Police Chen Shu

Chapter 223 Organization of Manpower

A black Santana car is driving on the road.

Zhu Chaoran leaned on the frame of the car with his left arm, and rested his right hand on the steering wheel: "Brother Shu, why don't you let that kid participate? If you drive him away like this, he will hate you for a long time."

Chen Shu lowered his head and searched for the relevant information of "Campus O" on his mobile phone: "Students should still focus on their studies. If you manage these nosy things too much, your grades will definitely come down."

Zhu Chaoran said disapprovingly, "Brother Shu, I've been with you for so long, and I still don't know what you think? You're such a pedantic person when you put cigarettes on people as soon as we meet?"

Hearing this, Chen Shu became interested, put down his phone, raised his head and asked with a smile, "Then tell me what I think."

Zhu Chaoran said triumphantly: "Follow your thinking. You have been nagging us about safety and security on weekdays. Although we are all tired of hearing it, at least we know it in our hearts. The first thing that comes to mind is 'safety' Two words. You don't let that kid in because the case is not safe."

Chen Shu nodded: "Yes, you can think of this, which means that you have made great progress."

"Brother Shu, there is one thing I don't understand. Is this kind of lending case dangerous?"

"Student Network D has been banned by the state now, so I suspect that these cases are likely to be offline private small loans. If it is confirmed that it is offline usury, then it is likely to involve gangsters."


Being involved in gangsters, the high probability means that the case is likely to be accompanied by violent crimes such as protection (S) or illegal imprisonment, intentional wounding, etc. Zhu Chaoran realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately fell silent.

On the way, when passing by the former police office under the Zhongshan Police Station, Chen Shu asked Zhu Chaoran to park the car at the gate of the police office and wait in the car, and he would come whenever he went.

After getting off the car, Chen Shu quickly walked into the police room.

Fortunately, Yu Yu, a community policeman from the Zhongshan Institute, was sitting inside to work.

"Chen Suo, why are you free to come here today?"

When Yu Yu saw a sound coming from outside, he thought it was a community coordinator or people working in the office. When he looked up, he didn't expect it was Chen Shu, who was in charge of security in the office.

Chen Shu walked into Yu Yu's desk, pulled out the chair and sat down, and asked, "Now that the schools in the jurisdiction go to and from school, do we have a police assistant to arrange to go to the school gate to maintain order?"

"Yes, an assistant policeman will be arranged to stand guard at the school gate during the peak hours of going to and from school."

"Who contacted the school about this matter? It's at Dongzhou No. 13 Middle School."

"I contacted you, what's the matter?"

Chen Shu's heart moved, and he asked eagerly: "Since you have contact with No. 13 Middle School, I have a few cases and I want to ask their teacher for help. Is it convenient for you?"

Yu Yu hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "It should be possible. I happened to be in contact with the chief of your security department. If there is any case, I should cooperate with our investigation. Chen Suo, what case?"

"Campus O, it is said that several students of their school attempted to (white-) kill for this."

"No. 13 middle school? This is high school! Did any parents come to report the crime?"

Seeing Chen Shu shaking his head seriously, Yu Yu felt a chill in his heart.

He didn't ask the reason, paused for a moment, and added: "For this kind of thing, if the parents don't come to report the crime, because of the school's reputation, they may not cooperate with us.

Besides, the person I contacted was the chief of the section to put it mildly, but he was actually the captain of their school's security team. Chen Suo, this matter is not easy to handle. "

Putting himself in the shoes of Chen Shu, if he were the principal of No. 13 Middle School, if a policeman from the police station came to say that he wanted to investigate the student's (white) attempted murder and the possible existence of campus o in the school, he would definitely be unwilling.

Not to mention the police entering the school to carry out investigations, the disturbance to the daily order of the school, and the psychological pressure on other students must definitely exist.

Besides, no one would shoot themselves in the foot with a rock.

Chen Shu nodded and understood: "In this case, their school doesn't need to cooperate with our investigation. You can go to their section chief to drink tea and chat, and see if you can find any clues."

Now Chen Shu only knew that Campus O might exist in No. 13 Middle School, but he didn't know anything about the specific money lenders, money lending companies, or students who took out loans.

At this time, Yu Yu, a community policeman who often had contact with them, came forward and pretended to conduct daily inspections, maybe he could find some clues.

Yu Yu knew that the young deputy director in front of him was not the kind of policeman who sat in the office and waited for the case to come to him. After hearing the other party's arrangement, he knew that it was related to the students of the school, so he agreed without hesitation.

I would like to add here that in some police stations that are busy receiving and handling police officers, in addition to being on duty, the public security police's daily work is to handle 110 police cases. This may be too busy to touch the ground, and there is really no time to take the initiative to find cases in the society.

Santana drove very fast, and reached the dawn grid in ten minutes.

After parking the car at the door, the two hurried to Yan Chenxi's office.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Please come in."

Chen Shu pushed the door open, and saw Yan Chenxi, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, still leaning on the desk and flipping through the materials as before.

"Hey, our Dongzhou hero is here." Yan Chenxi raised her red lips and greeted playfully.

Some time ago, Zhang Yang, the host of Dongzhou TV's ace program "Yang Shuo News" and a big internet celebrity, stood on the cusp of the storm and stood in line with Chen Shu against the trend, which also made Chen Shu's name in the local area from the side.

All of a sudden, as long as there are Dongzhou people who pay attention to local news or Douyin, no matter men, women, young or old, there is no one who does not know this lonely policeman who sees injustice and sticks to help.

Chen Shu waved his hand helplessly: "The grid is long, so don't tease me. To be honest, I was almost stripped of my clothes just because of this. By the way, I came here today to find you urgently." .”

No matter how modest Chen Shu said, his deeds were supported by videos and provocative speeches, all of which pushed him into a positive image of Dongzhou. Including Liming Grid's colleagues, the topic of the past few days has been their heroic Grid Sergeant.

Yan Chenxi sat up straight, with a sweet smile still on his face: "Chen Suo, tell me."

"Do you know about campus O?"

"I know. When I was studying, the school vigorously advertised that this thing was dangerous, and told us not to touch it. Later, the police also came to our school to hold a seminar. I still remember the name 'Guardian Anyuan'."

"In the past few years, the country has cracked down on them, and they are basically invisible in universities. But I found that there may be a campus O in 13th."

"What! That's high school!"

Chen Shu's words were like a boulder being thrown into a pond, causing an uproar in Yan Chenxi's heart.

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