Police Chen Shu

Chapter 636 Three women and one drama

A group of people walked out of the SWAT compound chatting and laughing. As they were going out, they happened to bump into Yan Song, the team's police dog handler, squatting on the road beside the door, followed by his good partner Da Hui.

Big Gray's ears perked up and he raised his head to see that his old friend Chen Shu was here. He snarled twice as a greeting before continuing to work hard.

No matter how good this old friend is, he is still not as good as a rice bowl.

"Yan Song, why are you taking Da Hui to eat on the side of the road? It's so dirty." Chen Chuan, who usually threw stones at Da Hui to bully him, now became concerned about Da Hui's food hygiene. .

"You have to eat this late-night snack on the roadside to feel good." Yan Song, squatting on the ground, looked at his fat friend with gentle eyes.

Does this still make sense?

But then I thought about it, it felt similar to them hanging out in the streets and drinking beer on a hot day.

Driven by curiosity, Chen Chuan poked his head over. The boss pushed the big gray dog's head to the side unceremoniously and carefully looked at the big dog's late night snack.

There were a lot of things in Da Hui's rice bowl. There are boneless chicken legs, large chunks of beef and pork, and even two whole eggs that look like steamed eggs. In addition to meat, there are fruits cut into smaller pieces and more abundant vegetables.

There is a small basin next to the rice bowl, filled with yogurt.

The glossiness and fresh appearance of these foods, combined with Yan Song's skillful hands, made Chen Chuan drool a little spinelessly at the colorful appearance.

"Isn't eating late night snacks bad for your health?" Seeing Da Hui eating heartily, Chen Shu couldn't help but remind him.

Yan Song patted his trouser legs, stood up and said, "It doesn't matter if you eat it once in a while. The main reason is that Dahui hasn't been able to sleep well in the past few days. I just want to let him have some midnight snacks at night to make him feel more comfortable when sleeping."

Eat well and sleep well, this is the simplest truth in the world.

But the question is, how did Yan Song know that Dahui couldn't sleep well at night?

For a moment, Chen Shu couldn't think of a reason to refute.

After bidding farewell to Yan Song and Da Hui, they chose a down-to-earth food stall in the nearby American City.

I chose a small box with a window, and then there was half a box of cold beer and half a box of room temperature beer. What we ate were some common dishes to go with drinks, such as salt-and-pepper shrimps and mushrooms, pickled snails, raw drunken sea cucumbers, minced pepper fish heads, and stir-fried beef with bean sprouts.

Before serving the hot dishes, the waiter brought two plates of snacks, peanuts and melon seeds. Then the four police officers opened beers and started to clear the customs. Xiao Zhao, who was working with the police for the first time, immediately followed.

Although there are only five people, as long as they can turn around in a circle, it does not prevent the men from drinking, eating and bragging. This is a way of relaxation that is unique to men.

As long as you don't get drunk, this kind of entertainment is actually quite cost-effective.

Being able to drink with policeman Chen Shu only existed in Xiao Zhao's reverie before. Now that it has come true, he has even more random thoughts. Especially when I've been hungry all day and haven't filled my stomach with anything, I've already downed two bottles of beer.

The hungry stomach tightened and the alcohol rushed to his head like a rocket.

Xiao Zhao said with a rough tongue: "Officer Chen, you are a great hero, I admire you."

Chen Shu smiled slightly, waved his hand, and said politely: "It's just a job, no big deal. I think."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Zhao slapping the table: "Officer Chen Chen, I respect you as a good man."

This hot dish hasn’t even been served yet. Are you drunk?

Chen Shu glanced at the instigator, Chen Chuan, who had been finding various reasons to clink glasses with Xiao Zhao before.

What is the drinking capacity of a person like Chen Chuan who hangs out in bars every night? Even if ten Xiao Zhaos came up one after another, none of them would be his match.


Xiao Zhao stood up with a red face, slapped his hand on the table again, and said with a rough neck: "But you are not a man!"


Chen Chuan and Zhu Yiba both shot their sharp gazes over, their eyes filled with approval and their frequent nods, which were just short of giving Xiao Zhao a compliment in person.

Zhang Qing is also a gossip, and he is also strongly agreeing in his heart at this moment, but on the surface he is still staring down at the wine in the glass, pretending that he has not heard anything, but his ears are very high.

After working in the public security system for so many years, Chen Shu had always been the go-to person at dinner parties, but now he was a little speechless. He knew what Xiao Zhao meant, but feelings were always a two-way affair, so there was no reason for others to force him.

Just like Chen Shu riding a motorcycle with Zhang Yang earlier, he also had feelings in his heart first. But they had an unpleasant discussion about career and responsibility during the meal. Although the two finally recovered their harmony, some things are inconsistent, that is, they are inconsistent. If they just get together, they may not be happy.

"Sister Yang. Sister Yang is such a resolute and decisive person on weekdays. She can handle all kinds of challenges calmly. She is the one who supports everything on and off the stage for the program team. In fact, we Everyone knows how much pressure she is under." Xiao Zhao choked on her words and looked straight towards the window.

"Such a strong woman became gentle and considerate after meeting you. She began to pay attention to your every move. As soon as she heard the news that you were on a mission, she became nervous and startled. Nothing like the very independent Sister Yang we knew before."

Chen Chuan and Zhu Yiba glanced at Chen Shu meaningfully.

Zhang Qing took a deep breath. This was all the gossip of the brigade leader. If he had to go to work tomorrow, he wouldn't be able to find those big enemies and sell him a few bottles of drinks? Ah, no, I have to get a few packets of Huazi!

Xiao Zhao put his hands on the table and continued unsteadily: "Others can't see it, but I can see it clearly. Although Sister Yang's character has changed, she has not completely lost her strong nature. In When facing difficulties and challenges, she can still show decisiveness and determination that are no less than your men."

You men?

Several viewers seemed to grasp an important point that didn't seem like the main point.

After a pause, Xiao Zhao grabbed the wine glass in front of him and drank it down, wiped his mouth and said: "But I know that Sister Yang has become weak and dependent since she met you. I think this is a good thing, Yang Sister is too tired, running around every day to solve problems for those people, but with a population of several million in Dongzhou City, how can she be the one to take the lead in everything?

"She will also be tired, and she also needs a haven. I have always believed that love can change a person. No matter what this change looks like, the result must be to make people warmer and happier!"


Chen Chuan picked up the wine glass and stood up, walked to Xiao Zhao and put his arms around his neck, saying loudly: "Well said, come on, Master Xiao Zhao, I'll toast you!"

After Xiao Zhao finished drinking, Zhu Yiba also raised his glass: "Chen Da is a blind man, ignore him. Brother Xiao Zhao, I will do it first as a courtesy!"

Zhang Qing also raised his glass, smiled, and said, "I'll just accompany you."

After some back and forth, Xiao Zhao completely lay down on the table and made no more noise.

At this time, the first hot dish finally arrived.

Chen Chuan picked up a shrimp mushroom and bit it in one bite. He chewed it and asked, "Shu, what should I do with this little brother?"

Chen Shu couldn't laugh or cry: "You got someone drunk and you asked me what to do? Send them home quickly!"

Chen Chuan put another shrimp mushroom into Chen Shu's bowl, took another one for himself, and continued to bite it: "He said what I really meant, and I was sincere and sincere in offering him a few glasses of wine." Yes. Yiba, what do you think of Xiao Zhao’s words of ‘you are not a man’?”

"That's a good scolding. It's a good scolding." Zhu Yiba drank a cup alone and said with a smile, "I heard that our Chen Da has three or four confidantes. Isn't this a bit too scumbag?"

"That's right. I think this title of 'Mr. Chen' will have to be given to you in the future." Chen Chuan clapped his hands and laughed, his face full of teasing expressions.

"Three women in a play, four women in a martial arts scene? It should be quite lively in the team in the future." Seeing the atmosphere, Zhang Qing just nodded with his neck curled up, for fear that others would think he was mute.

Chen Shu was speechless.

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