Police Chen Shu

Chapter 659 City Bureau King Bureau

After the meeting came around in a circle, the leader of the special police detachment, Yao Zhi, talked about a tactic that could be used as a reference. This was also a video that he had just returned from attending a training in the provincial capital and happened to record it on the classroom projection screen.

He was originally planning to bring it back to be used as a teaching material for the reconnaissance and training brigade, but he did not expect to encounter this critical moment. Yao Zhi had to feel that this was fate, and he did not embarrass the special police.

While I still have some memory, I can only remember it roughly. At his level and as the oldest person in the unit, how could he still study hard like those big-headed soldiers? This is not professional.

Fortunately, I still remember the title.

"Bus Anti-Hijacking Drill"

Yao Zhi stumbled through the contents of the meeting, but fortunately he still remembered most of it. He explained while looking at his mobile phone, and finally smoothed things over.

But the special police detachment leader's unconfident stuttering performance made the deputy director even more unsure.

On the way here, he checked the handling of such matters on his mobile phone, and what he remembered most was this passage: It is said that in China, the special police in the capital, Shanghai, mountain cities and NJ are the real special police.

The SWAT teams established in other small and medium-sized cities are very ordinary. Those SWAT team members are drawn from ordinary police officers, and then issued with SWAT combat uniforms and become SWAT members. The personnel have not received professional training at all, and they have no special police title.

Therefore, when he first saw commando captain Zhang Zhongzhen, the deputy director was still shocked, thinking that the Dongzhou special police might still be capable.

As a result, after the routine just now, this kid was so stupid that he could only stand and shout slogans. This intelligence made the deputy director's mood drop to the bottom.


The door was opened forcefully, and a huge fat man broke in.

The deputy director, whose brows were almost wrinkled, was so excited that he almost cried when he saw this person. They say a friend in need is a friend indeed, and the deputy director was really sad to have this happen to him on his first day on duty.

He had just been transferred from a government department, but several other deputy directors who had been working as public security officers for decades pushed him out because of the rule that the duty monitor should be the leader.

It was true that he didn't understand the public security work, but he knew clearly in his heart how much responsibility he had for K, but the deputy directors asked him to take the responsibility.

The deputy director stood up, hurriedly ran to the door, held the big fat man in his hands with both hands, and said excitedly: "Director Wang, you are here."

Because they were so excited, they all used their honorifics.

The person who came was naturally the executive deputy director of the municipal bureau, the king of the bureau who had more than ten thousand people under one person, Executive Wang.

I would like to add in private that he was promoted from the position of traffic police detachment leader and he also knows nothing about counter-terrorism work. But he came, steadily.

He rushed over to the cases that others were afraid of taking on in an open and honest manner. It seemed that he came here just for the credit, as if this was another piece of pie-in-the-sky good luck.

As Director Wang who had just been promoted from the traffic police detachment to the bureau leader, he encountered a price hijacking case at the old railway station on his first day on duty, so he naturally felt sad.

He felt the same and said: "Haha, I'm here. Brother, I know your suffering. It's unlucky for you to have this kind of thing happen to you on your first day on duty. Don't worry, now that I'm here, I'll leave the things here to you. I’m here, if anything happens, come to me!”

The deputy director had runny nose and tears.

The leader must be reliable. With such a big structure and such a great spirit, it’s no wonder he can be the executive. This is what it should be!

After comforting the other party, Director Wang stretched his slightly invisible neck and shouted loudly: "Chen Shu, where is Chen Shu! Where are you! Come here quickly!"

Chen Shu, it’s normal!

The previous group of Zhengming branch leaders who saw Zhang Xuming, the branch manager's enthusiastic treatment of Chen Shu, finally had a little bit of immunity after their jaw-dropping experience.

At this time, when I saw the various detachments of the Municipal Bureau present here, and the big bosses who usually couldn't pull each other around asked each other who this Chen Shu was, I couldn't help but secretly feel proud in my heart.

After all, he is still a police officer from their Zhengming branch!

Several leaders of the Zhengming branch immediately went to the superiors of their respective business lines and recounted the previously obtained news, adding their own analysis and inferences.

The hot dish of Special Police Officer Chen Shu has now reached the level of the city bureau.

Hey, it's him!

No wonder, it seems that this matter can definitely be solved!

After receiving the explanations from the heads of each brigade under their branches, the detachment bosses felt a little hopeful in their hearts.

Chen Shu, who was originally hiding behind Zhang Xuming, was pushed out as expected.

Director Wang took the seat at the head instead of the deputy director and waved for Chen Shu to sit next to him.

Before the meeting officially started, he leaned close to Chen Shu's ear and whispered: "Chen Shu, I know what you are doing in NJ, so I will fully support you. You can do whatever you want."

Xiaoqiang's face appeared in his mind again, and Chen Shu felt that it was time for him to settle this matter.

He took a deep breath and did not refuse: "Wang Ju, thank you."

A word of thank you is to express gratitude to the other party for entrusting such an important task to him, a deputy captain of the special police team at the district and county level, and it also shows that he has calmly accepted the task assigned to him by the organization.

When he received the news at the special police compound, Chen Shu had already made the strongest psychological preparations for himself; after listening to the entire information at the Shuangyu post office, he simulated countless actions in his mind without mentioning it for a moment. plan.

It was as if, for such a long time since returning from NJ, he had been waiting for today!

At this moment, Chen Shu stood up and stood out among the sitting detachment leaders.

He was recommended by Bureau Wang. If there is a problem, he will be the first to contact Bureau Wang. However, if the case is really solved, part of the credit will be given to the person who recommended him.

This is both a credit and a compliment to the executive.

Special police detachment leader Yao Zhisuan reacted quickly and was the first to jump out: "I suggest that Chen Shu be the on-site commanding officer."


Is this guy going to give it to him just as the on-site commander says?

Over the years, who has ever seen a deputy unit serving as on-site command?

It is said that special police officers have mellow brains, so they were the first to give out this big free gift.

The bosses of the other detachments looked at Wang Ju, who was sitting at the top, smiling and keeping silent. They knew that this matter must be passed, and everyone immediately followed suit.

"Chen Shu came back from NJ and has a lot of experience in dealing with K elements. I also agree that Chen Shu will be the on-site command." The deputy leader of the economic investigation detachment has nothing to do with this matter, but he grasped the opportunity to show his face well. .

"Although Chen Shu has never worked in our criminal investigation line, I know that several murder cases with serious consequences were solved by him. Therefore, this K-related case caused by the murder case in the hotel in the city was handed over. Give it to Chen Shu, I feel relieved." The captain of the criminal investigation detachment had been holding back half of his fart in the corner for fear of attracting other people's attention. Now he was uncharacteristically speaking and spoke enthusiastically, which made people sigh with emotion.

"There was a hostage-taking case at the train station. It was Chen Shu who single-handedly rescued the hostages. Therefore, in a passenger transport center that is similar to a public relations venue today, Chen Shu's response plan must be the most appropriate, and we will definitely cooperate fully." A captain of the Zhengming branch first glanced at his manager Zhang and saw that his mouth was raised to the base of his ears. With some understanding, he decisively stood up and represented the opinions of Chen Shu's branch.

The temporary command center's morale was extremely high, as if there was an easy victory coming soon.

Wang Ju nodded with satisfaction, proud of his arrival to turn things around.

Chen Shu, silently.

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