Police Chen Shu

Chapter 657

Chen Shu arranged for Chen Chuan to go to each squadron for roll call, and then go to the gun warehouse to collect the guns, while Zhu Yiba went to the vehicle in the parking lot to check the police equipment.

Then, Chen Shu immediately rushed to the command room.

At the top of the stairs, they met Li Da, the team leader who also came in a hurry. The two of them looked at each other and didn't know what was going on.

Entering the command room, the duty leader Yang Chang reported: "I just received a notice that three K elements suspected of murder were sitting on the bus coming to our Dongzhou from Jiujiang City. They are expected to arrive in our jurisdiction in two hours. Shuangyu Passenger Transport Center. The branch asked all of us to dispatch and rush to the Shuangyu station station immediately."

Li Da nodded and discussed with Chen Shu: "Although you will be in charge today, this matter involves K elements and is of great importance, so I have to lead the team."

Xie Chi, the deputy instructor of the brigade, happened to take annual leave to travel abroad. At this time, the only brigade leaders of the Zhengming brigade were Li Da and Chen Shu.

According to regulations, a brigade leader must be retained to take charge of the unit.

Chen Shu's heart sank. In the past few nights, he kept dreaming about the drone in the NJ wilderness, so he subconsciously thought that the Kryptonian must be coming for him.

Although it couldn't be such a coincidence, Chen Shu was sure that the Krypton element would come to light sooner or later because of the drone whose traces and information they were unable to determine afterwards.

With his mind wandering, Chen Shu felt like he was carrying a heavy weight and said solemnly: "Li Da, you will be transferred to the legal department soon. At this time, we must not make the slightest mistake. I am on duty today, so I will lead the team to dispatch the police out of emotion and reason. It should be."

Li Da was a rough guy, and he acted based on his heart and preferences. He said carelessly: "I don't want to go to that kind of legal system. It's better to stay in the special police."

Chen Shu knew what Li Da was thinking, and 90% of the time this kind of alarm would not be a good thing. Li Da was already old and was assigned to work as an instructor in the legal system, so from his perspective, these matters that may bring about responsibilities and accidents should be handled by him, an old man who is ready to step back.

There is no need for a young man like Chen Shu, who has a bright future, to take such a risk.

Although he was grateful for Li Da's kindness, Chen Shu pondered for a moment and then persuaded: "Li Da, that's what I think. If there is a critical task, I think it will be the detachment and them. We will probably stand around and be on guard, or... The kind of place outside the third and fourth rings only prevents people from coming in, so there shouldn’t be any big problems.”

Li Da laughed: "Since there can't be any problems, wouldn't it be better for me to go?"

The reality will indeed be as Chen Shu said. If a terrorist incident occurs in Dongzhou City, the first echelon of handling them will not be the turn of district and county special patrol brigade like them. The detachment will 100% be responsible. Directly under the responsibility of the First Brigade (including the Assault Squadron).

Then arranged in order are the mobile brigade, patrol brigade, etc. As soon as they slipped down, they were already close to the main force of 200 special police officers, and they were all officially established police officers who could carry guns. The police force was not insufficient.

But for some reason, Chen Shu always felt that the K elements coming from afar were related to him. With a strong sense of justice and responsibility, he would never allow himself to retreat behind others.

Moreover, Xiaoqiang also died at the hands of K elements.

Therefore, whether it was from the perspective of a policeman or a friend, Chen Shu had a deep hatred for the K elements, and it could be said that he was already in a life-and-death situation.

Chen Shu looked directly at Li Da and said in a deep voice: "Li Da, I went to NJ a few days ago and had a head-on conflict with the K elements. I have reason to believe that they are here for me this time."

Yang Chang, who had been standing silently by the side, felt a turmoil in his heart.

Even though he had retired from the field force, he felt a little out of breath at this moment.

All reasons are due to the word "conflict" that Chen Shu just mentioned.

A few days after Chen Shu returned from NJ, a message went viral in the WeChat group of Yang Chang's comrades: a coastal Xinjiang aid special policeman single-handedly used bombs to massacre dozens of armed K elements.

At that time, a photo was also attached, which was a photo near a cave in the desolate Gobi Mountains.

I saw two policemen lying next to the cave entrance. One was an XJ local police officer wearing a police uniform with the word "Special Investigation" printed on it, and the other was wearing a green military coat, looking like an armed policeman.

But because the distance was a bit far away, I couldn't see his face clearly.

The focus of everyone's discussion was which corps the armed policeman came from.

Because it is generally believed that a special police officer with a background as a public servant cannot have the strength and courage to challenge the murderous K elements who are armed to the teeth.

At that time, Yang Chang even asked Chen Shu about this matter. After all, including this time period, there was still a lot of overlap between the two.

The result, of course, was denial.

He didn't take it to heart. After all, just as he and his comrades analyzed in the group, how could the special police who were accustomed to the comfort of the coast have such courage? The person in the photo could only be an armed police special agent.

At this moment, Yang Chang has been following Chen Shu for more than a year. It is rare to see him be so solemn, and a terrible storm is brewing in his solemnity.

Perhaps sensing Chen Shu's seriousness, Li Da, who originally wanted to make a joke, stopped thinking and finally nodded and agreed to Chen Shu's request to fight.

Five minutes later, the Zhengming SWAT team set off and rushed to the scene.

After arriving at the designated location, there were seven or eight police vehicles parked beside the guard box. In addition to the common patrol cars from the police station, there were also several branch office vehicles parked outside.

Chen Shu glanced at it and knew that no one from the city bureau had returned it.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhang Xuming, the executive deputy director of the Zhengming branch, sitting at the top. The leader of the Municipal Bureau has not yet arrived, so he should take charge of the work first.

"Chen Shu."

Zhang Xuming stood up, walked quickly to Chen Shu, smiled and patted his shoulder: "I guess you will come, and I will feel relieved when you come. Where is Li Da? Are you here too?"


The room full of branch offices and leaders all looked over with astonishment on their faces.

As the executive deputy director, he was so close to the deputy captain of the special police force and clearly expressed his reliance in front of everyone.

Then a leader of a certain brigade who roughly knew the inside story quickly told Chen Shu what had happened in the past few years, especially the first-class merit that was about to be approved.

That is something related to the western province and the western territory.

Then a few days ago, Bureau Wang, the executive deputy director of the municipal bureau, took the leaders of several important business offices of the municipal bureau to the special police brigade to visit Chen Shu on the pretext of inspecting the live short video.


Everyone understood, and the eyes they looked at Chen Shu were like looking at a rising star, and they no longer had the same doubts as before.

Chen Shu straightened his back and replied: "We thanked the teacher for taking annual leave, so there was no one in the team, so we asked Li Da to stay."

Zhang Xuming also asked casually, he really didn't care whether Li Da came or not. With the killing god Chen Shu here, he Zhengming Branch really deserved the three Kryptonians who came from far away.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

The three energetic sounds of the word "good" clearly and unmistakably expressed Zhang Ju's expectations and determination to win.

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