Police Chen Shu

Chapter 616 Master and Apprentice

A_PARTY, box.

After the SWAT team took everyone outside, Chen Shu meditated alone.

The current situation is that A_PARTY's paid escort is already a certainty. The punishment for this place is nothing more than a fine and suspension of business for rectification. According to the nature, it is an administrative punishment, which can only be counted as the completion of the previous goal.

And Zhao Mingfeng from the Second Squadron arrested three couples of men and women who sold money and prostituted money in the hotel next door. If the confession is confirmed, the management of A_PARTY, including the boss, finance, manager and mommy, can be charged with organizing the sale of money. That's the point.

Generally speaking, the criminal law and the public security law are closely linked, and the division of most cases is nothing more than a matter of magnitude. For example, if the number of people selling silver is low, it will not meet the penalty threshold of the "Criminal Law", and the result will naturally be dealt with in accordance with the "Public Security Management Punishment Law".

In this case, the dividing line between the two is the number: three.

And Zhao Mingfeng caught exactly three pairs in the hotel.

Of course, this is the worst case scenario. If the other young ladies who are not in the transaction admit to the previous behavior of selling the bank and can find the man in the transaction to collect evidence, it can also be counted as evidence. But generally speaking, the handling of pornography-related cases is generally based on on-site seizures. There is no way to check back.

Thinking of this, Chen Shu woke up suddenly, realizing that he had unintentionally started looking for a way to excuse Yang Yang. Excusing him might be a little exaggerated, but at least subconsciously, he was thinking about mitigating him.

Two years ago, when Chen Shu received a report from Li Chaoyang that a policeman from Dongming Police Station had released a suspect privately in the case of EME’s paid escort, his first reaction was: Open one eye and close one eye.

The organizer of the case at the beginning was Dongming Police Station, so Chen Shu chose to turn a blind eye to the unauthorized actions of the police from other police stations. But the final result was that Yang Yang was "voluntarily resigned" after the incident, and Chen Shu, who was a third party during the period, was powerless.

Maybe when he informed Yang Yang's superiors about the matter as early as possible, Yang Yang's result might be completely different.

After thinking about it, Chen Shu took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed it to Yang Yang's old leader, Xu Chaofan, the deputy director of Dongming Police Station.

Although it was past midnight, according to the 24-hour police practice, the phone only beeped for a moment before being picked up by the other party.

"Hey, brother, why are you calling me in the middle of the night?"

"It's been so long since I haven't contacted you, but the sudden phone call probably means asking me for something."

"Haha, let me explain in advance, don't open your mouth about things that violate discipline."

"Haha, I just opened my mouth, well, I will agree to you after thinking about it."

"Hahaha! Brother, it's been a long time!"

The long-lost hearty laughter was still on the other end of the phone, but after knowing the reason for Chen Shu's visit, it was silent for a long time, and finally threw a few words over with a solemn voice.

"Wait, I'll be right over."

The effect of the assault had been achieved, and the scene of A_PARTY was firmly under the control of the police. Chen Shu reassigned the first group of people who had been put on standby at the unit to help.

After a search, as many as 30 suspects were taken out of the KTV and stuffed into a troop carrier that came from the special police brigade to assist.

Needless to say, the boss, the accountant, the manager, and Mommy, this group of key people was deliberately separated and placed in different police cars to be transported away in batches.

The highlight is the computers and ledgers in the venue, as well as a batch of mobile phones obtained through body searches in the early stage. These are extremely important physical evidence and play a decisive role in the subsequent investigation and even the judgment of the case.

During this period, some interesting things happened. For example, the owner of KTV was the first to come out and say that he wanted to see a lawyer and demand human rights, and finally he cried and called the police to beat people. Tch, this guy is definitely going to lose his head after watching too many Hong Kong movies, hold his head down!

Then there was their finances, crying and crying all the way, saying that her one-year salary was still in the company's account, and begged the police to let her pay her salary first, and let her do whatever she wanted in the future. It's funny, I'm willing to do anything, press my head!

Then came their manager, a middle-aged man with a big back. This guy looked like an old fritter who had been in the palace. When he pressed his head, he didn't say a word. Find your own way out and make excuses to prepare, press your head!

The last female floor manager, who is said to be the head of the mothers, behaved a little more normally when she was controlled, but when she knew she had committed a crime, she collapsed. Well, breaking down is the normal behavior, after all, it will take several years to get in.

The young ladies looked natural, playing with their nails or hair. They were experienced and knew that even if they were caught by the police, they would not be able to stay for a few days. Some of them only sit on the stage but do not make a show, and even go back to the rental room to sleep after recording the transcript that night, but it is a pity that the wages and commissions that were held in the venue last month were remanded.

Things are impermanent.

The KTV, which was bustling with people an hour ago, is now empty and quiet. Except for a few policemen who have turned off the water and electricity, there is not even a mouse to be found.

Standing at the door, Chen Shu couldn't help lighting a cigarette, watching the boxes inside go dark one after another, but suddenly felt a sense of irritability and disgust in his heart.

Back then when he was working in the Zhongshan Institute, he received a report that a 14-year-old girl from a certain junior high school was missing, and the parents came to call the police. The community police on duty tried all their connections but couldn't find anyone. He happened to hear that the girl was also a little girl in school, so he wanted to try Chen Shu's informant.

If you can't find a formal channel, you can only find someone to get news from wild roads. In the end, he was found, and he was caught through the scattered nets of those gangsters under Chen Shu's hands. Where did you go? It's just sitting on the stage in the running field! 14 years old!

"Chen Shu, I'm here."

A long-lost and familiar voice came from behind, interrupting Chen Shu's random thoughts. When he turned around, he saw Xu Chaofan walking towards him with a smile.

The casual clothes are still the same for thousands of years, the upper body is a shiny black jacket, and the trousers and shoes are of course the police trousers and leather shoes issued by the unit.

Chen Shu suddenly had a feeling of sympathy, and felt that the deputy director was not right.

He threw away a cigarette: "Brother Xu, you can still laugh."

"Xiao Yang is also an adult. He has to bear the path he chooses even if he is kneeling, and he can't blame others." Xu Chaofan took a few puffs of cigarettes, and when he spoke, he spoke with a nasal voice, which sounded hoarse and tired , "Besides, what can we do? We can't let him go, can we?"

Xu Chaofan's words revealed his abandonment of Yang Yang inside and out, but Chen Shu knew that if he really let go of his apprentice, he wouldn't crawl out of bed in the middle of the night and rush to Chen Shu .

A person has his own choice and way of living, especially an adult who has lived for more than 20 years, and he has to be responsible for his own decisions. There are three hundred and sixty lines in the world, Chen Shu never thinks which profession is good and which profession is bad, everyone can live a wonderful life.

But the premise of all this is not to break the law.

Chen Shu hooked his lips and pointed to Xu Chaofan's feet.

Xu Chaofan looked down, yo, although the two black leather shoes are the standard men's shoes of the police, one is a summer shoe with a lot of ventilation holes on the toe, and the other is an ordinary men's shoe with a neat toe. smooth.

This is going out in a hurry and wearing the wrong shoes.

"Chen Da, I have checked everything. There should be no mobile phone inside. Do you want to put a seal now?" Zhu Yiba came to Chen Shu with a machine that detects mobile phone signals, and took out two crumpled papers from his trouser pocket. simple seal.

"Stop it."

Chen Shu flicked the cigarette butt, still a little depressed: "Brother Xu, let's go."

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