not have any impact, but when we need to face some emergencies and require the close cooperation and coordination of the entire unit, these ordinary things will have a huge impact.

"Deng thud."

"Deng thud."

Following the sound of footsteps, Zeng Hong looked towards the door, and saw Wang Chongming and others escorting a man who was handcuffed behind his back and wearing a yellow overalls of a food delivery company into the duty hall to go to the case handling area.

Zeng Hong walked over and glanced at the team, and asked about the situation by the way: "This man seems to be out of spirits, and his body is also dirty. You can't beat him with your hands, right? You should check carefully before entering the detention room." .”

Wang Chongming signaled the two police officers behind him to continue to lead the man in yellow to the case handling area, then turned his head and explained to Zeng Hong: "When I led the man there, Chen Suo was the only one holding him down. I guess It should have been hit by Chen Suo a few times."

"This kid, I've told him several times, don't arrest people single-handedly. Hey, I just don't listen. Something will happen sooner or later! You say these young people." Zeng Hong criticized with his mouth, but his eyes were full. It is thumbs up.

Wang Chongming took out the switchblade wrapped in the evidence bag from his pocket, and handed it to Zeng Hong: "Zeng Jiao, this man is a robber caught by Chen at Beitang Street. The current evidence is convincing. I contacted him just now. When I got to the front desk on duty, there were indeed people in front of the police who reported that someone pretended to be a delivery man and cheated to open the door, and then waited for an opportunity to break into the house and carry out robbery with a knife."

Zeng Hong took the bag and took out the switchblade, and played with it a few times skillfully: "There is still robbery now? Tsk tsk, this thing is still locked, it's really been a long time. What about Chen Shu, why didn't you come back with you? "

"Chen Suo told me that he will come right after, and he will arrive soon after a while."

"Nowadays there are so many takeaways in the society, and they can be seen everywhere on the road. The common people are also used to this kind of life of eating and ordering takeaways. For a while, they will definitely lack the necessary vigilance against such fake takeaways, and it is really easy to stumble.

Hehe, when you brought this delivery man in earlier, I thought you were going to eat takeaway at noon, and I was thinking about whether to improve the food in the cafeteria. You say that even our policemen have this idea, so don't expect ordinary people to be more prepared.

This is the first time I have heard of such a case of pretending to be a delivery man to open the door. After a while, you will go through the case carefully, and summarize some details and points that need attention. I will contact my friends from the news media and come over to you later. Make a publicity report! "


According to the existing system, the police can legally make people uncomfortable, whether it is physical or psychological, within their discretion. For example, the 24-hour interrogation time and the 48-hour extended interrogation time are closed for you to eat, drink and sleep. But such a long period of closed time, it is easy for people to be disabled inside.

Therefore, at this time, a department is required to exercise supervisory power to maintain the balance of law enforcement power.

Police inspectors, also known as supervisory inspections. Simply put, it is the supervisor of the police, who is responsible for supervising the performance of duties, the exercise of powers and the observance of discipline by the units affiliated to the public security organs at the same level, the public security organs at lower levels, and their people's police in accordance with the law.

It is also the only police in the public security system who wears a white police helmet and a white belt, except for the traffic police.

Zhengming District Public Security Bureau, Police Supervision Brigade, Complaint Center

"Eh, eh. The police beat people to death with iron rods?"

"The opponent lay on the ground and was beaten half to death?"

"Okay, okay."

"I'll provide your email address here, please send the video over."



"Okay, okay. That's what we should do."

A young policeman politely put down the phone, turned around and immediately began to frequently operate the computer. After a while, he took out the "Police Disciplinary Regulations" and "People's Police Law" from the drawer and quickly looked through them. The excitement was beyond words.

After half an hour, he bound a stack of materials printed on A4 paper into a book and put them in a leather bag beside him, took out a folding mirror from the drawer and put it on the table, and tidied it up in front of the mirror. I stood up and went to the next office.

"Da Zhang, this Chen Shu actually beat a non-threatening criminal suspect with an iron rod in the street." One stroke, two eyes glowed, and he straightened his back.

Sitting behind the desk, Zhang Da, who was looking down at the materials, took out a photo from it, pointed to a person on it and asked, "Xiao Deng, is this person in black Chen Shu? That Chen Shu from the Zhongshan Institute?"

"Yes, it's him! I checked the information of the police officers on the intranet, and it's him!"

"Who is this man lying on the ground?"

"This person was suspected of robbery with a knife and was caught by Chen Shu on the spot."

"In what name do you think Chen Shu should be investigated?"

"Look at these photos, Mr. Zhang. The subject is lying on the ground with his head in his hands, obviously no threat to the law enforcement officers at the scene. However, Chen Shu is still beating him directly with steel pipes. I suggest investigating him for abuse of power." .”

General Zhang pulled out several photos and put them in front of Xiao Deng: "These photos should be screenshots of the video recordings taken by the crowd at the scene, and they will probably be posted on the Internet. This incident is likely to trigger public opinion and alarm. You Do you have any experience in this area?"

Xiao Deng was full of confidence: "Yes! I used to work in the traffic police detachment as the propaganda department, and there were many incidents caused by traffic police beating people and impounding cars. I usually deal with such things."

General Zhang put the information aside, and adjusted his glasses: "Chen Shu is now in the limelight in our branch office. In several conferences, Bureau Zhang has directly called names and praised him. Are you sure you want to get him this time?"

Xiao Deng excitedly said: "Shoot the first bird, this will be effective!"

Zhang Da pondered for a moment: "Xiao Deng, you have only come to inspect for a short time. I know that the organization arranged for you to answer the phone at the complaint center. You have ideas in your heart, and you have always wanted to catch a typical and major case."

"Da Zhang, I don't have one."

Zhang Dayi raised his hand and stopped Xiao Deng's explanation: "Young people are right to be hardworking. The situation in this case is complicated in all aspects. You must think about everything and ask the team before making a decision." The old comrades in the village."


Xiao Deng "slapped" and stood at attention: "I promise to complete the task!"

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