Police Chen Shu

Chapter 251 This guy just died

At 8 a.m., the instructor's office on the third floor of Zhongshan Institute.

On the way here, Zeng Hong bought two servings of glutinous rice flour, one with salty rice and salty paste, and the other with sweet rice with sweet paste.

"I specially bought it at the 'Five Sisters' next to the first attached hospital. You choose first, do you want sweet or salty?"

Zeng Hong looked calm, as if the fact that a partner died in the detention room in the morning did not affect his mood today too much.

Chen Shu, who only slept for more than three hours last night, shook his head with dark circles under his eyes: "I have no appetite. Zeng taught, you can eat."

Zeng Hong pushed the glutinous rice in front of Chen Shu, and said unquestionably: "Eat it, if there is no accident, this may be our only meal today when we get busy later."

Chen Shu sensed the information revealed in the other party's words, and asked: "Zeng Jiao, you used to"

Zeng Hong nodded: "I have worked as a police officer for decades, and I have never encountered anything. This matter can be resolved. People are like iron and steel, let's eat first."

The two each took a bowl of rice and ate on their own.

Chen Shu couldn't figure out what Zeng Hong's next move was going to be, so he thought about not opening his mouth, and occasionally looked at him while eating, but he was calm and composed.

Zeng Hong, who is over 50 years old, has gray temples and a few crow's feet around his eyes. Although he is a veteran policeman transferred from the army and has experience in violent state institutions, he has been working as a political cadre in recent years. At this time, he also seemed a bit refined and calm.

"You will be in charge of contacting Qi Tiantian's family in a while. It's best to have someone go there. You have to have a good attitude and do your best to meet whatever the other party asks. There is only one purpose, to send Qi Tiantian's body to the funeral home for cremation as soon as possible." Zeng After Hong finished eating the glutinous rice, he took a few sips of soy milk.

Chen Shu couldn't help but said: "Accept any conditions? What if the other party asks for a compensation of 1.8 million?"

"Seven or eight years ago, this happened in Yong'an County. It was still in the county. In the end, the family members were compensated 500,000 yuan. I estimate that within 800,000 yuan, the bureau will agree. But this involves the specific amount of compensation. , you just need to have a bottom line in your heart, don't promise the family first.

This thing is like doing business, both parties have to come and go to bargain. If we promise too quickly, it will make them feel that they are at a disadvantage. "

Chen Shu was stunned for a moment, and agreed, "Okay."

In fact, he still felt a little uncomfortable. This person just died in their unit. Although it was her own death, but it was a young life after all. Why are the two of them discussing compensation right now.

It seemed too cold-blooded.

The seasoned Zeng Hong saw Chen Shu's dissatisfaction. He walked to the desk, bent down and rummaged through the drawer for a while, took out a pack of Lanliqun, dismantled it and threw one over.

"Xiaoshu, I have seen Qi Tiantian's identity information, a poor child from an inland rural area. There is a younger brother who is still in junior high school in his hometown, and his parents work in a private factory in Dongzhou to support the education of the two siblings.

You said that Qi Tiantian was a person who repeatedly smoked O and was dealt with, how could the family not know about it? Besides, this Qi Tiantian is still a college student with no income, what would she use to suck in this situation? Why do you suck it?

You can see that she has moved out and rented a house to live alone. I guess her parents have given up on her, so if you go to deal with the follow-up now, they will not talk to you about your relationship. Perhaps in their hearts, Qi Tiantian's best destination is to give some relief to the family that raised him. "

O addicts basically either actively or passively sever ties with their relatives and friends. Some parents can't bear it, that is, it takes longer than relatives and friends, and the end result is the same.

This is true. Although it is cruel, it should be true. Chen Shu's lips twitched a few times, unable to continue.

The weather-beaten Zeng Hong was not surprised, and joked with a smile: "You go to work, I have to start wiping your ass here too. This matter has to be reported to the bureau, and I will go to the bureau to explain the situation later. "

Seeing Chen Shu leave the office, Zeng Hong, who had a smile on his face, suddenly sank down, and he, who had been calm just now, also made circles in the office.

After a long time, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hi, Lao Zhang, I'm Zeng Hong."

"Well, there was an accident in the office. It may involve the crime of dereliction of duty. Yes, the case doesn't matter, you just send someone to investigate. Can you say hello to the inspector? No, no, no relationship. This kind of case Who dares to leave the relationship?"

Chen Shu returned to the office, retrieved the contact number and work address of Qi Tiantian's parents from the public security intranet, took the case file bag, and prepared to visit.

"Boom boom boom."

Lin Fan knocked on the open office door and walked in.

"Chen Suo, I want to talk to you about something." Lin Fan looked a little nervous.

Chen Shu, who was about to go out with the file bag in his arms, paused and asked quickly, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lin Fan glanced at Chen Shu, and immediately looked at the ground again: "Chen Suo, I checked on the Internet just now, and I may go to jail in this situation."

Putting down the things in his hands, Chen Shu pulled Lin Fan who had been standing at the door and sat down on the sofa together.

"Lin Fan, you are a college student and you are self-motivated. You don't forget to study during your work breaks. This is a good thing. But in the end, why did it become a bad thing?"

Lin Fan remained silent.

"Because you didn't face up to the job at hand. From the bottom of your heart, you regard this police assistant job as a springboard for your life, thinking that it is a transition, and the final destination is the establishment or the public examination."

Lin Fan raised his head, wanting to argue about something.

Chen Shu waved his hand and stopped him: "Now that the matter has happened, don't talk about who is right and who is wrong. Our next job is to deal with the follow-up. You and I will go find the parents of the deceased later." , and strive to get their understanding, so that you can spend less or no jail time.”

Lin Fan didn't agree, but said something irrelevant: "Chen Suo, the policeman on duty, Li Chaoyang, didn't visit the detention room after midnight yesterday."

Chen Shu thought in his heart that he just took Lin Fan who was in charge of the care to apologize to the family of the deceased, which seemed more formal and sincere.

But suddenly interrupted by Lin Fan's nonsensical words, his mind didn't turn around all of a sudden: "Ah? What did you say? Say it again."

Lin Fan hesitated for a long time and did not answer, but Chen Shu, who was still thinking about how to comfort and compensate the parents of the deceased, was completely shocked by what he said later.

"Chen Suo, I checked the information on the Internet. It is said that I am an assistant policeman without a establishment, so I don't need to take responsibility. The policeman on duty yesterday was Li Chaoyang. On-duty, guarding, and inspections should be in the charge of civilian police, and it is strictly forbidden to use people who do not have the status of people's police to replace civilian police on duty."

Chen Shu watched Lin Fan take out his mobile phone from his pocket and read it word by word, feeling as if his heart was overwhelmed.

This girl has just been carried away!

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