Police Chen Shu

Chapter 600 Old Man Music

There are many shareholders behind the Sunshine Hotel, and the Horse Bureau did not recognize them all, and there is no need to recognize them all. But ten years ago, at the critical moment when he was advancing all the way on the official road and was expected to be promoted to the deputy department, someone secretly reported him anonymously during the inspection period.

Anonymity is just a formality. For old police officers like them, the whistleblower is transparent, and both the whistleblower and the reported are well aware of this.

In society, cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents; in officialdom, blocking one's promotion is equally irreconcilable.

The reason for the report is straightforward: Masuo, who was only a stock at the beginning, took advantage of his position to participate in private lending and seek a large amount of private interests.

At that time, private lending in Dongzhou was extremely developed, and higher-ranking officials had more choices to transfer assets overseas. Zhima officials like Masuo are more inclined to hand over funds to private enterprises engaged in illegal lending.

In those years, most people in the system participated in this tumultuous financial feast, the only difference was the amount of investment. Since it happened too early, the disciplinary department did not specifically issue punitive documents or notices for such incidents, and only verbally warned against participating.

Therefore, the shareholding back then was not considered a violation of discipline in the true sense, but its nature was the same as that of extramarital affairs, hook-ups, etc., and it was enough to fail the inspection. It just so happened that the horse bureau was involved, but his competitor was not, so he reported anonymously.

That time, the horse bureau missed the first level of the deputy department, and it took eight years to wait for this class. As for the whistleblower, it was a matter of course that he was handed over to the deputy department as the second supplement. This step is fast and fast. When the horse bureau is still tossing about in the branch bureau, the man has long been tired of watching the scenery from the position of the city bureau.

In the heavy atmosphere, Ju Ma fully understood Zhao Feifei's meaning.

It is unusual for the special police team to take the lead in investigating pornography-related cases, but standing behind the leader of the special police team in handling the case is Zhang Xuming, the executive deputy director of the sub-bureau.

They are also deputy directors, but Zhang Xuming, a Zhengke, is much stronger than him.

Regardless of rank and position, in Zhengming District, Zhang Xuming, as the executive of the sub-bureau, was able to wrestle with the ordinary deputy director of the city bureau.

At that time, other people will be watching who is behind Chen Shu, but who is behind Zhang Xuming!

After thinking about it, Ma Ju laughed out loud, and the old sulking anger that had settled in his heart calmed down a lot, and then he made a decision: "This matter is done, thank you."

The head of the Zhengming District Public Security Brigade, the "sister" Zhao Feifei who was previously known as a reckless officer, who was not afraid of leaders and troubles, stood up, bowed slightly, and respectfully said: "Master, I want to thank you."

Zhongshan Police Station.

They were all ready-made things. Chen Shu and Li Chaoyang finalized the action plan for Sweeping Orange A_PARTY after meeting for a while.

The time is set at ten o'clock on Friday night, which is the best day of the week for entertainment business.

This pure 3K is just the opposite of the mass-market business cycle. Because most of the business-oriented consumer groups are middle-aged people, and most of their occupations are company executives, project leaders and people from government agencies. This type of people, after doing something during the day, just come out to thank them at night, so the weekdays are the time for socializing.

In previous years, doctors were the main customers of 3K, and they also liked Friday the most. After a week of busy work, rushing to relax on Friday, the day when work and rest are handed over, has become a well-known activity arrangement since they started working.

The means are the same as usual, in two ways.

All the way, the police in plain clothes stared at the male customers who left the KTV with their female companions after 11 o'clock, and followed them all the way in plain clothes. When there are enough five or six couples of men and women to go to the hotel to open a room, they will wait for the opportunity to break the door and control it on the spot.

The standard for organizing others to sell silver is more than three people.

On the other hand, the police dressed up as ordinary people and went to the KTV for consumption. They took advantage of the singing interval to sneak around the corridor for a few laps, observed each box, and protected the computers at the front desk and the financial room before taking action, and then reported the situation to the on-site commander. Opportunities for internal and external cooperation.

The matter was almost discussed, Chen Shu got up to say goodbye, and Li Chaoyang sent him downstairs.

When the two passed the case handling area, Chen Shu couldn't help but stare at the bustling scene inside.

Since working in the special police, it has been a long time since he worked overtime overnight.

He was somewhat nostalgic: "The police still have to handle the case to have a sense of existence."

Li Chaoyang opened his bloodshot eyes, and said with a wry smile: "Brother, don't be so pretentious in front of me. If you can be transferred to a special police officer, you are willing to let me be a policeman!"

Chen Shu patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "We are all leaders, so don't talk about these children. Come on, accompany me to have a look inside."

The two walked to the detention room in the case handling area while talking and laughing.

It was still Lao Ding sitting at the door of the cage.

Lao Ding was a patrol member in Zhongshan more than 20 years ago, and he has been doing this for 20 years. With only a primary school education, he is serious and cautious in doing things, and has never made any mistakes. Later, when I got older, I was arranged to enter the internment room. Although there were three shifts, there were staring shifts, but the advantage was comfort, and I didn't have to be on duty outside in the wind and rain.

According to Lao Ding himself, he plans to stay in this job for a few more years until he retires, and then return to his hometown to provide for the elderly with peace of mind. When he has free time, he will farm or help take care of his grandchildren.

"Chen Suo, why are you here? I happen to have a special product from my hometown here, so hurry up and try it!"

Lao Ding, who was sitting upright at the door of the internment room, saw Chen Shu coming in, took out a bag from under the table with a smile on his face, opened the bag, and reached into it for something.

Then seeing Li Chaoyang who came in behind, Lao Ding's face darkened, his hands stopped moving, and he frowned and complained:

"Li Suo, now when the patrols come back from every shift, they come to me in teams to see the old man you captured, and you can't drive him away. Hey! I'm going to become a zoo, you have to take care of it! There are too many people here, and my place is small, so it's easy to go wrong!"

Li Chaoyang scratched his head in embarrassment, and handed over the bag and the cell phone involved in the case to Lao Ding for safekeeping. Then he comforted him, after all, he was the one who led the crowd back then.

After comforting Lao Ding, the two entered the cage. Chen Shu asked curiously, "Chaoyang, why does the old man ask everyone to form a group to watch?"

Li Chaoyang smiled wryly and said, "It's about the male partner in the Nvpiao-Nvchang case I told you about upstairs. Not only did I play social software on my mobile phone, but I even had a lot of times that night."

"This old man's music is also a common thing, what's so good about it?"

"The key is that this old man is almost eighty! Everyone came here to ask him what he usually eats and how he takes care of himself. Tsk, it's quite respectful."

"It really needs to be respected and respected."

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