Police Chen Shu

Chapter 241

A ray of morning sunlight shone on Chen Shu's face.

He opened the quilt and got up as usual, washed up briefly, changed into sports clothes and sneakers, and went out for a run in the park behind the complex.

Since he transferred to the police station, Chen Shu has not experienced such a regular life for a long time.

Walking to the gate of the park, there are already a few people exercising. There are Tai Chi practitioners, square dancers, and dog walkers.

The plum blossoms in the morning are extraordinarily gorgeous, quiet and elegant.

Chen Shu leaned over and smelled it. The fragrance of the flowers overflowed and invaded the internal organs, immediately refreshing people.

After warming up for a while, I put on the earphones, listened to the famous songs of Jay Chou and Eason Chan more than ten years ago, and started to run freely.

Maybe it's a habit left in the police academy. Over the years, the distance of each long-distance run has been controlled at five kilometers, which takes about 20 minutes.

The long-distance running is over, and the sweat is already drenched.

Chen Shu took off his coat while doing relaxation and stretching, while admiring the colors of the sky, his heart also felt relieved.

The facial features are well-defined, and the height of more than 1.8 meters is paired with a slightly tight black dress, showing off the well-proportioned and muscular figure. Many passers-by will glance at it intentionally or unintentionally, including women.

After half an hour of relaxation, Chen Shu went home and got ready to go to work.

Since he was injured and discharged from the hospital last time, he was forced to take sick leave at home for a month by Zeng Hong. Today is the day when he returns to work and is on duty.

When we arrived at the Zhongshan Police Station, the hour hand just pointed to eight o'clock. Although it was not too early, there was still half an hour before the administrative shift went to work, but the duty hall in the station had already started busy work.

The police station, which is open 24 hours a day for 365 days a year, is so powerful.

After eating the long-lost pork rib powder in the cafeteria, Chen Shu went to the detention room and the case handling area as usual. Since he was in charge of the security work in the office, these two places have been on his mind. Without him, the accident rate is too high.

The case-handling area of ​​the Zhongshan Police Station is set at the back of the duty room. You can see an iron gate after bypassing the front desk. After entering, you will be in the case-handling area. After entering this door, there are four office rooms and a bathroom in the corridor. The entrances of the four office rooms are all staggered. When you come out of one room, you will be facing the wall, and you cannot see the situation in the other rooms.

Chen Shu entered the password to open the iron gate, and stepped into the case handling area.

"Chen Suo." A plainclothes team member standing at the door of the case office closest to the iron gate was smoking a cigarette. When he saw Chen Shu coming in, he quickly threw away the cigarette butt and stamped it out.

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the case handling area, which is a recent ban issued by the Dongzhou Municipal Bureau. No, there is a warning sign of "no smoking" on the wall directly in front of the smoking team member.

Chen Shu pretended that he didn't see it. After all, when he stayed up late to interrogate his subjects, he didn't unpack cigarette packs one by one. In addition to refreshing the police handling the case, he also had to stuff a few sticks for the suspects. If this could dispel their worries, Chen Shu would have to hide in a corner and have fun secretly.

"You guys came quite early today. Is this here for case handling or random inspection?" Chen Shu asked casually after hearing the noise in the information collection room.

"Chen Suo, we picked it up on the road. This is the third person this morning."

Chen Shu smiled and said, "You're the third one? Why don't you go find someone on the road after breakfast and go to work? There's no need to start working so early."

The plainclothes team member had a smug expression: "Chen Suo, you don't know. We found that it is easiest to go out to pick up people at seven o'clock. Because everyone is rushing to work, there are people everywhere on the road. Just these two With an hour's work, I can properly complete the day's target and still have room to spare."

The office closest to the iron gate was originally used for object information collection, that is, for those who need to be questioned or interrogated for the first step of information collection, such as fingerprints, blood, height, and footprints.

However, a plan for the construction of the Y library was announced later. From then on, information collection was not limited to specific objects. The bureau directly sent the collection indicators to the institute, requiring the designated number of personnel to be entered every month.

There is no way in the office. The police are busy handling cases or going to the community, so they can only hand over such matters that do not require law enforcement power to the assistant police. In order to improve work efficiency, after completing the daily quota, new employees will be subsidized at 50 yuan per person.

Chen Shu nodded: "Okay, then you guys are busy first. Remember to turn on the law enforcement recorder when doing things."

"Okay, we've been doing this for so long, so don't worry."

This kind of random inspection is full of complaints. Think about it, on the way to work, a few policemen came over and suddenly forced you to go to the police station to collect information. Are you in no hurry?

This thing is just bullying and bullying honest people. In private, Chen Shu held meetings with the plainclothes teams and patrol teams who went out to do collection tasks, and if they encountered unruly or difficult people, they would not investigate them.

The above target must be completed, but it must not cause conflicts with the masses. At that time, it will be replaced by another one. After all, there is still a "satisfaction" hanging over the head.

When passing through the collection room, Chen Shu took a few peeks inside. Although it was a bit chaotic, it was still somewhat orderly. The person being collected looked like a college student, and he was sitting in front of the fingerprint collector, making fingerprints one by one.

Now that there are quotas, there are still a lot of people every day, so the in and out can easily affect the interrogation or interrogation work of the case office inside. Tomorrow, the information collection room must be moved outside. Chen Shu thought about it and walked to the case office at the back.

Passing the door of the interrogation room and looking in, there were cigarette butts everywhere in the room, it was obvious that the case came last night.

Walking into the interrogation room, Chen Shu glanced around the room and found that the digital certificate of the police was still plugged into the main computer.

You have to make people nervous for a while, otherwise you won't be able to develop the security habit of using and pulling out as you go.

The interrogation room was still clean, but it wasn't Xu Lei, an intern police officer, who was hiding in the room and playing mobile games.

"Xu Lei, there must have been a lot of things last night. Well, what game are you playing?" Chen Shu approached and took a look.

"Yuan Shen. Senior brother, wait a moment. Now is the critical moment to write the book. I will talk to you later." Xu Lei didn't even lift his head.

As a trainee police officer, Xu Lei is actually just a student of the police academy, and is not under the jurisdiction of the Zhongshan Institute in terms of establishment. This time, he will only leave after staying in the office for one year.

Moreover, there is still a layer of relationship between the two of them as brothers and sisters. In addition, Chen Shu's management style is to only pursue results, and he turns a blind eye to sneaking in the busy schedule on weekdays.

"I'll be off work soon, and then go back to the dormitory to rest early." Chen Shu noticed Xu Lei's dark circles, and guessed that the other party should be on duty last night.


After walking around the case handling area, when Chen Shu was about to leave, he was stopped by Xu Lei who hurried over at the iron gate.

"Brother, wait for me to come down, I need to find you."

Chen Shu stopped and replied with a smile: "The copy is over?"

Although the age difference between the two is six or seven years, they are both from the game era, and they retain a minimum of respect for qualifying matches or dungeons.

"Hehe, it's over."

Xu Lei touched his nose, and suddenly felt embarrassed that he was only playing games in front of him. Brothers belong to brothers. After all, Chen Shu is still the deputy director of the institute, and he takes good care of him on weekdays.

"Brother, a good friend of mine is overdue for an online loan, and has been harassed by collection calls recently, what can you do?"

Chen Shu squinted at Xu Lei. The last time it was a friend who had a chat with him, this time it was another friend who had a collection. The young man has quite a lot of experience.

"Is your friend going to pay back the principal?"

Xu Lei: "I haven't considered it yet, but it seems that I am not prepared for it at present."

"The next time the other party calls, you can just say that you are the one who fluffs. Well, the tone can be a little bit more, and they will understand."

Xu Lei thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he gave a big thumbs up.

"Senior brother, you are awesome!"

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