Police Chen Shu

Chapter 247 Cleaning up the scene and going back to the place

In a nightclub, with music blaring from a subwoofer, you've drank a lot and leaned back on the couch feeling a little dizzy. There are many handsome men and beauties sitting or standing beside you. Everyone sings and dances. They are very open and have fun.

At this time, a social friend who just met came over and told you mysteriously in your ear that there is such a thing that can refresh you and "help (x-ing)" without going to bed. (y-in).

Friends are all on the scene, it will be convenient to play in a while.

Hey, most people don't tell me yet!

Drunk or slightly tipsy, you look around at the passionate men and women with bursting bodies. Although you know a little about the taboos of this thing on weekdays, you suddenly feel a little itchy in your heart.

Ask yourself, would you be interested, would you want to give it a try?

Just this time, the thing won't be y-in anyway.

You comfort yourself so much in your heart.

The reality is, once you get glued to this thing, 99% of your life is over.

This thing is called Bing O, and it has gradually become the new "O King" in the past ten years.

"It seems that Lao Zheng is still reliable, and the real deal is also an indicator. Hehe, I will send a few more over the weekend."

Chen Shu put the cigarette case back on the table, flipped through several condom boxes that had been opened beside him, turned his head to look at the O smoking woman who was lying on the ground as if she was dead, and couldn't help restraining the curvature of the corner of her mouth. Feelings of disgust welled up in my heart.

So young, it doesn't look like accompanying (l-iu) sister

The industry of accompanying (l-iu) sisters is to combine selling O, sucking O and selling (y-in) together to open up the upstream and downstream supply chains and realize one-stop service, so as to earn greater profits. For many (x-ing) workers, it is the best thing.

Chen Shu opened the bedroom door and walked to the gate, opened the locked anti-theft door, let Zhu Chaoran who was waiting outside come in, and stopped the middle-aged man next door who lowered his head and wanted to follow in.

"Officer, is anyone dead inside?"

The middle-aged man's small eyes couldn't stop staring into the house.

Chen Shu coughed and said, "Mmm, I'm fine. Go back to your home first."

After closing the anti-theft door, Chen Shu and Zhu Chaoran went into the master bedroom where the young woman was asleep.

"Tsk tsk." After Zhu Chaoran looked at the young woman for a while, he threw himself into the trash can in the corner of the room to look through it.

"Brother Shu, there are quite a lot of things."

For Zhu Chaoran, trash cans are always his favorite when going to hotels or guesthouses for ward rounds. According to his own statement, there is a big world hidden in the small trash can.

This is the police's personal investigation habit, and they can indeed find something useful, so Chen Shu is not good at commenting on it. The only thing I can say is to remind the other party to prepare some disposable chopsticks on their body, and don't keep standing there with a trash can, maybe some disgusting things will splash out from it.

The last time the two of them went to the hotel to check the room together, Chen Shu didn't care much when he saw that the two male college students opened the door, and walked around the room before preparing to leave. It was Zhu Chaoran who found the key evidence in the trash can of the toilet and cracked this case of selling (y-in) whoring.

"Wake her up."

Chen Shu said to Zhu Chaoran, who was rummaging through the trash can with relish, then walked to the balcony and leaned out, signaling Xiaoqiang and others who had been standing downstairs to come up.

While Zhu Chaoran was calling for someone, Chen Shu searched all the rooms inside and outside the house. Except for finding the woman's college (sh-eng) card in the closet, no other crimes were found. suspicion.

Qi Tiantian, 20 years old, from XX University, from X Province.

When passing the hall, Chen Shu opened the anti-theft door and let Xiaoqiang and others in.

Everyone entered the master bedroom, and saw Zhu Chaoran lying beside the young woman, "Hey, hey, hey" for a long time but still didn't wake her up.

Zhu Chaoran turned his head, with an embarrassed expression: "Brother Shu, this person is so fast asleep that he can't wake him up."

Sea OO is a tranquilizer. Ice O is a psychostimulant, which mainly stimulates the central nervous system of the human brain. After smoking (s-hi), most people will always be in a state of high excitement for a long period of time, without sleep or fatigue. The all-night carnival is their most typical form of expression.

But the human body is compensable. Once the excitement period is over, it will fall into a long-term depression period. The most prominent manifestation is drowsiness. Sleep is so deep that it is difficult for others to wake up.

"Brother Shu, why don't you slap both of them directly?"

Chen Shu stared: "Don't be joking. How can you not wake her up if you shout something in her ear and pat her body hard?"

With Zhu Chaoran's efforts, after about half a minute, the young woman finally woke up dimly.

The 20-year-old Qi Tiantian looks childish. Her face is thin and pale. Under the long eyelashes, her eyes are in a trance, and her head shakes slightly with the instability of her upper body.

Although she was sitting in front of the police, Qi Tiantian's thoughts always seemed to wander in another time and space, and she didn't even know why so many police officers appeared in her home at this moment.

Chen Shu opened his mouth to explain: "This is a typical sequelae of s-hi synthetic O products, some of which are serious and even cause hallucinations."

Suddenly, Qi Tiantian burst into tears, and with a trembling voice, she cried, "Brother, why did you leave like this?"

He pointed to a corner of the room and cried, "Don't, don't come here, just go underground and wait for me."

After a short period of shock and bewilderment, several people present quickly realized that the young woman's current state was extremely abnormal and dangerous.

Chen Shu took Xiaoqiang forward and controlled the woman's left and right arms respectively, and comforted in a gentle tone: "Qi Tiantian, I'm a policeman. I'm here to help you."

Dealing with emergencies on the spot without much talk. Every policeman has his own means, after all, as long as the scene is stabilized, it is good.

Qi Tiantian's eyes were cloudy, she couldn't hear the voice, and just kept talking nonsense.

Chen Shu and Xiaoqiang were afraid that something might happen to her, so they had to hold her arms tightly and wait for her to regain her senses.

After a few minutes, Qi Tiantian calmed down a little. She turned to Chen Shu with a calm tone: "Uncle policeman, are you here to arrest me?"

Chen Shuping looked at the other party's slightly normal eyes, and nodded: "Yes."

Zhu Chaoran also tacitly presented a pair of silver bracelets "click, click" twice to copy him back.

"Xiaoqiang, you guys put her in the car."

After Xiaoqiang and the plainclothes escorted Qi Tiantian out of the room, Chen Shu called Zhu Chaoran to pack up the tools and some leftover drugs in the room and bring them back to the institute.

While sweeping the room, Zhu Chaoran said in a natural tone: "Brother Shu, I just found a mobile phone from that girl, do you want to dig deeper?"

Chen Shu looked at the used condom box on the table, and couldn't help jumping out of the school (sh-eng) certificate he found just now, but he still didn't want to.

"forget it."

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